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Shelf Life Testing:
L/]B7ba!` _0Procedures and Prediction Methods for Frozen食品伙伴个性空间A:W/z@5a%~m
Bin Fu食品伙伴个性空间k})di Tv\
Kellogg's Battle Creek MI
r+hBi.Tt0Theodore P. Labuza食品伙伴个性空间&Y6N"}U Zh8d
Dept. of Food Science & Nutrition, University of Minnesota食品伙伴个性空间;k Uv%yeu U
1334 Eckles Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108
s1Mv{P S02食品伙伴个性空间i)h0xN2gMk
19.1 Introduction
w:\${~Zk^$N0The shelf life of a food can be defined as the time period within which the food is safe
,M b!L#JI q0to consume and/or has an acceptable quality to consumers. Just like any other food,食品伙伴个性空间4V/q9v6r I T2f3ep
frozen foods deteriorate during storage by different modes or mechanisms, as
xX h-A9o n)w0summarized in Table 1. Microbes usually are not a problem since they cannot grow at食品伙伴个性空间0Ti;i%W$g*Q
freezing temperatures unless subjected to extensive temperature abuse above the
'mnm!P0ez9RL4p0freezing point. Enzymes are a big concern for frozen foods, which can cause flavor食品伙伴个性空间#y"j2R#p"PUEQ
change (lipoxygenase) in non-blanched fruits and vegetables and accelerated食品伙伴个性空间+j8Z3\t;fI A'Ax
deterioration reactions in meat and poultry (enzymes released from disrupted
l%f:q5g,Ut7Pl5s g0membranes during precooking). Cell damage or protein and starch interactions during
[+C'f@p:YVT(W0freezing cause drip and mushiness upon thawing. Discoloration could occur by nonenzymatic食品伙伴个性空间(Y;y5o9qs+sVy!t
browning, bleaching, and freezer burn. Vitamin C loss is often a major食品伙伴个性空间XB8J"i0b&b'[c
concern for frozen vegetables. Physical changes, such as package ice formation,
5vqyb8h6K n5O,o a0moisture loss, emulsion destabilization, recrystallization of sugars and ice of frozen
v1{)Pae;?lA0desserts are often accelerated by fluctuating temperatures.
Sa#F/e b0For any specific frozen product, which mode determines its shelf life, depends
-Rr8UA1u8X~"]-U^w0on the product characteristics (raw materials, ingredients, formulation), pre-freezing食品伙伴个性空间 F)o:q@&_EL%m!M
treatment, freezing process, packaging film and processes, and of course storage食品伙伴个性空间6w;Mf)^-Vd3{
conditions. All of the quality deterioration and potential hazards are usually食品伙伴个性空间,`uWw-j:P:E'r
exaggerated or complicated by a fluctuating time-temperature environment (e.g.食品伙伴个性空间 oSd9[8J w F[X
freeze/thaw cycle) during storage. On the other hand, the shelf life of a frozen food食品伙伴个性空间 QjTmi0x
can be extended through ingredient selection, process modification and change of食品伙伴个性空间Qw!NUeIs
package or storage conditions, as discussed in Section 3 of this book.
4dX k@g#]0This chapter will focus on shelf life testing of frozen foods for product
7c_Zu0WT8XB0development and market practices. Shelf life testing consists basically of selecting the
0C*A,G yy-N,K ?0quality characteristics which deteriorate most rapidly in time and the mathematical
r&j-j@{)d6MWC0modeling of the change. Table 19.1 can be used as a reference for the selection of
h%j g.b;e$X(B0quality characteristics, which depends on the specific product and usually requires食品伙伴个性空间}'?*ux VV7f
professional judgment. Mathematical modeling of quality deterioration will be食品伙伴个性空间9v q"~_n?I
discussed next.
zL!I T#U)US03食品伙伴个性空间CVIm"P/B Hg
Table 19.1 Deterioration modes of frozen foods食品伙伴个性空间 Q+Gc2Z*}!v
Frozen Foods Deterioration Modes食品伙伴个性空间*Q.BHf9K4Rp*kM
Frozen meats, poultry and seafood Rancidity食品伙伴个性空间3j^JE?
Toughening (protein denaturation)
Nr-`e#kd0^f`0Desiccation (freezer burn)食品伙伴个性空间|'{mWZN Y
Frozen fruits and vegetables Loss of nutrients (vitamins)
O9?^C6f0Loss of texture (temperature abuse)
qg9VkpH Y0Loss of flavor (lipoxygenase, peroxidase)
wSB#LOH0Loss of tissue moisture (forming package ice)
_+Y,Msb%[ Q!V @0Discoloration
-J p}^viZqLJF0Frozen concentrated juices Loss of nutrients (vitamins)食品伙伴个性空间if*Pv6n-d H!O5Q/d
Loss of flavor
raki]X(V0Loss of cloudiness
2K/Q+a2A(n0Yeast growth (upon temperature abuse)
$A6`1H7n)Kj)~(\0Frozen dairy products
c$J,t)Yj&l4a0(ice cream, yogurt, etc.)
dP_qL0Iciness (recrystallization of ice crystals)
k%{s#An2v,_F7](QE:k0Sandiness (lactose crystallization)
8Yl'Lq"_Mqe:P0Loss of flavor食品伙伴个性空间%X6swS!^8i%K}m
Disruption of emulsion system
3`hsob BUw4X^sQ0Frozen convenience foods Rancidity in meat portions食品伙伴个性空间3D/Ic"e:C] n/p
Weeping and curdling of sauces食品伙伴个性空间:X vH[JnR
Loss of flavor食品伙伴个性空间?,U-X{A|-H P'L
'zd7r nn&L0Package ice食品伙伴个性空间VW"T&@$F&U\}
Frozen bakery products (raw dough,食品伙伴个性空间A/X(v7V)l{MN#k
bread, croissants)食品伙伴个性空间1rk3wGGH
Burst can (upon temperature abuse) (dough)
N;gB-Q t1_~*p0Loss of fermentation capability (dough)食品伙伴个性空间.y(FM1Y6Zz9SP
Staling (becoming leathery)食品伙伴个性空间1|Bi eW/m_ p
Loss of fresh aroma食品伙伴个性空间*m8B1} BtA Ku
19.2 Modeling of quality deterioration
N`*@UG^I+_ G^#l019.2.1 Basic equation食品伙伴个性空间5h$} oXR r
A frozen food starts to degrade once it is produced (Figure 19.1). The rate and
O;nq!V,} C,i-S0the degree of degradation depends on both the composition and the environmental食品伙伴个性空间p7UXa'~(G
conditions during storage and distribution. In general, the loss of food quality or shelf食品伙伴个性空间uNY A7n1g)M6\
life is evaluated by measuring a characteristic quality index, "A". The change of quality食品伙伴个性空间c%m.jXK;z)G7b} T
index A with time (dA/dt) can usually be represented by the following kinetic equation:
GVha!wL"UNcc"xv0- dA/dt = k An (19.1)食品伙伴个性空间[2Z,t`/U}-U+s
where k is called a rate constant depending on temperature, product and packaging
sJ @Lx [`0characteristics; n is a power factor called reaction order which defines whether the rate食品伙伴个性空间[n-K*W/I1`%F o
4? An%t:[ H Pp0of change is dependent on the amount of A present. If environmental factors are held食品伙伴个性空间} G`:F|?:rJ.`
constant, n also determines the shape of deterioration curve.
y)m\ tY0Ao食品伙伴个性空间/Zit&Q'I
A a食品伙伴个性空间$Gu8BEC
PE&tlas8Z}0c食品伙伴个性空间3Lv(F.d;[ w
wP"}%}wX a n0d
o.m1@(PAh0Figure 19.1 Quality deterioration curves: a) linear; b) exponential;食品伙伴个性空间7c#j1R?{
c) hyperbolic; d) quadratic; e) complex.食品伙伴个性空间]2CXF/hWBH
19.2.2 Zero and first order kinetics
,CI,T^:i0Equation 19.1 can also be written as:
}OwpU2Zr0f(A) = k t (19.2)
9YF;e\:a+^ Ijy*f0where f(A) is the quality function, k and t are the same as above. The form of f(A)
8[6|_^.`n#v0depends on the value of n. When n is equal to zero it is called zero order reaction
N.t3H_\4H#W0kinetics, which implies that the rate of loss of quality is constant under constant食品伙伴个性空间 i!?bg4S;BN+q!ZS
environmental conditions (curve (a) in Fig. 19.1). If n is equal to one it is called first食品伙伴个性空间,_1t n,y&I,Xpv9b
order reaction kinetics, which results in an exponential decrease in rate of loss as食品伙伴个性空间#K:ck n#X&J
quality decreases (curve (b) in Fig. 19.1, which becomes a straight line if plotted on a食品伙伴个性空间|%P9n2H0r+}\
semi-log plot). These quality functions can be expressed as follows:食品伙伴个性空间H+l.q.gX;]9n
f(A) = Ao - A = kzt zero order (19.3a)食品伙伴个性空间y-db&bx.YR+g
f(A) = ln Ao - ln A = kft first order (19.3b)
qn0D/X$i n x'EG05食品伙伴个性空间t3uk8xij
where Ao is the initial quality value. If Ae corresponds to the quality value at the end of食品伙伴个性空间ns{"RW(Fp$A _I
shelf life, the shelf life (q) of the food is inversely proportional to the rate食品伙伴个性空间i k6~f;w9]+W_J
@Y*a fq*b0q = (Ao - Ae) / kz zero order (19.4a)食品伙伴个性空间F_#M.N]@O4a}f
q = ln (Ao/Ae) / kf first order (19.4b)食品伙伴个性空间Ne f*y_q
It should be noted that most chemical reactions leading to quality loss in frozen食品伙伴个性空间Q C{"^ f)R*Z}KL:J;\
food systems are much more complex. However, the reaction kinetics can be
I P B'~7^z J0simplified into either pseudo-zero order or pseudo-first order kinetics. In the case of
rAJ!u Z*J0complex reaction kinetics with respect to reactants, an intermediate or a final product食品伙伴个性空间Ld3E TIw8BT,t\5{
(e.g. peroxides or hexanal in lipid oxidation ) could be used as a quality index. There
&b7YF4A_0are few cases where neither zero nor first order kinetics apply. Curve (c) in Fig. 19.1
nYq0J:I6{Fs"p0shows the degradation curve for a 2nd order reaction (with single reactant), which also食品伙伴个性空间?L$c!_w2i
shows a straight on a semi-log paper. A fractional order should be used to describe食品伙伴个性空间Bh h$`4in7ocr
the curve (d) in Fig. 19.1.
#CrV.F N n0Sometimes, there is an induction period or lag time before the quality
9kiSt'|U4h z!g0deterioration begins (e.g. browning pigment formation in the Maillard reaction or a食品伙伴个性空间6H A?;ZeB/u.j
microbial growth lag phase, as shown in curve (e) in Fig. 19.1. The length of the lag食品伙伴个性空间sn3}&T:q+js
depends on many factors, but temperature is a predominant factor. Given this,
H`^mfy LX(L0modeling of both the induction or lag period and deterioration phase are necessary for食品伙伴个性空间&u0I3rr4Uh6u'DG
accurate prediction of quality loss or shelf life remaining. An example of such work has食品伙伴个性空间3F'u{ {2X-L Z9X$?
been demonstrated by Fu et al. (1991) for the growth of bacteria in milk.
n)BP2Xs!j%_0o.s0In certain circumstances (e.g. A represents a sensory hedonic score), a nonkinetic
+]8Cd!\;r-Oxq&|0approach, e.g. a statistical data fitting technique can also be used to describe食品伙伴个性空间A6l)nCr
the deterioration curves. Varsanyi and Somogyi (1983) found that the change in
K1o)D]2];jg e*fh0quality characteristics as a function of time could be approximately described with食品伙伴个性空间&E IzN&Y
linear, quadratic and hyperbolic functions and that storage temperature and packing
@|}K1h?{5ooZ o A0conditions affected the shape of the deterioration curves. However, the parameters食品伙伴个性空间taL4c)Ge
determined by data fitting are difficult to use for prediction under variable storage食品伙伴个性空间4]zY+N!o$T(i7R
conditions except for the linear curve.食品伙伴个性空间vN2V7R8@j
19.2.3 Temperature dependence of deterioration rate食品伙伴个性空间_Pj.hO Arrhenius kinetics
/G[e+`i0Once a frozen product is made and packaged and starts its journey from the食品伙伴个性空间`\aFmkPp ?
manufacturer's plant to warehouse, distribution center, retail store and finally
consumer's freezer, the rate of quality loss is primarily temperature dependent食品伙伴个性空间/Re[ I8I1s9L
(Zaritzky, 1982). The Arrhenius relationship is often used to describe the temperature
&M*l+E8v'vm0dependence of deterioration rate where for either zero or first order:
7A M)T]E+^&LAk0k = ko exp (-Ea/RT) (19.5a)
O{k4aq'mN4m0or ln k = ln ko - Ea/(RT) (19.5b)
`"s4`zvT"h0p0where ko is a pre-exponential factor; Ea is an activation energy in cal/mol; R is the gas食品伙伴个性空间 |:LSnG,uW
constant in cal/mol K and equal to 1.986; T is an absolute temperature in K (273 + °C).
Ff/Hd7B1O4}#T_+i C0Thus, a plot of the rate constant on semi-log paper as a function of reciprocal absolute
xJ2cP+U`0temperature (1/T) gives a straight line as shown as Fig. 19.2. The activation energy is
1UBb F[J+gI0determined from the slope of the line (divided by the gas constant R). A steeper slope食品伙伴个性空间/^ H-I[2} I
means the reaction is more temperature sensitive, i.e., a small change in T produces
^I!Hd'XU0are large change in rate.
6L m1V|#X1NRG0Figure 19.2 Arrhenius plot
E {w](x,yl0ln k食品伙伴个性空间V!L8j"{ OQh`R
slope = -Ea/R食品伙伴个性空间-ZED-N[w'Cxk
Thus, by studying a deterioration process and measuring the rate of loss at two食品伙伴个性空间oHXm*YR
or three temperatures (higher than storage temperature), one could then extrapolate食品伙伴个性空间a Au-rv9@%c
on an Arrhenius plot with a straight line to predict the deterioration rate at the desired食品伙伴个性空间0v8hL"IP&lqz
storage temperature. This is the basis for accelerated shelf life testing (ASLT), which食品伙伴个性空间NO:ril%@o,h'}&nr
will be discussed later. One should note however that in some cases a straight line
Z+o6hh.w&@2S"P0will not ensue for a variety of reasons, especially if a phase change occurs (Labuza食品伙伴个性空间o~3N:\{|
7食品伙伴个性空间@;B%C6Q CI$V
and Riboh, 1982). Thus for frozen foods, extrapolation from temperatures above 0¥C食品伙伴个性空间)Y_/K'GQ[RV
are meaningless for shelf life prediction.
;^'s;ATUvc019.2.3.2 WLF kinetics
jf^ sY&tT8nB*{W0Besides the Arrhenius equation, another popular equation at least in the more recent食品伙伴个性空间"{J\uq
food literature, is the Williams Landau Ferry (WLF) model (Williams et al., 1955). Its
-W5zv\{9H6L"Bd0original form was based on the variation of the viscosity in the temperature range食品伙伴个性空间F`7a4jZS4^%Wz C
above Tg as addressed in Chapter 3. When the rate constant at Tg' is substituted for Tg
_'T:@r:NH%B L nw,f t0(Tg' is the Tg of a maximally freeze-concentrated system), the WLF model can be食品伙伴个性空间u6ta}!}?
written as follows:食品伙伴个性空间#mV#Dg$_3~
log (kT/kg) = C1(T-Tg')/[(C2+(T-Tg')] (19.6a)
{9`9R E/hAN\0or [log (kT/kg)]-1 = (C2/C1)/(T-Tg') + 1/C1 (19.6b)
OO;C"Z [/G\0where C1 and C2 are constants. Thus a plot of [log (kT/kg)]-1 vs. (T-Tg)-1 will be a食品伙伴个性空间^,k9Z LO_
straight line with the slope equal to C2/C1 and the intercept equal to 1/C1. As can be食品伙伴个性空间8l+nzOei iZ
seen this is a two parameter temperature dependent model as is the Arrhenius食品伙伴个性空间+JBt;r.x'|2J
*e? hugYO0Frozen foods stored below Tg' are stable to ice recrystallization and other食品伙伴个性空间 MIg1EQ n2b
physical changes. Levine and Slade (1988) postulated that stability is related to the食品伙伴个性空间Sw}:R4HB
temperature difference between storage temperature and Tg'. This cryostabilization of
i6_"zr#}0foods assumes stability below Tg' and rapid decrease of stability above Tg' according食品伙伴个性空间.D*EzI3lC(?a%L
to the WLF relationship, exhibiting an increase in reaction rate, much higher than食品伙伴个性空间Eo)K o&v s(k5qiM
expected from the Arrhenius kinetics. However, this may not be true since the rate of食品伙伴个性空间*p*qW#nsl T^DC
chemical reactions can be expected to be influenced by temperature increase in a食品伙伴个性空间ahk1bf9Us
complex way: (i) an increase of the rate constant, resulting from both the viscosity
[L$x][!N0decrease and the increased molecular mobility (Fennema 1996); (ii) a decrease of the食品伙伴个性空间 F@0u/B#\'t^w
reaction rate as a consequence of the increasing dilution of the reactants Roos et al.
[.y [ pA0(1996). For these reasons, it seems that the WLF model over predicts the temperature
O+]@FY0effect of rate constant (Simatos et al., 1989). As noted by Nelson and Labuza (1994),食品伙伴个性空间 JJ7MO m vMf
because of the small temperature range over which foods are stored, e.g., about D30°C食品伙伴个性空间||-yY$af|2v
for dry foods and D20°C for frozen foods, both the Arrhenius and the WLF model give
:ij(q-s0h%{ M1N R.H0good correlations as long as one does not use the universal coefficients suggested by食品伙伴个性空间 }(U'X(a:\\ Xp3h Ld U
Slade and Levine (1991). In fact as shown by Nelson and Labuza (1994), their use of
)e L/BP `;C2r0the Lim and Reid (1991) data for enzymatic activity in the frozen state as shown in 19.3
`jvU`B&Dqh0is not proof that the Arrhenius relationship does not apply, WLF was assumed because
bfkk`JPk0the rate was negligible below -10°C which was the measured Tg. But as seen in
Figure 19.3b if the data is plotted as Arrhenius plot an r2 of 0.999 ensues. The
5mZ(G U7A`*uc"z0challenge in applying the WLF model for stability or shelf life prediction is that (1) Tg is
$AK[/ZcxXa _0not known; (2) Tg is difficult to determine; and (3) the universal coefficients of Levine食品伙伴个性空间8S NX v)l2W3?}
and Slade (1986) are not applicable.
z$U@Th$A00 50 100 150 200 250
3食品伙伴个性空间_b'yzU s2o+H[
4食品伙伴个性空间B s6L9HMF`e
)HZc sr;oh0-13
yH$T;Z!k$}R-et0Time (hours)
3iD.px2w2\o+Vj H0Relative absorbance食品伙伴个性空间g6zllg T8z
Temperature (°C)食品伙伴个性空间ts e+B#]#o5I
0.0037 0.0038 0.0039食品伙伴个性空间-r,x.G:yy
-4食品伙伴个性空间X V)H\"A?
8k/j#X }Mq _01/T (K-1)
y = 79.497 - 2.1621E+4x R2 = 0.999
EU#WP'tf0Figure 19.3 Hydrolysis of maltodextrin in the frozen state (Lim and Reid; 1991)
g$E WmC0Knz0a. Rate as a function of temperature (Note Tg is -10 ¡C)食品伙伴个性空间]/v i%ea f h
b. Arrhenius plot
#I8Lu1A8N e^ Nq019.2.3.4 Shelf life model
A;pp K H%wC0Most published data related to quality deterioration do not give rates or rate constants食品伙伴个性空间*g"RG.n MD*}0G3Q
but rather are in the form of an overall shelf life (end-point analysis) as a function of
w J/Qo VG0storage temperature. Since the temperature range used is usually quite narrow, the食品伙伴个性空间 Q J)Q[F6U
following exponential relationship exists between shelf life and storage temperature:食品伙伴个性空间}4g8K G~
q = exp(-bT+c) (19.7a)
|&u9~Zl0or ln q = -bT+c (19.7b)食品伙伴个性空间O6F4`S\RW/@
where q is shelf life at temperature T in °C, b is the slope of the semilog plot of q vs T食品伙伴个性空间5eU/Vo"@[U7F+I#t M
and c is the intercept or reference temperature as shown as Fig. 19.4. Practically, this
2U`JX`v0is used frequently for shelf life determination and prediction due to its simplicity and食品伙伴个性空间#v.B.VD N;u
straightforwardness.食品伙伴个性空间CG ybu5b[Z/]+n;U
gn,P:Kz_ M;WSH0Figure 19.4 Shelf life plot食品伙伴个性空间 w#M kxu4pL6Rg
ln q
6|\q!\o/`n0T食品伙伴个性空间5A)zPC(J y `i Q10 or q10
Dr#{?Gzd0The Q10 approach is also often used for estimation of the temperature acceleration of食品伙伴个性空间 OE b Ok J `Q)S
shelf life, which is defined as :食品伙伴个性空间)m vbTh;['{ Q
Q10 = rate @ T1+10 °C / rate @ T1 (19.8a)食品伙伴个性空间Mi?Z1mHl Q
Q10 = shelf life @T1 / shelf life @T1+10 °C (19.8b)食品伙伴个性空间7ip7u$V k3e7P
Q10 = (q10)1.8 (19.8c)食品伙伴个性空间_)z2q:W-oL
where T1 is temperature in °C. If the temperature unit is in °F, then the term q10 is
x,H,hs:v?0used, which in fact is more often used than Q10 in the frozen food literature.食品伙伴个性空间'Hj#D/uo$E
The magnitude of Q10 depends on the food system, the temperature and the
;_1V"tLADexyv0absolute range. Q10 values from 2 up to 20 have been found for frozen foods (Labuza,食品伙伴个性空间:X c,E*woN9`&I
1982) Labuza and Schmidl, 1985. Q10 can be shown to be related to the Arrhenius食品伙伴个性空间^1E V g]Iq.G8Y1M"f
equation and the shelf life model through the following expression:食品伙伴个性空间Am.v ? q8h2cM{l
Q10 = exp [10 Ea/(R T (T+10)] (19.9a)食品伙伴个性空间+obhcvE)o/l
Q10 = exp (10 b) (19.9b)食品伙伴个性空间G[m8NYV
Thus Q10 is not constant but depends on Ea and the absolute temperature T.
8g[%L4B)U G!e0\T+l0Some data gleaned from July (1989) and Labuza (1982) is shown in Table 19.2.
a ]Xq a5C[010食品伙伴个性空间 UF^H(^*d ?
Table 19.2食品伙伴个性空间^*jiC$g
Estimate of the Q
8d r3qL1oY0for shelf life of selected frozen foods
I.s.~%U.B2tF d0Days of HQL食品伙伴个性空间"a*v3t i}t(g"T
I te m - 10°C - 20°C Q 1 0食品伙伴个性空间5?'z U+S/q
pork sausage 20 120 4
yo*A(O _/a?p0pork 50 400 8
(g4E j]1[(x0beef 60 200 3.3
"v8J mGCW0ground hamburger 250 800 3.2食品伙伴个性空间&L L'x5G"| A
fried hamburger 35 250 7食品伙伴个性空间I&\(m W$C,d
raw poultry 200 700 3.5食品伙伴个性空间6p{ \ vZ X E H ]-pmq
fried poultry 25 700 3.2
'K6tf"S(ilm0fatty fish 7 60 9食品伙伴个性空间#j~T] j a|*? E Other models食品伙伴个性空间2nR;X d!W r(z&X
The following models have also been proposed to describe the temperature食品伙伴个性空间 A OTF4p
dependence of the rate constant (Kwolek and Bookwalter, 1971) for frozen systems:
&RR'a/oOI0kT = a + b T (19.10a)
^]]%^:q k0kT = a Tb (19.10b)食品伙伴个性空间%c f9Er VKt
kT = a / (b - T) (19.10c)
m%|"wQ Sn7`0where a, and b are constants. In most cases, Equation 19.10c fits data better.
Z5^)z d6OH+d0However, all these have very limited practical application.食品伙伴个性空间|F8\%S:[o;G,kr#v
19.2.4 Time-temperature tolerance食品伙伴个性空间$E"K-V3{!x(?
Frozen foods are often exposed to a variable temperature environment, e.g. during
Di j0r5H S1?o'rxG3f0distribution or due to freezing/defrosting cycle in retail or home freezers. In general, the食品伙伴个性空间/j|}Y G(J
value of the quality function, f(A), at time t under changing environmental conditions
3Aqk9k&XSKdV1P ?0can be estimated from:食品伙伴个性空间4FR&qF1C}W-moi
f(A) = ò k[T(t)] dt (19.11)
;z,r~+[z+G0where T(t) is the temperature as a function of time. The form of f(A) depends on the
9zR}5q/D0reaction order as discussed previously. If an effective temperature, Teff, is defined as
U8Pn g@0B-c011食品伙伴个性空间^,JrC,r \x#g9Q
that constant temperature exposure which causes the same quality change as the
{y1{\Ae;[#u0variable temperature condition, as proposed by Schwimmer et al. (1955), then
`Y` WV/X-u0[K0f(A) = keff t (19.12)食品伙伴个性空间a9CA ?*_.bt
The rate constant at that defined temperature is termed the effective rate constant, i.e.
"d] ^/ZhJr){ xxj0keff. To estimate the quality change under variable temperature conditions, one食品伙伴个性空间Nv$f)c%t&R,E Lz7I4J
needs to either solve for f(A) numerically or know the value of Teff or keff that食品伙伴个性空间:O.pO4^Bk t
corresponds to the variable conditions.食品伙伴个性空间hB'L f5Z!gD
The numerical approach for a randomly variable temperature history is食品伙伴个性空间i3mo,Nw#x ]
essentially the same as the Time/Temperature/Tolerance (TTT) approach initiated by食品伙伴个性空间R"mZ Q |\:WS#h.~ T8_
Van Arsdel et al. (1969) and derived empirically in the 1960's for the prediction of shelf
-I8}!s&?6{ Y Y0life of frozen foods (July, 1984). It is assumed that the temperature history of the食品伙伴个性空间b4uCD%M L
product is known. Thus the fraction of shelf life consumed, fcon, was calculated as the食品伙伴个性空间7bpkgrt
sum of the times at each temperature interval, ti, divided by the shelf life at that食品伙伴个性空间n t.m&o j5RbR
temperature, qi:食品伙伴个性空间nS"K-rO$|
fcon = S (ti / qi) (19.13)食品伙伴个性空间N1UU__wg[&CK M
Thus the remaining shelf life at a reference temperature is equivalent to (1-fcon)*q.
n z D9`0cdWl0Equation 19.13 assumes that the rule of additivity is valid for frozen foods (July,
&d {$pGi01984), which means that the loss of remaining storage life or quality can be calculated
c ]r!c/X]RO0from knowledge of the prior time-temperature episodes the product has been exposed食品伙伴个性空间,T3Js[:V q%a8L+p
to. This also implies that the prior sequence of the time-temperature episodes is of no
.|i"}|jW/l1E0importance except to calculate the amount of quality remaining up to that time, i.e.
K"ix,Lw-j0there is no history effect. If the rule of additivity is valid with reasonable accuracy, the
5fPZ0Cj:S0use of time-temperature integrators (TTI) should provide reliable results with respect to
uDDJo0prediction of shelf life remaining, which will be discussed later.食品伙伴个性空间5y:m/sz1]]
However, there are some cases where the total effect of various temperature
Bq,o | dS"r0sL0experiences may not be independent of the order in which they occur or of the nature食品伙伴个性空间'B0h"{!b-Ck7Ab S
of temperature history. For example, widely fluctuating temperatures may cause
A4Z2siB,|2A7z)Q0freezer burn or in-package desiccation, which is not additive (July, 1984). Where the食品伙伴个性空间v[.x_T3Z(u]:M5J
colloidal nature of a product is affected, the effect of time-temperature history may not
!w7l:l,Hx,RZ2N1A~0be additive either, especially with a freeze/thaw cycles. This is also true when growth
/QD!??e*L eh8k |H0of microorganisms occurs (Fu et al., 1991). Certain chemical reactions, enzymatic as食品伙伴个性空间 y$IF7S@ wc \(rB$gk3Xy ^
well as nonenzymatic, could even proceed more rapidly at temperatures below
)j2F4](n[qY#IM ^D012
\yM uY"J6o0freezing. This is called a negative effect of temperature (Singh and Wang, 1977),
*V:c+R*w3p0which could be caused by one or more of the following factors: (1) a freeze食品伙伴个性空间*xo`!F S[.zZ O
concentration effect; (2) the catalytic effect of ice crystals; (3) a greater mobility of
Pp u;Xl?|0protons in ice than in water; (4) a change in pH, up or down with freezing; (5) a
5c:fF"L$L"E ?| dB0favorable orientation of reactants in the partially frozen state; (6) a salting in or out of
S9x`-ZDt0proteins; (7) decrease in dielectric constant; and (8) the development of antioxidants at
w ^~1GY'y%v0higher temperatures. As has been shown by Fennema (1975), the freeze
)Qs?-OR Ch1g0concentration effect can cause rates of chemical reactions to increase dramatically just食品伙伴个性空间7j&oa!a ?^&Y
below the freezing point (Figure 19.5), e.g. ascorbic acid loss at -3°C can be faster食品伙伴个性空间4[u`p ~BSd
than at higher temperatures this one should not use data in the -4°C to 0°C range or
d;y7HYN0above as part of an accelerated shelf life test to predict rates at lower temperatures.
'N1n.pz:q0m _6h@0Fennema (1975), showed that the time to 50% loss of vitamin C in broccoli was 44
(z*fQ7q!_eeA,p0j0days at -5°C, 120 days at -2°C and 162 days at +2°C. This concentration effect is食品伙伴个性空间Z S$CaV_ d4p'V
evident in the shelf life plot of frozen strawberries as shown in Fig. 19.6 using the data食品伙伴个性空间$dO,^i)J2M6n Ie
of Guadagni (1968). If the data collected only at 25 and 30°F (-3.9°C and -1.1°C) are
x-[R2NM,K7f0used, the predicted shelf life at 0°F (-17.8°C) is over 27 years, if data are collected at
$Kx4kW8z.|,`Z&aG0only 20 and 25°F (-6.7 and 3.9°C), the shelf life predicted at 0°F is 40 days while data食品伙伴个性空间SX$FC#f`Z
below 20¥F extrapolated to the true expected shelf life is about 280 days.食品伙伴个性空间+OO-p4gh,_ hz^8N
Figure 19.5 Rate of chemical reaction as a function of temperature食品伙伴个性空间Pt~f Ub,_
above and below the freezing point of a food.食品伙伴个性空间h~`OL L OV*x+x5L
13食品伙伴个性空间oR0@t i0q {
Figure 19.6. Shelf life plot of frozen strawberries showing the食品伙伴个性空间,P%kN%d[n2t
influence of the freeze concentration effect just below the freezing食品伙伴个性空间H6n2j#|R-`4s
point on prediction of shelf life at 0¡F . Data from Guadagni (1968).食品伙伴个性空间MJ5oRK(Y}3wo
Each line represents a regression through a different selected set of食品伙伴个性空间G9gd OFJG-eI
VUn|5Zo rZ0The response ratio of the food to changes in environmental temperature (RT) is
dI:ni/OI0dependent on the fluctuating temperature conditions as well as the heat transfer
:LHy PQv4b0properties of the food as well as the package (Cairnes and Gordon, 1976; Dagerskog,食品伙伴个性空间'[+G6H%m4c:e|
1974). In the analysis of food shelf life, an inherent assumption is made that the food
Q.n F$J6PT4@X0is responding instantaneously to the environmental temperature changes, i.e., RT = 1.食品伙伴个性空间x;zx'Gn8^{y
This may be acceptable if a surface deterioration process is the deterministic factor for
8vw9]L#Bl]0shelf life, e.g. mold growth in some foods. Freeze-defrost cycles generally can be
Z1O*Y \V0considered as sinusoidal oscillations. The amplitude of the effect is reduced inside the食品伙伴个性空间Q}k@'C"QJ(O$xU
package by some factor thus RT. < 1. It can be expected that the shorter the period of
/t_0YQ \1f,D0the ambient variation the smaller the RT, and hence the smaller the amplitude of the食品伙伴个性空间2K9U zE!^6l5Z n.xx
cyclic temperature variation in the package. Zuritz and Sastry (1986) also studied the
O0y zI R0effect of packaging materials on temperature fluctuations for frozen ice cream and食品伙伴个性空间*dnb F*D|
found that packaging materials coupled with a layer of stagnant air were effective
x"UP zDF9v0barriers against thermal fluctuations.
D4bXMu8BeV-v019.2.5 Hazard function
yZ ?,{uK0x"y0After the product is produced, it may fail at any point in time in accordance with its life食品伙伴个性空间/b)pMrT
distribution (Nelson, 1972). The hazard function h(t) of a distribution is defined for t ³ 0食品伙伴个性空间SCaSd+mOT
by:食品伙伴个性空间!A~J N5wT3R[~
h(t) = f(t)/[1-F(t)] (19.14)食品伙伴个性空间&I;a(Bi1`(p$_xY8u
where f(t) is a probability density function and F(t) is a cumulative distribution function.
z@2am;t$}0The h(t) is the conditional probability of failure at time t, given that failure has not食品伙伴个性空间-z%i+|`6Xy w|
occurred before ..食品伙伴个性空间nELe ]-B d
The behavīor of a hazard function for studying the shelf life of food products can
Y0O/M"TB2g0be easily understood by examining the "bathtub" shaped curve in Fig. 19.7. Note that
gS&z t6dT7p x0at time to, a frozen food product begins its journey to many distribution outlets for
5q,Xn-H'Z/ga`7X0consumption. During the time between to and t1, early failures may occur owing to a食品伙伴个性空间y?5d FX E
failure in the process itself, faulty packaging, extreme initial product abuse, and many
EXc.{^s(I e a;Z0other environmental stresses to which the product is subjected. Early failure should not
g3{;\ g6dc0be taken as a true failure relative to the shelf life of the product unless it represents the食品伙伴个性空间1T]k;\.N
normal condition. From t1 to t2 one can expect, barring chance major temperature食品伙伴个性空间;n#q _}O9BN'T
fluctuations, no failures. This interval represents the true period of the product's食品伙伴个性空间r"i FW7IEW0JO
stability. The failure rate is almost constant and small during this time. The hazard or
aS|"f:Ow"b&WJ*K0failure rate increases from time t2 to the termination point t3, owing to the true食品伙伴个性空间UMF'r8e,`
deteriorative changes occurring within the product. The concept of hazard function is食品伙伴个性空间p\!LsUk0N%p$a
important in the analysis and interpretation of the failure times of a product.
-S'N2{7krE|n1Tl0Time食品伙伴个性空间jT5l t'Pw:lB
to t1 t2 t3
8u(?0Qp%x5D7H#X"B _.Z0Early
Period of product stability食品伙伴个性空间v4kb)F)t3e w g
Failure due to食品伙伴个性空间0b)kD1p t
product食品伙伴个性空间 nb4X3][YJ:C
deterioration食品伙伴个性空间ez;}2j^$h{ L
Figure 19.7 Failure rate as a function of time食品伙伴个性空间,Y.?1c B5W'Q1F'r
15食品伙伴个性空间8EW p(F J+S%l#J)]j
A fundamental assumption underlying statistical analysis of shelf life testing is食品伙伴个性空间?^x lirr l
that the shelf life distribution of a food product belongs to a family of probability
sp)tr DXH7\n0distributions and that observations are statistically independent. Parameters of a shelf食品伙伴个性空间G%|']1] I)X` {
life distribution are estimated by use of shelf life testing experimental data. Once the食品伙伴个性空间$ac0r)n&Y&IB;h#p
parameters of a shelf life model have been estimated, it can be used to predict the
l2p5u5NF"B^9IU&{0probabilities of various events, such as future failures (Nelson, 1972). Five statistical
!^$H ID6tJ0models, normal, log normal, exponential, Weibull and extreme-value distributions
QR(d7hv0were tested for a few food products (Gacula and Kubala, 1975; Labuza and Schmidl,
'S,_ ]"]g*Dd dl"W01988) and it was found that the Weibull distribution fits best, which will be食品伙伴个性空间)Y5w4@j9|B X:G
demonstrated later.食品伙伴个性空间8|`"v5H.ATH4\
19.3 Shelf life testing — overall aspects
u+I/LA"v%];r i019.3.1 Purpose食品伙伴个性空间9ca(jO |;N%g0G?S
In the development of any new food product including reformulating, change of
3NJVm?S0packaging or storage/distribution condition (to penetrate into a new market), one食品伙伴个性空间rV!yJ zFN;RUn)Y
important aspect is the knowledge of shelf life. The shelf life of a food product is vital to食品伙伴个性空间!j |I$W2ne t)G/c
its success in the marketplace. This life must at least exceed the minimum distribution食品伙伴个性空间*FV:IGb3k;w2Kx
time required from the processor to the consumer. Shelf life testing can assess
g)Q _3Ep-Jp0problems that the product has in the development stage, following a "fail small fail食品伙伴个性空间Gdv:O0A-u
early" philosophy, thereby eliminating large disasters later. Marketing/brand managers
d6tKz+^b"`Vm7c0also need reliable shelf life data to position the products and to establish the brand.食品伙伴个性空间+C,@ m1V/O#ta4g*Ed
Periodic determination of shelf life help to provide assurance that the product remains食品伙伴个性空间GB6v%I T;h*V
consistent over time with respect to quality.
tiP U"~lP'j0Different shelf life testing strategies are necessary at different stages, as食品伙伴个性空间 Yn rks3M? a] h
illustrated in Fig. 19.8. If the objective is to identify whether pathogens and spoilage食品伙伴个性空间3Hp&GE9]k{P
microbes will grow in the case of temperature abuse, then a challenge study is食品伙伴个性空间^ Pc?j IH-ey6p!y P(j
necessary. If the objective is to quickly estimate the approximate shelf life of the
IrwXGNb8Bw1k0product then an ASLT can be used, as long as the proper temperature range is
$\u1O#rh9K ]0chosen. A confirmatory shelf life test may be conducted at the last stage with食品伙伴个性空间g LjKt-y'`&h
simulated distribution chain conditions, although in today’s R & D environment, this
7jv;s4G t^0may be skipped.食品伙伴个性空间2g w"\wv h
V zrR8t)\"tB}0Product concept
G9}@[7p]Gy0Prototype development
?b&W-r,Y9S"|0Pilot line testing食品伙伴个性空间iuW]5X~ A
Scale-up line trial食品伙伴个性空间r r.W4s$|+@"~ P
Full line production食品伙伴个性空间_[O kJ T
Marketplace食品伙伴个性空间kTo ]2O"X H
General stability information食品伙伴个性空间2kT6_$~&ee U&X
Challenge Study
(YM*{*x/sIP3M0Accelerated shelf life testing食品伙伴个性空间cF-^1~u{pS"DD ab
Confirmatory storage study
OPL$Q [q2U0On-going shelf life monitoring
{Q4J6p"p\/r{0Figure 19.8 Shelf life testing strategy at different product development stages
0aSdM x4?d_019.3.2 Shelf life criteria食品伙伴个性空间{'a6iBZ,G5\r_-bPV
The criterion for the end of shelf life may be variable depending on the definition of
X8o;v lKo9M0product quality grade, so the shelf life of a product may also be variable. The shelf life
1f v/@]#s p+c0of most perishable and semiperishable foods is almost solely based on sensory食品伙伴个性空间 lW;y0pgh K
quality. For example, fresh meat degrades mainly by bacterial activity and rapid
%R*\i2G9lG'm0chemical oxidations that cause an off-flavor development and loss of color. This is
*_2\e3GS2eYv0readily recognizable by consumers. In contrast, many longer shelf-life foods including
.`{(y b+SOS,?0most frozen foods degrade mainly by slow chemical reactions such as loss of
B L Gl;C0nutritional value. For example, the vitamin C content of some frozen fruits and食品伙伴个性空间"CG'B)u}pZ g
vegetables, may fall below the required standard as listed on the label before sensory
Ib%O#T]0quality becomes inadequate.
? GuIy{0J9uu1a5S0The criteria for shelf life may also vary depending on the sensitivity of the
mK8[{)O%p$Pk@+A_0consumer. For consumers, taste, odor, and appearance are the most obvious criteria;食品伙伴个性空间JV3_ tS.P:y
in academia and in the industry, sensory evaluation correlated with instrumental
"Ra!KFSX1T zeu0measurements of a given quality index (e.g., vitamin C level) are usually conducted. In食品伙伴个性空间#y+UeA&l"s
general, the criteria level corresponding to the end of shelf life of a product depends食品伙伴个性空间!on-AB:V1g(xXoC_8|
*~-h?A\^0on: (i) any legal requirement, e.g. zero tolerance for botulinum toxin; (ii) consumer食品伙伴个性空间 n!uN A8R
preferences or marketing requirements; and (iii) cost. In essence, the end of shelf life食品伙伴个性空间9EVf.EXxY
depends on the percentage of consumers a company is willing to displease. If 100%食品伙伴个性空间s hTHvd
acceptance is required then high cost ingredients and absolute control of distribution
6e7X6R#U?7SG"[w0up to point of consumption is necessary, otherwise there will always be some people食品伙伴个性空间#co.atc"l#R
who will get foods beyond shelf life. The aim is to keep this as small as possible.食品伙伴个性空间FNv^U`r"~+C Just noticeable difference (JND)食品伙伴个性空间 dbv/\^x.L*pZx
Sensory (organoleptic) examination of foods was a general procedure used by the食品伙伴个性空间 O!v1z GS/q
human race to evaluate wholesomeness of foods long before the discovery of
U1W:q1]8s(_3W0microorganisms. Sensory evaluation of foods by scientific methods can be used to
$q ?0|)~r9}x0evaluate such attributes as taste, odor, body, texture, color and appearance. Changes食品伙伴个性空间_-B+F5F|X$t)C
in these attributes may be brought out by microbial or non-microbial actions, usually食品伙伴个性空间I8?0@$n{;|m4D8au+m
the latter for frozen foods.食品伙伴个性空间]3FU&M5Q#Ug
The methods used to evaluate sensory shelf life data include difference testing
mzs3\9I)J,[:kl;O0and hedonic scoring. Difference testing can involve paired comparisons, duo-trio食品伙伴个性空间 \#s{ZmO6W
tests, or triangle tests. The paired comparison procedure determines the time when a
n,Bv5` R2h8oY0measurable difference in quality occurs between two test samples at a certain level of
rq6^{K5O0probability. When applied to frozen foods, this method is often referred to as the Just食品伙伴个性空间Hsn;m2KNtS
Noticeable Difference (JND) test or High Quality Life (HQL) test (July, 1984), which is
+f,aR_4s;AL0usually based on flavor changes. Duo-trio testing compares two unknowns to an食品伙伴个性空间 y0n6E MB:xIm1O5yO^
unabused control sample and asks the question of whether either of the unknowns are食品伙伴个性空间A]R-h*V WC
the same as or different from the identified control. Triangle testing determines the one食品伙伴个性空间/S!eRw-J8r
different product among three test samples presented randomly to a set of judges (at食品伙伴个性空间j@'hQ]-~;^J
least 10). Probability plots are used to predict shelf life at a given probability level.
U*y!ku9d0k\f0The difference method can result in finding a difference when none really exists (Type
's[Ui-FJN4T0I error), or not finding one when indeed there is a true difference (Type II error).
9CJ`m/j_] A^0Labuza and Schmidl (1988) have discussed this topic more thoroughly in relationship
FW*dq7Z6w1?:q q0to shelf life testing, which is not commonly found in sensory textbooks. Table 19.3食品伙伴个性空间uT-J;F+ky\
shows some data from Guadagni (1968) for HQL of frozen foods.食品伙伴个性空间SM$dQp ]?1nf`
W Kpy[p0Table 19.3
1S!{P,s,BC0Days of High Quality Life for fruits and vegetable (from Guadagni 1968)食品伙伴个性空间5zN@-Vv
P roduct T yp e 0 °F 1 0°F 2 0°F
E B8{0q/g,W r+b0apples pie filling 360 250 60食品伙伴个性空间kBC0N8K`To
blueberries pie filling 175 77 18食品伙伴个性空间 Xg0AG'k!o
cherries pie filling 490 260 60
!ZPy H6jl0peaches retail syrup 360 45 6
4}3?.@X8KNc|0blackberries bulk, no sugar 630 280 50
?l@7]\2tw0raspberriesbulk, no sugar 720 315 70食品伙伴个性空间&X9Z~(kW~DQ
retail, syrup 720 110 18食品伙伴个性空间 hAK5G@b&cl
strawberries bulk, sugar 630 90 18食品伙伴个性空间fQYfW&n!VI
retail 360 60 10食品伙伴个性空间 Rda7f!gn h
green beans retail 296 94 30
B&Eh tyL2Cq+h0cauliflower retail 291 61 13
J#t"Bq Z0peas retail 305 90 27食品伙伴个性空间?@5FgX6tX
spinach retail 187 57 23食品伙伴个性空间%IJ0x(G2P"Z6x
corn retail 720 360食品伙伴个性空间Xyku c)`!_
corn on cob retail 275 150食品伙伴个性空间)w9^b*MAF`3a4h Hedonic scoring食品伙伴个性空间.d ^4jC)c(X|%M
Hedonic scoring — which indicates acceptance on a numerical scale, e.g. a 1-9 point
k3V;_3nY?$j~0scale labeled from "dislike extremely" to "like extremely", is typically used for shelf-life食品伙伴个性空间1r+s.?4`0H
evaluation. The test can be designed to not only evaluate the overall acceptance of the
XM!zgu6L#a0product, but that of specific characteristics such as flavor, texture, appearance,
G!Dk&G;S.c)K0aftertaste, etc. Trained panels can also use this technique on a line scale, which can
q'\*x"LP1k]3?0be converted to numerical equivalents.食品伙伴个性空间#lJ2tq$Hg#rguF7J;d
If the hedonic method is used to evaluate shelf life, one can simply use the
!g*vq#^ pM0score as quality index A and plot the score vs. storage time, run a linear regression,食品伙伴个性空间)Mw\K EzGLY/u
and choose the end of shelf life as the time when the progressed value drops below a食品伙伴个性空间!q ko0s G
pre-set level (Waltzeko and Labuza, 1976; Gacula, 1975). The shelf life determined in
via6a#v _.ZS:w0this way is called the practical shelf life (PSL) for frozen foods (July, 1984), and is食品伙伴个性空间-BK*AjE7i o
longer than the HQL or JND. The use of hedonic rating scales may be of limited use in食品伙伴个性空间`l D8]+|%tK
shelf life testing, yet it is probably the most used method. Many food companies use a
m#ei I+f'k0loss in hedonic score equal to D=0.5 for HQL and D=1.5 for PSL as the end of shelf life食品伙伴个性空间fu r0cpORz
9o`3I6W"gOB(D!N0(Labuza, 1982). Objective measurements and professional judgment are often食品伙伴个性空间-LUP8V7D
required to determine the end point. Data in Table 19.4 from an report published by
p&Y%PD&k#v*U5_9Yv0the former Refrigerated and Frozen Foods Institute (1973) Unfortunately there were no
\7|y[)p0methods given, but the data suggests that the PSL is about 2 to 3 times longer than the
tE:M/p%L.^$r0HQL value. This in itself suggests that the HQL methods can be used to shorten shelf食品伙伴个性空间~1d d#~*N ^a
life testing times.食品伙伴个性空间m'M%A*f2v@X ec5PM
Table 19.4食品伙伴个性空间l u v)s\9H$D4W l
Relationship between practical shelf life (PSL)
y)j I){_E0and High Quality Life for frozen foods.
5~MX+U+[G[j7Zd0F rozen Food P SL/HQL Rati o食品伙伴个性空间x7Kn&tA0y?
lean meat 1.9 - 2食品伙伴个性空间 ]8DL,r n1jv$i+v
fatty meat 2.0-2.4
*u` ]nkC7Iq0lean fish 1.9-2.2
~,N4o`6hL4t0fatty fish 2.4-2.7
q8v8SJ7K-lez [X0precooked foods 2.8-3.0
A3g f'Ed4y7j9~ At%e0fruit 2.8-3.1食品伙伴个性空间}OP+N1L;{j
vegetables 3.1-3.5
(eq(n](Qb019.3.2.3 Instrumental analysis
X%Z"\'|O#F{\0Chemical or instrumental analysis, such as moisture, nutrient loss, free-fatty acids or食品伙伴个性空间 g-N J;C5`b~2q
color measurement that closely correlate to sensory attributes, can supplement
i%Y\!@8b*Z0sensory techniques. They are usually less expensive and less time-consuming than食品伙伴个性空间Xb(Wk(H3i!bdq%?
sensory approaches. A correlation between a physical or chemical test can increase
/E,k/eC D E;@0the confidence level of the sensory results. For example, the following constituents or
"j!`J6p:?w!lY0properties can be considered for monitoring chemical changes of pizza quality during食品伙伴个性空间5w"M0f:e7Xa0cN
frozen storage: total free fatty acids, specific volatile free fatty acids by HPLC,
(Yahv B#I0peroxides, oxidative volatiles (e.g., hexanal) by GC, spice volatiles by GC, lysine, color
7|'lU XWH3o0(decrease in red color or increase in brown), in addition to sensory evaluation of taste食品伙伴个性空间1_%U d ?)rJ'EY
and flavor (Labuza, 1986). Most sensory experts agree that analytical methods should食品伙伴个性空间:Q2V V u"F/qG
complement the sensory tests. Vice versa, the endpoint determined by objective
5@iciw K/B0measurements should be confirmed by sensory techniques as well.
2Y!M a~oI c-c019.3.2.4 Weibull Hazard analysis食品伙伴个性空间SF#t |%?;B
The Weibull Hazard procedure requires one to first make an estimation of the time to食品伙伴个性空间/L5[`&n~
the end of shelf life. This becomes the initial estimated time limit for the study. The time
Q L,E }r]F[5A!Y?0limit is then divided into several segments at which points panelists grade the product.食品伙伴个性空间:` T2H r!kk0vM ?
Additional panelists are added at a constant number for each subsequent time period食品伙伴个性空间*Z$x%C5k.m8Dq6i)}
to maximize the number of testers near the end of the test. The panelist is asked to
W7_2SI9UlG j~0grade the food as good (acceptable) or bad (unacceptable), i.e. no ranking on a食品伙伴个性空间^Xc|,rC\kHwX
hedonic score. When the product is identified as unacceptable by 50% of the食品伙伴个性空间U+g#x Y }\?hU
panelists, the number of testers for the next period is increased by the number of failed
Kk'yjJs(d0samples plus the constant number. The interval between sample times is also食品伙伴个性空间.rKp:QU w S,~9r
shortened as the end of shelf life gets closer. The test ends when no more samples or
B{ N L f7_;F:U[0panelists are available. The scores are ranked and the cumulative hazard calculated.
,i!E2[Zk f2I E0The critical probability of failure Pc, can then be calculated from the following equation:食品伙伴个性空间SG"|2@*c8Si
Pc = 100 (1 - exp(-å(H/100))) (19.15)食品伙伴个性空间o:d p&MJ0l$K7K
where H is the hazard value equal to 100/Rank. Choosing Pc = 50%, corresponds to食品伙伴个性空间*Ryd0IiH~
an accumulated hazard value of 69.3%.
bf:x;C!^?I0The relationship between the logarithm of storage time (log t) and the logarithm
*?4H;v`8m Ib[0of hazard value (log H) is linear:
L+uc9H'~6q {1F0log t = (1/b) log H + log a (19.16)
a5v t"B&~:w0n(\j0where b is the shape parameter and a is the scale parameter. The shelf life can then
b0}"E_ r X'X!q;d)c0be determined based on the desired probability level allowed for product failure. The
,[iQ)AZn ^.T0lower this probability, the shorter the shelf life. This plot then allows one to make a食品伙伴个性空间Yz7b v(G@v4R?
management decision with respect to the probability of displeasing a certain fraction of
5qjj9d:qbG d0consumers. It is hoped that the distribution time is such that greater than 99 percent of食品伙伴个性空间E.~3N mo!|2D.s]W,[
the product is consumed before the end of shelf life based on displeasing less than食品伙伴个性空间 O$C.}_N/w4gJ'@
X% of consumers where X is the economic value. An detailed example was given by食品伙伴个性空间!TM(r8[pA6d
Labuza and Schmidl (1988). It should be noted that this process can also be used for食品伙伴个性空间5ih/uY#[{
simple analytical tests such as plate counts or vitamin C. In these cases the number of
}QO4`0Me&cW5v0panelists are replaced with the number of samples tested. Some criterion such as 20%食品伙伴个性空间3T6Rw%Z1s E }9m(V'X
vitamin C loss is used as the negative response. Figure 19.9 shows an example of食品伙伴个性空间,sC a@ \:g"Lg
Weibull plot for a frozen food based on assumed data. A shelf life of 16 months is
vH6_*F[021食品伙伴个性空间 Sd7|"dR2i
found at Pc = 50% from the graph. From this graph then, if 95% of the food were
"la sYm_4l tfF0distributed and consumed in 3 weeks, only 1% of the consumers would be displeased食品伙伴个性空间oh"g3X$S^LV2?)w
.01 .1 1 10 100 1000食品伙伴个性空间)vY1[ mp#q0th
1食品伙伴个性空间9N Qu+A4Ud_
h!\K \Sm]C0100食品伙伴个性空间 ONk0tj1g2C ~q
Cumulative hazard (%)
2E iW-V|'][0Shelf life (wk)食品伙伴个性空间2z.Rsy!`
Probability (%)
.Pt6}f` U'A F1R00.01 0.1 1 10 50 99.99
)N~'K!x,P!K)P|0Figure 19.9 An example of Weibull plot for a frozen food.
t-P^w_E ^a0A shelf life of 16 wk was determined at Pc = 50%.食品伙伴个性空间b0cp9y,V
(or 0.95% of the product is out of compliance). If the rest were held and consumed at食品伙伴个性空间G&gn4G6NF
10.5 weeks, 50% of those eating it would have out of quality food or another 0.5 x 5%食品伙伴个性空间0Jr `*^o,\Bj
= 2.5% of product. Thus in this distribution model about 3.5% of the product is
&fR`Xo^']1?bX0unacceptable. To improve on this, the product must either move faster or one must
M'y[YQU$\^ X0distribute it at a lower temperature. Wittinger and Smith (1986) used this approach to
8j9V ^#Yjx.Q0determine sensory shelf life of ice cream based on iciness and found a shelf life of 5
"Gj4J^CV$[0weeks at 0°F (-15.5) which fits the general data for iciness in ice cream as shown in食品伙伴个性空间B8F!P/K(E ~5VP6j ~7T V$V/L
Figure 19.10 (Labuza, 1982). It should be noted that this gives a Q10 of about 12.食品伙伴个性空间GX ?\#D
.1食品伙伴个性空间(y ah;uaD h
_'s3{t$t} bY(\:f2N010
^ g!u6w[7q0y7t7]0100食品伙伴个性空间P7QIlD_.k?2\?
Temperature °C食品伙伴个性空间#iPA0Rw
u:poH F4s!J010食品伙伴个性空间#TyDO'e1w)X*J
,yK [8s|q0-30 -20 -10 0食品伙伴个性空间,Rn)tJ5Rb
WD8S5R@4pQ1E fw0weeks
MnH-l0wb)gt0Figure 19.10 Shelf life plot for ice cream based on icyness
Ef(oZ~$zV;o0perception from data of Labuza (1992)
#O:e:W)kD9D019.3.3 General procedures
,x o4D e? GL r*@"g-U:U0Shelf life testing experiments are designed to measure the average shelf-life of a食品伙伴个性空间.sC]cYf1a
product under given conditions. General procedures for shelf life testing of foods were食品伙伴个性空间BP,L.r"N \WYS Z%R&tc
proposed by Labuza and Schmidl (1985), which include:食品伙伴个性空间/j0{0cE5T:x
Step 1: Develop testing protocol — The protocol should consist of: i) specific
aO2]GT.U*v0objective; ii) detailed test design in terms of product, package, and storage condition;
!O[U9E s7\,o0iii) execution procedures in terms of time, space and resource availability; iv) cost食品伙伴个性空间7C g5T1i+O
estimation.食品伙伴个性空间-\(S I0i&K1}S1qS
Step 2: Identify key quality indicator — Any previous shelf life data and kinetic
$n}a)s/FTIb3l0parameters of food deterioration available in the literature (Labuza, 1982; Man and食品伙伴个性空间&eVXGG2R~(sa
Jones, 1994) or the distribution turnover time of a similar or a competitive product in食品伙伴个性空间 fj{7G b(G
the market place, if any, would be very helpful in this preliminary identification or in食品伙伴个性空间*Gu)Cjn
determining the shelf life requirement.食品伙伴个性空间{!t|?@
Step 3: Estimate product sample and control needs — The number of samples食品伙伴个性空间,N laz9Y`
and controls required should be based on the detailed experimental design. If食品伙伴个性空间}*X"U} Z5sz\
sufficient product is available, extra samples should be placed into each storage食品伙伴个性空间 \T6G3b'a%j(A4l
condition. Now and then it may be necessary to recheck a sample, especially if a value食品伙伴个性空间JO8\%s2Mf M UL
is not in line with other data. It would be disastrous to be out of sample before failure食品伙伴个性空间9E ~mI6|i r,CJ
has occurred or the predetermined termination of the test is reached. Extra controls
8FEy2@"T2\8d[0should also be prepared and stored. When the samples are placed into storage食品伙伴个性空间Bd#w"\2R!O(d CC(G
rooms, they should be positioned so that the complete package is exposed to the
dLT^nY0external atmosphere, unless otherwise specified. The specific location of the test食品伙伴个性空间$pO3f2o(L9d'_{
sample should be recorded. Temperature controllers should be checked for accuracy,
'f-p GN;C(m5J U7J)R~0periodically. In addition, removal of all unused samples from the storage room to make
5i)sD\DR(G2N.U0space for future studies is a must.食品伙伴个性空间ne[ nly8t
There are various thoughts when it comes to using a control product. Some食品伙伴个性空间7C$W!V*y?] U2fw
sensory experts prefer an actual physical control; others are satisfied to just use the食品伙伴个性空间v&Z+U%N(zG:W"zj
numbers obtained in the zero time evaluation. There are three alternatives when using食品伙伴个性空间a6Bx d&RDh*t Z
a physical example as a control: (i) making the control from scratch each time using
NU0H?0|o0the same ingredients, procedures, etc.; (ii) deep-freezing the control (e.g. pizza held at
!ylN8~ YEm8~Pl0-70 °C) and accepting that it might have changed slightly, but minimally compared to
2Usq#g:N3v7a j9zb!N0the product in shelf life; (iii) using a fresh batch of product which may not be identical.食品伙伴个性空间f4fu2y4a9]m
Step 4: Select proper package materials and package size — This is largely
-Y E&t{;J:?W+?c0dependent on shelf life requirements, packaging costs and availability, and consumer
.|!fPZ MA k v0information. Factors such as vacuum packaging, nitrogen flushing, or use of食品伙伴个性空间B L2] p6t{
antioxidants are often considered in combination with packaging materials.
5LN'DiK&X-M0Step 5: Choose storage conditions — Storage conditions are chosen based
5H,w _\ F%g8B3o0on the type of shelf life testing. For example, the intended commercial食品伙伴个性空间^M oV3a#X0m _
storage/distribution temperature range should be used in confirmatory shelf life testing.食品伙伴个性空间[.UEh RPY:@E
Elevated temperatures are often used in accelerated shelf life testing to obtain data for
!C ?3fGY0prediction of shelf life at lower temperature or for prediction of shelf life under variable
Cc*T5f#R7f&W(a0time-temperature distributions. Humidity control and/or monitoring is less important for
6T0j[C.[3a T+UXa$N"V3f0frozen foods as compared to other foods (e.g., snacks, cakes, pies, and pastries).
` Vr/[M6h4Ut0Light in the room should be properly controlled depending on the package.食品伙伴个性空间 V_2e.ZOlW7~
Step 6: Estimate sampling frequency and duration of testing — The sampling
4bvNL)|0j,z0frequency is generally an estimation based upon experience from prior studies with
|Y1}vu.]-~+N0similar foods. However, once one knows an interval at one temperature, then the食品伙伴个性空间#jd$t1ID:l]8Q
intervals at other temperatures can be estimated using a Q10 value i.e., if the Q10 is 3
!uW$O.n$Fz0then for a 10°C lower temperature the sampling times can be 3 times longer. If the食品伙伴个性空间q5yy%mkRL D
interval between sampling is too long, the risk of under- or over-estimating shelf life食品伙伴个性空间Vws&U:R2a@G-F
increases. The more analyses that are completed, the more accurate will be the shelf
|Hh%e-G@:zv2A0life determination.
7i"W*}4q}6`9E)X@ {_024食品伙伴个性空间,cF;l"Z(z:C+j#A
The question as to when one should end the experiment must be based on食品伙伴个性空间`fQw2CpTQ
some pre-set criteria for failure. One criterion could be the minimum shelf life食品伙伴个性空间 c s{"E:X+E*q(]}Q
requirement driven by product category, distribution chain, and the benchmark's
,cL GN$Gph3{0product stability. If there is an accompanying sensory test, the end time can be based
:w$a?,Q)N!o0`6M(a(m0on some organoleptic inferior quality criteria from which one then can get a microbial
ZS dW7DY5d"|0or chemical index limit. For frozen products, several weeks to months are usually
Ioer]3|7^T1X:K0needed. If the shelf life can be estimated with any accuracy, the test intervals can be食品伙伴个性空间JL3v SXoZ6{G
lengthened and clustered around the expected failure period. Most of the experts only
R/md Q+|c gQE0require about six evaluations to provide reliable results.食品伙伴个性空间?J;s4A(z {4Dz0C+@
Step 7: Schedule for execution — Before scheduling the starting date for a shelf
qGB G.G%?#@0life test, one must check for the availability of ingredients, packaging materials, and食品伙伴个性空间E}c-^n8H2p'}
storage space, and the time and resource available in the pilot plant or in the
:C*p&]5t;a0processing plant to prepare the samples. One should also check for the time and
rr'u i gcu rU0resources available in the microbial lab, the analytical lab and/or the sensory support
#?pa8c5N#j`+^0staff throughout the test period. A copy of the test request and schedule should be
l\.OD-v8G0sent in advance to those who will be doing the work. The courtesy of providing those食品伙伴个性空间+~$[1RgY[ p
involved with this advance information always pays dividends. Holidays should be食品伙伴个性空间-Y$~Ti/Nb#i9H3`tn
marked on the scheduling calendar, since scheduling too many evaluations near食品伙伴个性空间S:F2\1K l
major holidays or Friday afternoon is not recommended. However, once scheduled,食品伙伴个性空间&JMI.IMI H
sample observations on weekends and holidays should not be skipped over, since食品伙伴个性空间bzcRc j
important data points could be missed.
&U$Q!~aN0Step 8: Take sample and evaluate quality — Samples should be taken and
4}'al L$l1W5_/y L0evaluated following pre-determined schedules. Sampling plans should be食品伙伴个性空间T2rmG\HxFY.zR
administratively and economically feasible, taking into account the heterogeneity of
u0rM/A)wa0the food. Maxcy and Wallen (1983) pointed out the problem of heterogeneity of
o X n rDn0samples in shelf life prediction. Multiple subsamples (³ 3) should be done for nonhomogenous食品伙伴个性空间+b DC3bS p.AsCK
samples. A single package is usually used as an experimental unit.
r.KaM&Cc0Replication of 3 or 4 units are desired for each measurement. For frozen foods, a食品伙伴个性空间C3C~ ~/iT0e1z~RU
thawing process is often involved in the sampling procedure. Proper thawing or食品伙伴个性空间5O5wN.jPF H
microwave heating is critical to the product quality. All samples should be thawed or食品伙伴个性空间 d5O0^9KD!Op
microwaved in the same way to minimize any biases.
}V7V(G0x.Le#M7i*o(D0The intended analyses should be based on the specific mode of deterioration,食品伙伴个性空间7zEu9i r!T5jC#L8P2`*B'gc
which was discussed earlier. Whatever the choice, the tests should be reasonable and食品伙伴个性空间!K(?#B+^2L5X"JRD d
logical. The key is to make sure that one is measuring the right thing. If the wrong
^Nc9q uiH0quality factor is measured, the test starts out a failure. Unfortunately, in many cases this食品伙伴个性空间v,{pd eix
cannot be established initially, so sensory evaluation is a must in almost all shelf life
g/}'x ]BN025
4]'Luoex0tests. Key sensory evaluation techniques for frozen foods have been discussed
j8p/]e!j'C3O,t P0At the time of each pull, one unit of the sample should be evaluated (informally
c2m9Y1||3u0by a minimum of 2-3 people) for changes in flavor and texture. This should be done in食品伙伴个性空间,Ex Mh-^ W_)Vc
addition to the final tasting prior to a consumer sensory test. This is necessary since it
lX%A#{L%lZtj0helps the developer know approximately how the product is doing during the progress
!s2C'Z;EA1|4he? m0of the shelf-life, helping to avoid any surprises in the results. Control samples may
0Vw$tQpz0need to be prepared fresh.
Gz"Pe"f7J9C0Step 9: Analyze data — Shelf life is the predicted day at which the stored
&H].p#{,m@IO:a0product (test pull) is X% less than the control at day zero (Reference). The data should
g$g/Bx,|Ew0r_0be plotted and regressed to determine that point using the proper model (zero or first).食品伙伴个性空间2k3f9{!y&?t6mb2XPW
All too often the data are not analyzed until the experiment is over and then the食品伙伴个性空间3R{;j2o6L9O L\
scientist finds that nothing can be concluded because of lack of points or a poor fit or食品伙伴个性空间4B4Mj Rb^
some surprises. Statistical curve fitting should be consistent with the chosen model食品伙伴个性空间7J$a v1I3}O9I/z[
based on a theoretical mechanism. The amount of change and number of data points食品伙伴个性空间w;i E8P PW
are related to the coefficient of variation (CV) of the test. A weighting factor may be
fIb@ S-Z,{0used in estimating the rate constant and its statistical limits. When the data for an食品伙伴个性空间)_ t&o-m.JU$x
attribute does not fit the regression model well (adjusted R2 of < 0.8), scientific食品伙伴个性空间 ] M'WX o3s
judgment should be used to decide whether the data are applicable.食品伙伴个性空间6MJ0F'i1As%y v2b
When in doubt, a rerun on retention samples might help understand or clarify
b:gO5R5F ]+U0the results. Error analysis could be performed before experiments are run by first食品伙伴个性空间 G&q'K5A o*s
finding inherent errors in time, temperature, and quality index measurements, then
y]B2_)A{!E B*Aj0calculating an expected standard deviation for the plot being used to determine a rate
x6y'vG p v"qr0constant. If the experimental data have a standard deviation much higher than the
` G,Om7A;ddl:i C0expected value, either the functional form of the rate expression is incorrect or the data食品伙伴个性空间o,m&n1b5p
contain errors from unanticipated sources.
9^,Fm*f#aV(F%h0Step 10: Prepare shelf life report — Depending on the type of shelf life食品伙伴个性空间J;Cr{.\_~
determination, the results should either throw light on the technical viability of the食品伙伴个性空间*^)J8|%|7j:l6E
product or provide answers to the questions about the maximum safe shelf life as well
&sQl$_W0as the maximum quality shelf life of the product. Before a shelf life is finally set, factors
*I)a7P;M%n*oLpc0in the scale-up of shelf life data will need to be taken into consideration. Based on
'}2J+opi D0KH0results from ASLT, the provisional shelf life will be set for the product. There is no食品伙伴个性空间}*~W9KUQ)fX
government regulation which defines the product end point except for that related to食品伙伴个性空间io#DAL7ly
nutrient levels (vitamin C and vitamin A) in 21 CFR 101.9(g)(1)(ii) which states that for食品伙伴个性空间[`Q{@!lPs~
the vitamins listed, the analysis level cannot be below 80% of the label value if it is a食品伙伴个性空间6ak8Aw7`2mgQ
natural food with no added nutrients or cannot be below 100% (21 CFR 101.9(g)(1)(i))食品伙伴个性空间'M)kn0q*_
if the product has any added vitamin or nutrient whether or not it is the nutrient under
8s9w`/_pUz.OSA0test. Thus one must base the label value on some predicted initial variability and
m/I+}W?#UP0some predicted loss during distribution and storage. The FDA usually takes samples at食品伙伴个性空间-G pX$Y0_6jl{%]
the supermarket level (where they can purchase them) for compliance testing, not from
~7];Cs$| wb m0the end of the process line so distribution losses must be factored in.食品伙伴个性空间6TiF tw4DO-JCs u@
The end point of shelf life is thus dependent on your corporate objectives and食品伙伴个性空间:lAng ~
how much risk the company is willing to take with the brand. No shelf life test is
j^[j9?r L/il0completed until a termination summary has been written. All termination summaries
2gDs [)XB0should include the objective of the test, product descrīption, package descrīption,
+n+[/eG,XiD0conditions and length of storage, methods of evaluation, results (in the form of graphs,食品伙伴个性空间 M-S8]n,Ux x,iQoF$m
shelf life plots and Q10 values) and conclusions. Termination summaries should
qPq9e.Y q0become a permanent record in the company library for future reference and preferably
!}^YcE"CN0indexed well on a computer data base for later retrieval when needed. The final shelf
cM"Cru+uNGA0life should also be set to give a clear margin of safety. In any case, the shelf life of a
#_Z"?OwKE ay9s0new product, particularly of the high risk category, should be set based on data that食品伙伴个性空间8sB?O8]p _5q
relate to the worst case manufacturing and storage scenario. The shelf life can then食品伙伴个性空间JPsMG+@'EG2zj]$@
be reviewed and if necessary re-set in the light of further experience in manufacturing
0X1E*n M3[W0and control after the product has been launched.
k3Q+m!j}J-mh$c0Step 11: Implementation — One should get top management’s approval of the食品伙伴个性空间az2yt6fU6E7g
test results so that they can be implemented. Management must believe and support食品伙伴个性空间Ms;[o W4E![*O
those test results. It is important for production, sales, distribution, purchasing and
{:_#sLJ(f1N }R0quality control to work together to be sure that the production is properly handled from
%m(N2qX{f0the time of manufacture until this product is consumed.食品伙伴个性空间|*V A j5A+XMw#M@M
19.4 Challenge study食品伙伴个性空间GRo)Kmj
19.4.1 Basis食品伙伴个性空间.n"L }"el
Freezing reduces the microbial population of foods but considerable numbers usually
;hEh}lUn0survive even prolonged frozen storage. A challenge study is often used in the食品伙伴个性空间0l/Qp(e7f^"h
laboratory to study the factors and factor interactions as they affect the shelf life of the
Eip*Z&k,Xe*L0product. Such simulated experiments enable the researcher to better control the study.
pA9P5n` Q0A challenge study is necessary for frozen foods for two reasons: (i) to predict microbial食品伙伴个性空间*QGo4Z{)o.[*p
growth and potential risk of the product upon temperature abuse in a distribution食品伙伴个性空间XG;yh&R S
chain; and (ii) to assess the relative stability and the relative risk of different formula,食品伙伴个性空间,s(G*c7|xbcP
different processes or different packaging materials, which is a must in new product
$~4q+~ Sf:\?0development. A challenge study may also be considered as a preliminary shelf life食品伙伴个性空间Ho {;Dc8X
determination in terms of microbiological safety. It is often used in the early stage of食品伙伴个性空间}7u+}#B@,e
development since if microbial safety is a concern at this stage, then reformulating can
DL4e+h:? Hi0be done quickly.
-a/B _-BJ2IJp019.4.2 Microbial abuse procedures食品伙伴个性空间$R,C MD)K L3C(M2I g
Step 1: Identify barriers — A composition/ingredient analysis should be done to食品伙伴个性空间 Wj \Hi kN]\
identify any barrier(s) against spoilage microbes and pathogens in case of食品伙伴个性空间9t`5dKK\1RP1x
temperature abuse.
"a9YTng$H0Step 2: Choose types of organisms/strains and inoculation level — One食品伙伴个性空间uxbw D;l @&w
principle is to use an organism or a strain that has been isolated previously from the食品伙伴个性空间0^"Q-} a#F*o4q&]i/U
product or similar foods which is responsible for spoilage or risk. The more isolates in
s't2xW6j2|0the study, the greater is the confidence in the accuracy of the shelf life assessment. An食品伙伴个性空间0l3kNSa4[1Ic
inoculation level must also be determined, which is generally much higher than the食品伙伴个性空间e&@6z'hE#z\
normal contamination level in a product. If the average contamination level for a
:T4d;V Pr M^lL0particular product is known, then the inoculation level should be as close to that level食品伙伴个性空间jm3G'`H.c J}*q
as possible. Sometimes several inoculation levels are used.食品伙伴个性空间6Y |5u;e2C%c_9s
Step 3: Determine temperature abuse conditions — After inoculation, products食品伙伴个性空间.ON0PgZ2g
should be packaged using the desired commercial packaging conditions, and
J p\1X0|1T/bCS0subjected to temperature abuse. Factorial design and response surface methodology
,zH6E!Zq!MV l0are often used in designing a challenge study. A typical temperature abuse condition
Z.I2j&q_0used by some food companies is provided in Table 19.5. It starts out with five sets of
e-G0_ gnWL[x,Ew0test packages placed at -18 °C to begin the cycle. At the end of the first 24 hr, one set
}3N qv^] k&D1s4V0of packages is removed and tested for microbiological indicators to establish a zerotime
RhFD%?3sZU*X0level. All the other packages are kept at -18 °C for the next 20 hr, then removed
k(Z V}JjF8x0and abused by placing them at 38 °C for 4 hr. Another set of packages is then食品伙伴个性空间B}0|'Kfi
removed for microbiological testing, and the cycle is repeated for the remaining食品伙伴个性空间0}%^4MLy0C&XG4\5W
packages, i.e. they are all returned to -18 °C for at least 20 hr, then abused at 38 °C
X{c4y3l@0for 4 hr. This procedure is repeated so that one set goes through at least four freezethaw
@6m?m2?P&a0cycles. If there is no significant increase in spoilage organisms or pathogenic
$\.kq,BE|;F'f0organisms after the fourth cycle, the food is deemed safe microbiologically.
4C,nMap} hT9y(h0Table 19.5 A typical temperature abuse test sequence for microbial challenge食品伙伴个性空间Es3X*s(Z p8df$g/B
!]F^+C1B0?)Z D&g0u0Day Abuse temperature cycle Number of package sets
N-jp S4t0WP/R0remaining
bJ+c:W"_|&m%P01 24 hr at -18 °C 5食品伙伴个性空间 O6?6p vw/qn)@!HU
2 20 hr at -18 °C
+A fc f1[%|H/n}o W]04 hr at 38 °C
rK)}#g u J A3r04食品伙伴个性空间8iwC(cS2m
3 20 hr at -18 °C食品伙伴个性空间IJ'x H2t1}oT
4 hr at 38 °C
Fyr4kDaA04 20 hr at -18 °C
Ew%I-pb8SS04 hr at 38 °C
9[a gA2y(`Y-\02食品伙伴个性空间j'd nk7q*k^
5 20 hr at -18 °C食品伙伴个性空间q*{0q q+dr
4 hr at 38 °C
PAh)^)K S&T*d,_-kT0Source: Labuza and Schmidl (1985)食品伙伴个性空间&L2M)I&El
Step 4: Do microbial survival analysis — This is to find out if there are any
#_v}0x3]V5I0microbial growth upon temperature abuse or if the inoculated microbes survived the食品伙伴个性空间 p5x{m[ U kG
process. Appropriate detection and enumeration techniques should be used.食品伙伴个性空间M Jd/db]#fEX
19.4.3 Applicability
CP OEE3c _0The use of inoculated pack studies conducted by independent laboratories allows a
mP dn7bb*n0food processor to assess the relative risks that can occur under conditions of
yAhv^0temperature abuse of the food product in question. Taking frozen pizza as an
#Li]w_9g _0example, both the cheese and sausage, if naturally fermented, will have high total食品伙伴个性空间n2cr)HD?O7T7C(V
counts of bacteria. Since the product is usually partially pre-baked and then frozen, the
9P p F5N T!nW0numbers of vegetative microorganisms will decrease until thawing occurs.食品伙伴个性空间s|yZm(T:d
Unfortunately, pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus will not be totally食品伙伴个性空间#x!Hw/k` rs
inactivated by these treatments. If the product is abused during distribution so
%KvM`)r(R,b0severally that the temperature near the surface reaches about 7 °C, pathogens may
"Y.V,MhJ J0grow. A challenge study with Staphylococcus aureus will verify the microbial safety
` j)@_ ^e Oi.u0of the product.
6F!^ p:gJ;N L#fD0It should be noted that inoculated pack studies with pathogens should not be食品伙伴个性空间+qX+xT7U$P
conducted in food industry laboratories that are located close to the food processing食品伙伴个性空间YEt&~&d
facilities because of the possible transfer of pathogens to food products. No sensory
kc2V,p Zb'@?,D]0panel can be applied to evaluate the inoculated samples other than visual
;CHx0JO \ ?0observation.
f(W&V-](A,G019.5 Accelerated shelf life testing
GHM0d^L,^r019.5.1 Basis食品伙伴个性空间9yN&_qt&i S
During product development, preliminary shelf life knowledge is often needed in
4t F9DMI+lKf0addition to microbiological safety. Shelf life testing experiments at this stage are often食品伙伴个性空间g'sc;Hs
accelerated to evaluate the effects of various formulation and processing parameters食品伙伴个性空间:pR1f#|G.K2I
on shelf life stability of the product being developed periodically since one can not食品伙伴个性空间+x7R4ZK%dtzY
afford the relatively long shelf life period for a frozen food stored under normal freezing食品伙伴个性空间1u[d.B4}4L^[+|3{
conditions. In addition, temperature fluctuations may occur in distribution and retail
g/`c {_8R5q+t5}0holding for frozen storage. Thus kinetic studies at several temperatures within that
!a'@ bjIv"[(jBA;P L0range are necessary to predict its shelf life. Accelerated shelf life testing conducted at
W|Yrd0elevated isothermal temperatures and/or with freeze/thaw cycles for frozen products
N8f"G C7s8n9^0have been used extensively for several decades by industry and government
r;r+l R Rcx2b8[0agencies (Labuza and Schmidl, 1985). The Arrhenius relation and the Q10 approach食品伙伴个性空间 m.z3V9E"eOm0r7]
are used to extrapolate the results to the expected lower storage temperature.食品伙伴个性空间hHCq)R8^SR@JU2Z
Acceleration factors other than temperature have also been studied for some other
vGY;C$Q0deterioration modes, such as moisture gain or loss and lipid oxidation (Labuza, 1984),食品伙伴个性空间3v"H:QqlDqo4FG
but rarely done for frozen foods.食品伙伴个性空间$|9i&g/w1D As*K ^w
19.5.2 Unique procedures食品伙伴个性空间 Q:i0uWpZ"q
Step 1: Clarify test objectives — In general there are two occasions where
dw1c[6pF0ASLT applies: i) estimate approximate shelf life quickly during development stage; ii)食品伙伴个性空间x @t`lC6Pc;^&d_
collect kinetic parameters for actual shelf life prediction as in the marketplace, which is
yBX5x,L9h`0conducted generally near the launch phase.
0R? YW}nR4~0Step 2: Select accelerating temperature conditions — Suggested isothermal食品伙伴个性空间L8yJ8h@-x'~%D
accelerating conditions for frozen foods are -15, -10, and -5 °C with a control stored at食品伙伴个性空间 k9o+O jbg
< -40 °C (Labuza and Schmidl, 1985). The inherent assumption is that the食品伙伴个性空间5MBdD"o*?#SQ
deterioration mechanism is the same across the temperature range although as noted食品伙伴个性空间5ktH7F R-W[7c-S%v
earlier, there is concern about how close to freezing one can go.食品伙伴个性空间v0IV"a!n
Moisture migration from the food into the surrounding air with resulting食品伙伴个性空间 ZL&Zr|D+V
desiccation of the food and ice crystal formation in the package is a major mode of
Im5d }Q0deterioration of frozen foods under fluctuation temperature conditions. Cycling食品伙伴个性空间G5EIS,O&J&X:W
temperature storage is used to test for this, i.e. from 0 °F or 10 °F up to 20 °F with one
"Reayu+qP/@g0day at each temperature and then repeated several times. A freeze-thaw cycling study
6U_-IVY0is also needed to determine its effect on sensory quality. Usually, the high temperature食品伙伴个性空间 uBVK3{gv I
I$X%x4R"KdLD"U0can be much lower than that used in a microbial challenge study unless microbial
9J.g#ZWQ,P0survival is still a concern. Typically, cycling temperature/time can be three to five 24食品伙伴个性空间)gA@w^\
hour cycles between -18 °C and -7 °C, or between - 18 °C and 7 °C, depending on
8\&?KR~v0the product.食品伙伴个性空间;R%I}:Q TAE,x
Step 3: Estimate testing time and sampling frequency— Testing times are食品伙伴个性空间4w zxpl+R8W9p
dependent on a desired shelf life at target storage conditions. For example, given that
!m G(f,B*G$Z:to:F0a shelf life of 12 months at -18 °C is desired, a shelf life plot can be constructed. Figure
*G.i,dn2S4dS019.11 indicates the test time at -4 °C that equates to 12 months at -18 °C for various食品伙伴个性空间0[1?'D5Wz4_V%y\ k
Q10 values. Sampling times at -4 °C should thus be 1 wk, 2 wk, 1 month, 3 months, and
}(GBz z]g04.5 -5 months. Most published results suggest that Q10 values for vitamin C loss and
Y;a5UP~Y U0O0quality loss in frozen vegetables range from 2 to 20 and that the shelf life of vegetables食品伙伴个性空间"J!a`rx%HwF.}
is only 6-8 months at -18 °C (Labuza, 1982). Considering these Q10 values, a product食品伙伴个性空间:g.dS"H H1nc-[ x
that does not retain good quality for 4.5 months at -4 °C may not retain good quality for
j'XNLt)nK|012 months at -18 °C. This also suggests the sampling frequency shown in Table 19.6.
b CtL7i0All simple tests should be conducted at each sampling time, while sensory testing食品伙伴个性空间 }aT)H T7`
should be concentrated mainly toward the end of the test sequence with a few near the食品伙伴个性空间-\0MY;f n
/|.Pb[J%C W00 5 10 15 20 25 30
^M Hlf?K0w2k&P0.1
b`1I,K B s9g01
H2`B!G-Gi z r?.j010
j:^ {CI6rV:v G0100食品伙伴个性空间Ea%T4J6d
T (°F)
]9dn i8b8hI9b%t,s0Shelf life 12 mo at 0
J ]3`D"fw0ASLT at 25 °F
*|3XI Ey d#Jq04.5 mo食品伙伴个性空间y:kJ_v9Nb
1.2 mo食品伙伴个性空间)ymtV!Y`
14 days食品伙伴个性空间X oU/_ fXM-L[
6 days食品伙伴个性空间&v/Hwp^-YJ0NF6Q-_
L n0_M!a GeU]0Q10=10食品伙伴个性空间O3TTI g1zx&t
Q10=20食品伙伴个性空间r,kB dx:m
Figure 19.11 Shelf life testing times at 25 °F equivalent to 12 mo at 0 °F食品伙伴个性空间nu4e#Xt
for various Q10 values.
e4A|Q$Z4o Q0Table 19.6 Sampling frequency for frozen pizza ASLT
$TR^l]1I031食品伙伴个性空间-["P Lp:CrI+m1a\C
Temperature (°C) Sampling times (wk)食品伙伴个性空间~$? pZ `-~9p5D
- 4 1, 2*, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12, 14, 16*, 20*
A{ y u@m1l%P ^9F2q0- 7 2, 4*, 10, 15*, 20*
6NTj0e{Q%B F0- 10 4*, 10, 15*, 20*
}:pjT1\ V;j0^ {0* Sensory test times Source: Labuza (1986)
l7KCQ/n0Step 4: Determine end point — Figure 19.12 shows a comparison of times to
7I-H&Y pE#^{0various levels for the loss of vitamin C in frozen spinach as a function of temperature
{Xg&G!lS2w0(Kramer, 1974). The dotted line represents the 80/80 rule, i.e., from a legal standpoint,食品伙伴个性空间3E"Y!\h"z4t ]!x!MR
for natural products, 80% of the tested sample must have no more than a loss of 20%食品伙伴个性空间-PUw|,~I'B
(i.e. 80% of the label value). Consumer sensory testing will not always give such a食品伙伴个性空间8sXsi c'k5y3KV
clear shelf-life result since different shelf life times can result using different quality食品伙伴个性空间%]x#d3Y` x-V|%u
attributes. Often professional judgment has to be made to decide what factor to use as食品伙伴个性空间 SH)r0K2Po)m0u q_d
the base for the end of shelf-life of the product. When shelf life is unacceptably short,
N*j@~6Q0adjustments should be made to the food, its environment, packaging, process and食品伙伴个性空间2HJn$?:t;S$\7H0GY/U5OsZ
hygienic conditions, until a suitable extension of shelf life can be achieved. For some
jT;|5Nf!eS#jY0products, the test results may demonstrate that the target shelf life is not attainable. At食品伙伴个性空间4W%h:a3c_'A
this point, the question of whether to launch the new product with a shorter shelf life or
l't\gURA0to abandon the entire project becomes a marketing decision.
d@#G9["hh.`/o0-20 -10 0 1 0
%s@H'e s|$pxw01
3u Y!ne4xH4xN@010食品伙伴个性空间{*P}4gQ w
~IMN\'{`;TXa0Storage Temperature (°F)
L C.f6j{"|,DR'PE0Shelf life (mo)食品伙伴个性空间G/h)BDY0w
Figure 19.12
`6vE AO'b7G0Shelf life of frozen spinach as a function of vitamin loss level
j?6z L9th zx050% loss
3LL G.?j#E:t5{(y025% loss食品伙伴个性空间9Q2K#uT-U:\]
10% loss食品伙伴个性空间5?0mWl}'cES
Quality (80/80 rule)食品伙伴个性空间)laRK7kP
M Q,m6h M8x S`0Step 5: Estimate kinetic parameters — From each test storage condition,
P W$M$y5WPn0estimation of k or q is needed to make the appropriate shelf life plot. From this one can食品伙伴个性空间/mu*W/}.S
then estimate the potential shelf life and confidence interval for the storage condition.
9jq#A\m6K6C0Then parameters for the Arrhenius relation and the shelf life plot are determined by
.Ya$e"N3rElL0linear regression, which are used for shelf life prediction.食品伙伴个性空间d.KURR
Step 6: Extrapolate to normal freezing storage condition — The most useful食品伙伴个性空间X`e'p:E
shelf life information is obtained for product kept at its intended storage temperature,
:R#~;?6~n0which is about -18°C for retail frozen products and -23°C for distribution of frozen
LXIG*g0foods. Figure 19.13 demonstrates how the shelf life plot is used for extrapolation. It is
xL9rO*j'@t$J |Y^0always a good practice to compare a model's prediction against actual experimental
Y&}o;nU,nyZ5R0results because of the potential for errors from using the higher temperature data as
FN{\6j0noted earlier besides the other errors suggested by Labuza and Riboh (1982). In食品伙伴个性空间*MU @*S l @"@7g8b
addition, the existence of a glass transition at a temperature between the test
rN3l%Sj;Sn$ddrQ0temperature and the prediction temperature would lead to error as shown by Nelson食品伙伴个性空间0Vix/s.g4FxX&n
and Labuza (1994). In the case of frozen foods, most likely the error would be an食品伙伴个性空间%M Y V;X ZX
under prediction of the shelf life.食品伙伴个性空间d-g(Kp7T eG
ln Q
E7W:p ]-f{ @0T1
N"wuC-[P1kG6u0Ts (commercial storage temperature)食品伙伴个性空间of#WXY@ t
Figure 19.13 Extrapolation from ASLT
,y&W E&R!g PTj-n0Step 7: Predict quality loss for a fluctuating time-temperature distribution — The
V6[,gF[)C_0prediction is based on two assumptions: (1) that there is no history effect from the
C K&Kq1_0time-temperature variation and (2) that the key deterioration mode does not change as
!m)yeX%[#u"`:Z j0a function of temperature. The frozen spinach data shown in Figure 19.12 is used in食品伙伴个性空间.^u4s:k/_ lH*Re
the following example in Table 19.7 for a time-temperature distribution. The line
q{ R0j n7ac;k033
Y-H#m-Bu_0equivalent to 20% loss is set as the end of shelf life limit i.e., if Ao = 36 mg/100 g then A
BC4v_^8V6[0at the end of shelf life is 0.8 x 36 or 28.8 mg or 7.2 mg of vitamin C can be lost. For食品伙伴个性空间y+gP-IE'~
each temperature of exposure, the time on the 80/80 line is the time for 20% loss, thus食品伙伴个性空间`-TK%Mt/`!n9i[$Z
at -10°F, the 20% loss (equivalent to 100% shelf life) time is 16.5 months. Thus for 6
II v!`? T0months storage at -10°F, there is 6/16.5 or 36.3% of the shelf life lost and the amount食品伙伴个性空间 uQ J A,JK _B
left is 36 - 6.36 x 7.2 = 33.4 mg.食品伙伴个性空间6gOZ NJ dVh%?
Table 19.7 Estimation of quality remaining of frozen spinach after exposed to a食品伙伴个性空间+X O d%|_/Q*hj#Mqh
variable time-temperature history with Ao = 36 mg/100g spinach.食品伙伴个性空间$?:c^4D%|2p,f P/H
Temperature食品伙伴个性空间Q[E!l ] d
(°F)食品伙伴个性空间 Tq ^~C#ox
Time t食品伙伴个性空间y+K7G ~ rZ6`
i9j8\ B;xSV0q shelf life食品伙伴个性空间fZj9t2ac'|o c1C
{Y-ya g0(t/q )
1Jk3^%j l6PJ0Sfcon Aremaining
&[&Q Lk3B9wc7x(Z;v*I0(mg/100g)
q-`AL&f,R0-10 6 16.5 0.363 0.363 33.4食品伙伴个性空间%Uf+v| Iik7K
+3 1 4.5 0.256 0.619 31.5
m&j0o9dq#U\/? Z0+12 0.25 1.6 0.156 0.775 30.4食品伙伴个性空间pje bs;EI AuN
Since as noted 80% of Ao is equal to 28.8 mg/100g at end of shelf life, this product is食品伙伴个性空间D&Z(_'g,k2N4iVT S_
still acceptable at the end of the set of three different time/temperature exposures. In
H3X4Sg;@5@.E0fact, the shelf life left @ 5 °F = (1-0.775) x 3.3 = 0.74 months = 22 days.食品伙伴个性空间ue gh+k$AR!f"U
19.5.3 Applicability
%A-mh:y^*L%S B0Because of relatively long shelf life for frozen foods and the unique feature of freezing,
0oR8l*Q-F8D0~-b0the degree of temperature elevation is largely limited. Prediction of actual shelf life食品伙伴个性空间W+xSq?^"w\
from ASLT may be severely limited except in very simple food systems. Frozen foods食品伙伴个性空间7kmL+C4O
such as frozen pizzas, may present problems with moisture migration. The moisture食品伙伴个性空间UKt7KS tS,\
may diffuse from the pizza sauce which has a higher aw into the crust containing a
"K2vFDm/m$^u|0lower aw, creating a pizza crust that is limp and soggy. Product development scientists食品伙伴个性空间#IM Hh b:Eh`
should only use the results as a guideline and must use as many storage conditions
(`4J$[gMP z-`r4g0as possible to minimize prediction errors.
2vY5IVnt f,@a!P034食品伙伴个性空间8NX3g9HT(x
ASLT is just a quick method, which can not replace the normal storage tests
p*F_d1}S0_.R}0discussed next. Once it is verified that the extrapolation may be wrong, i.e., too large食品伙伴个性空间O Gc1k}!t w(iZ:\
an error, then a careful look should be taken at the deterioration mode, the experiment食品伙伴个性空间7qYlyzI+J
design and procedure, the data collected and the model developed. If the食品伙伴个性空间5Uv*W%rl[$Y4Xll
extrapolation under predicts the true shelf life, then it becomes an economic concern, it食品伙伴个性空间3WQ*o2T5^7i%rp/ue$i1X
is over predicted, then reformulating may be necessary. If the shelf life prediction
i pcJ&vjb0indicates that the product meets the stability expectation, then the product has a食品伙伴个性空间r-_ Ciw S
chance of performing satisfactorily in the marketplace.食品伙伴个性空间C3Pd7aH#[1].a+nM
19.6 Confirmatory storage study
sAe t7w+C&d.R019.6.1 Basis
YJ#[-f4H6[ Gf0Y0The difference in potential shelf life should be considered when scaling up from食品伙伴个性空间4[S&X'EKn\'J8~
experimental test batches to pilot plant and then to full scale production. Experience食品伙伴个性空间9OsRT/t:KYC;^p
has shown that results of small-scale experiments in the laboratory may not be of
9Z!s.@x4as"e0much use for large-scale production (Graf and Saguy, 1991). Scale-up not only affects食品伙伴个性空间SuaM @
the processability and quality of a food product, but it often alters its shelf life.食品伙伴个性空间:\#N z'oYPT
Depending on the mode of failure and the food scientist's approach to inhibiting食品伙伴个性空间3b1L MAb0B6e5n N!le
microbial growth and chemical reactions leading to deterioration, scale-up may


sunny leesunny 发布于2007-12-01 11:26:42

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xldu发布于2007-12-04 13:25:24
璇玑之 爱乐爱乐 发布于2007-12-04 13:40:14
Yz Wl0U/k+A-D        t食品论坛;食品社区
洞庭码头 oliver2008twist 发布于2008-03-20 11:34:03
Very good book ,Thank you
chenfenna的个人空间 chenfenna 发布于2008-09-11 08:19:29
有点难度!食品论坛,食品行业社区,关注食品安全、食品技术、食品质量、检测技术等g YST        ^jQ_
XRH2004的个人空间 XRH2004 发布于2009-04-14 20:36:56
sunjm0320发布于2009-04-21 09:44:09
wtao-0678发布于2009-04-26 11:32:36
麦香豆发布于2009-04-27 10:53:41
KX-T7665发布于2009-06-29 12:04:49
回复 1# leesunny 的帖子
food86发布于2009-06-29 13:19:00
clyde-chen的个人空间 clyde-chen 发布于2009-07-20 10:49:57
食品专业户发布于2009-07-23 16:33:34
论道-竹叶青 论道-竹叶青 发布于2009-07-23 22:22:16
heiniuzxf发布于2009-07-24 08:32:04
binggan1217发布于2009-07-24 09:18:26
junshengwang67发布于2009-07-24 10:31:13
保质期有以下确定方法:1.国家法律法规规定.食品论坛;食品社区LP3|8Z/x\ O
spzhr发布于2009-07-24 16:45:34
unwakenman发布于2009-10-10 17:03:04
joseph612的个人空间 joseph612 发布于2010-06-15 11:29:17


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