
上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-06-22 17:48:23 / 个人分类:中英双语新闻

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Cause for Concern In Chinese Bulbs?

Most of us buy garlic at a supermarket. We don't know what kind it is, how fresh it is or where it's grown. But there's a good chance it comes from China, which produces 75 percent of the world's supply.

Garlic is the United States' biggest fresh-vegetable import from China, which sent us 138 million pounds of it worth more than $70 million last year. We also get small amounts from Mexico, Argentina and about 15 other countries. We eat a lot of garlic -- about three pounds per person a year.

Although most of our fresh garlic comes from halfway around the world, it's cheaper than garlic grown in California. For example, California garlic bulbs were priced at $4.99 a pound at Whole Foods Market last week, but a pack of five Chinese bulbs -- about a pound -- were just 79 cents at Great Wall supermarket in Falls Church. The U.S. Department of Agriculture says garlic prices have dipped 12 percent in a decade.

California growers think that stinks, because it's killing their business. They grew 18,000 acres of garlic last year, which is only about 2 percent of the world's supply. A decade ago, they grew 36,000 acres. In the early 1990s, U.S. trade officials found that China was "dumping" garlic, or selling it below what it cost to produce. A 377 percent tariff caused imports to dip for a while until shippers found a loophole.

Some California growers and processors say that even though they don't like Chinese garlic, they buy some because it's cheaper than what it costs them to grow it -- even in Gilroy, the "Garlic Capital of the World"

Bill Christopher of the 50-year-old Christopher Ranch there, one of the largest U.S. growers, explained why: "A 30-pound box of Chinese garlic is $14, but our cost [to produce it] here is $26.27." Although he claims California garlic tastes better -- independent lab tests show it's denser in texture than Chinese -- his company uses imports in some prepared products, such as sauces.
有着50年历史的Christopher农场是美国最大的大蒜农场之一,主人Bill Christopher说“一箱30重的中国大蒜卖14美元,而我们在本地种出这么多大蒜的成本是26.27美元。”虽然他声称加利福尼亚大蒜的味道更好(他们的独立实验室测试结果表明,他们的大蒜质地比中国的更密),但他的公司在生产蒜汁等制成品时仍使用进口大蒜。

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Foreign Agricultural Service says dehydrated Chinese garlic imports increased 384 percent in the past 10 years. Layous and others cite a 2002 report by the now-defunct Americans for Wholesome Food, a coalition of businesses and organizations dedicated to educating consumers, on domestic and imported garlic powder. The AWF's report, based on independent lab tests, found "high levels of lead, arsenic and added sulfites in two supermarket-brand imported garlic powders from store shelves."

So how safe is garlic?
"Unless there's an import alert out from the FDA," says agency spokeswoman Kimberly Rawlings, food "is considered safe."
中国大蒜究竟是否安全?美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)发言人Kimberly Rawlings说:“只要FDA没有发布进口警告,就可以认为是安全的。”

The FDA said it could not provide information on detention and refusal rates of Chinese produce and how they compare with those for other countries. But FDA records show that since 1994, fresh and processed garlic have been targeted for automatic detention and surveillance. Numerous shipments from several companies -- five Chinese, one Canadian and one Argentine -- were refused because of insects or insect damage, mold or filth between 1994 and 1996. The Canadian firm had repacked Chinese garlic and shipped it, peeled, in five-pound jars. Thirteen fresh garlic shipments from China were refused at California ports.

A Washington Post search of nearly 900 FDA "refusal actions" from May 2006 to April 2007 turned up 18 shipments of garlic products from several countries. Some examples of rejections: from China, chili garlic sauce, because manufacturing information was not provided; from Canada, garlic paste, made in unsanitary conditions and inadequately labeled; from Argentina, "filthy" garlic bulbs.
For several reasons, experts say, fresh garlic is safer than processed, and they suggest ways for consumers to make it even safer.

Michael Doyle, director of the Center for Food Safety at the University of Georgia, says that garlic has natural inhibitors against pesticides. Marion Nestle, professor of nutrition and food studies at New York University and author of "What to Eat," says the skin also protects somewhat against pesticides, if any were used. "Pesticide residues can be removed by washing," she says.
Georgia大学食品安全中心主任Michael Doyle说大蒜含有天然的农药抑制剂。纽约大学的营养学教授、《What to Eat》一书的作者Marion Nestle说,大蒜皮也多多少少可以阻挡农药,“用水洗可以去掉残留农药。”

E. coli and other bacteria on fresh garlic would probably be only on the exterior, Nestle says.

She and Doyle agree that besides peeling and discarding the skin, the one sure-fire way to kill off microorganisms is to turn up the heat.
"A quick dip in boiling water would do it," Nestle says, "as would searing."

TAG: 中英双语新闻

wz9th的个人空间 wz9th 发布于2007-06-22 17:46:39
June 20, 2007

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My Food Kingdom xljtina 发布于2007-06-30 02:31:07
got a question.
do u translate this article into Chinese, Wz9th?
xbsff发布于2007-07-02 09:29:58
燕丫头1205发布于2007-07-02 10:23:17
Thanks a lot!
I also have a question, Where did you find so many informations?
snowtiger的个人空间 snowtiger 发布于2007-07-17 10:26:43
不错,不错,值的鼓励, 收藏了




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