

上一篇 / 下一篇  2006-09-16 18:20:50 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

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希腊神话:Apollo 阿波罗
oD}_3EI6fY0Apollo食品伙伴个性空间t K6kH"] a
食品伙伴个性空间S7Da{&Pv+pl T~ ~
Among the crowd of Olympian gods the one most widely admired was Apollo.He was the son of Zeus and Let to.According to Greek mythology,Leto was driven by Hera from land to land at last Poseidon took Pity on her and brought the island of Delos out of water for her to live on.There she gave birth to the twins ,Apollo and Artemis.食品伙伴个性空间9q!Q({FJ.A'i
Apollo was me sun-god.He wore a purple robe.He usually sat in his bright eastern palace early in the morning and madeready to start his daily journey across the sky.During the day hed rove his carriage of gold and ivory , and brought light, life and love to the great world below. Iate in the afternoon he came to the end of his journey in the far western sea and got on his golden boat to return to his eastern home.
HR4PR1x2`&m0Apollo was the god of music and poetry.He could stir up all feelings.These feelings are expressed in lofty songs.With his lyre of gold and the sweet accents of his godlike voice heled the choir of the Muses at Olympus.The pleasant music from his lyre was so exciting that stones marched into their places in rhythmic time and of their own will when he helped Poseidonbuild up the walls of Troy.On one occasion,invited to a contest by the human musician Marsyas,he won and then flayed him to death for his pride.On another occasion,he lost out toPan at a musical contest and turned the ears of the judge,King Midas,into those of an ass.
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5F5reJl"z_)kh)I`0His son,Orpheus,took over such skill from the father that his lyre moved man and animals alike.食品伙伴个性空间 eY H6\ ]8oa!SJE0~
Apollo stood for youthful and manly beauty.His goldenhair,stately manner and air all combined to make him the admiration of the world.A beautiful girl,by the name of Clytle,was so fond of his beauty and glory that from dawn to dusk she knelt on the ground,her hands outstretched towards the sungod,and her eyes looked at his golden wheeled carriage racing across the blue sky.Though her love was not returned,she had never changed her mind about Apollo.The gods were moved at the sad sight,and changed her into a sunflower.
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x.~pRCT0        阿波罗象征着青春和男子汉的美。金色的头发、庄重的举止、容光焕发的神态,这些足以使他受到世人的青睐。一位名叫克里提的美丽少女迷恋于他的英俊潇洒,跪在地上,从黎明到黄昏,双手伸向太阳神。她凝视着那辆金质马车在蔚蓝的天空驰骋。虽然她的爱并未得到回报,但她对阿波罗的痴情却从未改变。目睹这悲哀的场面,众神深受感动,将她变成了一株向日葵。


我是一条虫  很想变成龙 成龙 发布于2006-09-18 08:09:11
希腊神话:Ares 阿瑞斯
希腊神话:Ares 阿瑞斯
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Son of Zeus and Hera,Ares was appointed god of war.Hewas terrible and majestic ,and his march shook the world.Of all the major gods at Olympus,he was the most hateful,loving struggle and war and ever thirsty for blood .On the other hand he signified courage and victory in battle,and was devoutly worshipped by soldiers going to war.Prayers were addressed to him before the war and spoils presented at his altar after it.食品论坛,食品行业社区,关注食品安全、食品技术、食品质量、检测技术等!eA1~5KR6y0Lv#@&b

        kfz!g-N'JS+@jCbspace.foodmate.netHe was the one god who ever had to submit to the power ofhis inferiors .At one time lack of tact and good udge ment led to his shame.He was fighting with two giants,and finding himself no match for the two monstrous creatures,laid down hisarms and was imprisoned in chains. He was set free in the end by the artful Hermes,but not before he had suffered all the humiliations .
He was as thoughtless as he was unkind .A son of Poseidon's,attempting to kidnap his daughter,made the war-god unhappy,so that he killed the youth Without he sitation.In retaliation ,Poseidon dragged him before a group of Athenian judges for trial.The court was held on a hill outside Athens.Ares presented his case and was declared innocent . The hill was ever after called Areopagus,“the hill of Ares”,and the judges receivedthe names of Areopagitae.
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i}A7G7HA9MM i食品伙伴个性空间        阿瑞斯,宙斯和赫拉之子,被委任为战神。他威严而可怕。他一走动,整个世界都会摇晃。在奥林波斯山上的所有主神中,他是最可恨的、最喜欢争斗和战争的神,并且永远对血腥有一种渴望。另一方面,他代表勇气和胜利,被即将上战场的战士们疯狂地崇拜。这些崇拜者战前都要向他祈祷,战后将战利品供奉在他的祭坛前。(A%e

        他是惟一一位曾经不得不屈于部下威力的神。有一次,由于缺乏机智与正确判断使他蒙受羞辱。他和两个巨人决斗,发现自己不能抵挡。他自动放下武器,被铐上铁链关了起来,最后他被老练的赫尔墨斯救出来,但在此之前,他已饱尝了受侮辱的滋味。 W zs

,|        XvbV5`        他做事不加思考,就像他的残暴一样典型。波塞冬的一个儿子企图诱拐他的女儿,弄得战神非常不悦。于是,他毫不留情地把他干掉了。为了替儿子报仇,波塞冬拉着阿瑞斯到雅典法官面前要求审判战神。审判是在城外的一座小山上开庭的,阿瑞斯叙述了案情,最后被判无罪。从那以后,这座山就称作雅典的最高法院,即“阿瑞斯之山”;而出审的法官们被称作雅典最高法院的法官。
我是一条虫  很想变成龙 成龙 发布于2006-09-19 09:00:15
希腊神话:Dionysus 狄俄尼索斯
希腊神话:Dionysus  狄俄尼索斯食品论坛;食品社区]b}m6T/zm

Dionysus jA(Rk+L^L Y

8B6Z!zU7]V食品论坛,食品行业社区,关注食品安全、食品技术、食品质量、检测技术等Dionysus was the god of wine.He was the son of Zeus by Semele. When his mother was burnt to death in the glory of Zeus .He was still a helpless infant.His father trusted his upbringing to some mountain fairy maidens .They tookthe greatest care of him. Under the tutorship of Silennus,the Satyr, he was introduced to all the secrets of nature and the culture of the wine. He travelled far and wide in his carriage drawn by wild beasts. He was said to have been to India and Ethiopia .Wherever he went, there was music and song and revelling.Hisattendants,known as the Bacchantes, were noted for their noiseand disorder.A most wild,noisy crow,they drank,danced andsang in a careless way.The women Bacchantes were infamous for their excessive immodesty and disgraceful excitement .In their madness and intoxication they committed cruel violence. They tore Orpheus,the gifted musician,limb from limb.King Pentheus of Thebes,for frowning on the worship of Bacchus in his kingdom, suffered the same treatment at the hands of a band of these fanatical women,of whom his own mother was the leader.D(GJ5A+pb%u
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%A^n.^^OO9~ w l  狄俄尼索斯是酒神,他是宙斯和塞梅莱的儿子。当他的妈妈被宙斯的璀璨之焰烧死时,他还只是个孤弱的婴儿。他的父亲将他寄托在山中仙子们那里,他们精心地哺育他长大。在森林之神西莱娜斯的辅导下,他掌握了有关自然的所有秘密以及酒的历史。他乘坐着他那辆由野兽驾驶的四轮马车到处游荡。据说他曾到过印度和埃塞俄比亚。他走到哪儿,乐声、歌声、狂饮就跟到哪儿。他的侍从们,被称为酒神的信徒,也因他们的吵闹无序而出名。他们肆无忌惮地狂笑,漫不经心地喝酒、跳舞和唱歌。侍从中的妇女也因极端粗野、得意起来有失体面而臭名昭著。当她们疯狂或是极度兴奋时,她们使用残忍的暴力。她们曾把俄尔浦斯这位才华横溢的音乐家的手足撕裂。就连底比斯国王,仅因为在本国崇拜巴克斯(狄俄尼索斯的别名)问题上皱了皱眉头,也遭受了同样的惩罚。而带领这群狂热的女人胡作非为的就是狄俄尼索斯的母亲。
梦消阁 消失一梦 发布于2006-09-19 10:28:51
i want to know something about 维纳斯thank longge
我是一条虫  很想变成龙 成龙 发布于2006-09-19 13:32:23


原帖由 消失一梦 于 2006-9-19 10:28 发表
+rLn}$i食品论坛,食品行业社区,关注食品安全、食品技术、食品质量、检测技术等i want to know something about 维纳斯thank longge

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希腊神话:Venus And Adonis 维纳斯和阿多尼斯(R[d v*I5q4}U+F-_E.u

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Venus And Adonisspace.foodmate.netcq0e%FI-\w

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aphrodite loved adonis more than she did anybody else,for he was a brisk,lovely young hunter.she gave up herhome at olympus and took to the the woods she dressed herself up like a huntress and kept the youth company all day long.with him she wandered through grounds andgroves and over hills and valleys.she cheered hunting dogs andpursued animals of a harmless sort.they had a great time together.however,she warned him many times not to chase wild beasts like lions and wolves,but the young man just laughed at the idea.
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one day,after warning him thus,she left for olympus inher carriage.quite by chance adonis'' hunting dogs found aboar,which roused adonis to enthusiasm.he hit the beast with an arrow,but the boar,turning on him,buried its white tusk deep into his tender side and trampled him to death.when aphrodite came back to find her lover cold in death,she burst into a passion of tears .unable to take him back from the lower world,she sprinkled wine on adonls'' blood and turned it into anemone,a delicate purple flower.[7wl,snL
aphrodite was not calmed down grief and despair she flew to zeus and begged zeus'' sympathy.hades was by no means prepared to meet her request.after much dispute anagreement was worked out under which adonis was to spend half the year above ground with aphrodite,but the remaining six months in the elysian fields.therefore,in spring time adonis came back to the loving embrace of aphrodite ,but when winter came he had to return most reluctantly to hades.-ENmm(M5u.nn

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维纳斯和阿多尼斯食品论坛,食品行业社区,关注食品安全、食品技术、食品质量、检测技术等,} E.T;?`

F(x`"tFu[T8V食品论坛;食品社区        阿芙罗狄蒂的心并没有因此平静下来,在忧伤和绝望心情的笼罩下,她飞到宙斯处,乞求他的怜悯。哈得斯一点也不打算答应她的要求。经过一番口舌之争,他们达成协议:阿多尼斯每年可以到阳间和阿美罗狄蒂相聚半年,但剩下的六个月得到天堂渡过。由此每当春天的时候,阿多尼斯就转世回到阿芙罗狄蒂身边享受她爱的拥抱,但到了冬天他就得不情愿地回到哈得斯那儿。
简单微笑的个人空间 简单微笑 发布于2006-09-19 13:38:56
Thanks for  your story ,it 's very Interesting!
我是一条虫  很想变成龙 成龙 发布于2006-09-20 14:00:57
Eros(Cupid)&iPnX        ~
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Eros was the god of love,better known by hislatin name Cupid.Son of Aphrodite by Ares ,he took his place among the small gods of Olympus.He was represented asa little naked boy,with sparkling wings,and he carried his bowand arrows wherever he wandered.Shooting his thrilling arrows in evils,he inspired the passion of love and provided all nature with life and power of reproduction.The lovely,naughty god had two kinds of arrows:the gold tipped arrows used to quicken the pulse of love and the lead tipped ones to palsy it. Besides,he had a torch to light hearts with.
Though sometimes he was blindfolded ,no man nor god,Zeus himself included,was safe from his evils.At one time the little naughty god was wounded by his own arrows and suchburning love was awakened in him for the human maiden Psyche that he disregarded the constant interference of his mother and plucked up his courage to beg Zeus for justice.Another famousstory where Eros played an important part was the Argonautic expedition.Medea,daughter of king Aeetes,was wounded by Eros' arrows,took Jason's part in recovering the golden fleece and eventually became the hero's wife.
$~        T-rYgGO食品论坛,食品行业社区,关注食品安全、食品技术、食品质量、检测技术等  厄洛斯是爱神,它的拉丁名称丘比特更为人熟知。他是阿瑞斯和阿芙罗狄蒂的儿子,是一位小奥林波斯山神。他的形象是一个裸体的小男孩,有一对闪闪发光的翅膀。他带着弓箭漫游。他恶作剧地射出令人震颤的神箭,唤起爱的激情。给自然界带来生机,授予万物繁衍的能力。这位可爱而又淘气的小精灵有两种神箭:加快爱情产生的金头神箭和中止爱情的铅头神箭。另外,他还有一束照亮心灵的火炬。space.foodmate.net1e!C

-zlM;M:u食品论坛,食品行业社区,关注食品安全、食品技术、食品质量、检测技术等  尽管有时他被蒙着眼睛,但没有任何人或神,包括宙斯在内,能逃避他的恶作剧。有一次这位淘气的精灵被自己的箭射中。对人间少女普赛克炽热的爱在他心中复苏,以致于他不顾他母亲的干预,鼓起勇气让宙斯给予公正评判。厄洛斯起了重大作用的另一个著名的故事是亚尔古英雄的远征。美狄亚,国王埃厄忒斯的女儿,被厄洛斯的神箭射中,和伊阿宋一起寻觅金羊毛,最后成为这位英雄的妻子。
我是一条虫  很想变成龙 成龙 发布于2006-09-21 11:19:36
希腊神话:Nereus and Proteus 纳鲁斯和普鲁吐斯
希腊神话:Nereus and Proteus  纳鲁斯和普鲁吐斯

Nereus and Proteus食品论坛,食品行业社区,关注食品安全、食品技术、食品质量、检测技术等        O0Ya^zt5m0h

;^P3M(j.N HV7YEf食品论坛;食品社区Of all the small sea divinities Nereus and Proteus stood out as Peculiar sea-gods.Nereus,known as“the Old Man of the sea”,represented the pleasant aspect of ocean waters.He lived beneath the sea with his fifty lovely daughters,of whom the most famous were Amphritrite,Thetis,Galate a and Panope.It was Nereus who advised Heracles to seek Prometheus in the hero's search of the golden apples.食品论坛;食品社区)FX!z3O

)\"j:o6r(Lg6^ n'g!|食品论坛;食品社区Proteus was Poseidon's herdsman. He was well known for two qualities:the gift of prophecy and the power to take various forms.At one time he was a lion with a curly wavy hairs;at another he appeared in the shape of a wild boar;and still another he stood a stately tree covered with rich leaves.When,after all these and many other changes,he failed to get rid of his questioner, the god offered detailed answers. h8o[        z*w,Y2v
纳鲁斯和普鲁吐斯 _!r,Q0zl1i,P B(AW1E+W
食品论坛;食品社区5NZR hvL'fv
lymaomao发布于2006-09-21 11:23:42
hehe, I have read this sometime before.
我是一条虫  很想变成龙 成龙 发布于2006-09-25 18:25:50
希腊神话:Palladium 雅典娜的神像食品论坛,食品行业社区,关注食品安全、食品技术、食品质量、检测技术等J%klUFF9ae

v Q!w1X8vspace.foodmate.netWhen Ilus had first built his new seat,the city of Troy, he prayed Zeus to show some sign of blessing for it. His prayer was heard,and a wooden image of Pallas- A-thena fell from heaven to within the walls of the city. Known as the Palladium, the statue afforded the city safety and protection. At religious meetings of the goddess it was carried through the city streets amid joys and songs of praise.食品论坛,食品行业社区,关注食品安全、食品技术、食品质量、检测技术等U;D&I9k&`/f [3J

0Yju8r6vtAfter the flames of war had spread for ten years before the walls of Troy, a prophet foretold that Troy could never be expected to fall as long as the Palladium was treasured by its people .In order to steal it out,Odysseus and Diomedes slipped into the capital one night in disguise ,known to none but Hellen.The bad woman took out them to He cuba, the queen of Troy, at whose feet Odysseus immediately bowed down and asked formercy.The queen granted their request,and with the help of Helen,they successfully brought the image back to the Greek camp at dawn.食品伙伴个性空间2_V(ir Ua
Later it was said that Aeneas got hold of it and carried itwith him to his new land,where it was Preserved together with the goddess' fire.
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w6j0cF'Fs'BB"v食品伙伴个性空间        当伊拉斯最初建造特洛伊城时,他祈求宙斯赐福于这座城市。宙斯听到祈求后,一尊木制的智慧雅典娜像从天堂落到了城墙里。人们将它称作雅典娜神像。这尊木像担任着保卫和看守城市的任务。在祭神的宗教仪式中,它在欢快的气氛和赞美的歌声中被抬着走过城市的所有街道。
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        在特洛伊建成之前,战火已弥漫了十年。一位预言家说:只要雅典娜的神像受人民的爱戴,特洛伊城就永远不会衰灭。为了将神像偷出城,一天夜里奥德修斯和狄俄墨德斯乔装改扮潜入首都,这一切只有海伦知道。这个可恶的女人把他们介绍给特洛伊皇后赫克犹巴。奥德修斯立刻跪倒在她的面前乞求怜悯。皇后答应了他们的要求,在海伦的帮助下,他们在拂晓的时候成功地带着雕像回到希腊营地。 A+G

食品伙伴个性空间4IMl        OvS)?I
轻灵星空 青铃草 发布于2006-09-25 20:33:59
it's so hard to me
我是一条虫  很想变成龙 成龙 发布于2006-09-26 08:22:33


原帖由 青铃草 于 2006-9-25 20:33 发表
nUG1Z$N&J食品伙伴个性空间it's so hard to me
食品论坛;食品社区b&Ds5FXs U7H*\
Say for me that also is like this el)k_p0A2W$c

N8[]%N:jVd\/zni:f G d3B U(T

2? y'A(w'wS食品论坛,食品行业社区,关注食品安全、食品技术、食品质量、检测技术等Pandora

After the stealing of fire,Zeus became increasingly unkind to men.One day he ordered his son Hephaestus tobuild an image of a beautiful maiden out of clay.He then asked the gods and goddesses to award her with different kinds of gifts.Among others,Athena clothed her in an attractive coat and Hermes gave her the power of telling lies.A charming young lady,she was the first woman that ever lived.Zeus called her Pandora.Because she had received from each of the gods and goddesses a gift.The gift was harmful to men. %n9m.|

Zeus decided to send her down to men as a present.So Hermes them essenger brought her to Epimetheus,brother of Prometheus.The greatness of her beauty touched the hearts of all who looked upon her,and Epimetheus happily received her into his house.He had quite forgotten Pometheus' warning:never to accept anything from Zeus.The couple lived a happy life for some time.Then trouble came on to the human world. :_*n$@(eH

,P5|-cC^tnh食品论坛;食品社区When he was busy with teaching men the art of living,Prometheus had left a bigcask in the care of Epimetheus.He had warned his brother not to open the lid.Pandora was a curious woman.She had been feeling very disappointed that her husband did not allow her to take a look at the contents of the cask.One day,when Epimetheus was out,she lifted the lid and out itcame unrest and war,Plague and sickness,theft and violence, grief sorrow,and all the other evils.The human world was hence to experience these evils.Only hope stayed within the mouth of the jar and never flew out.So men always have hope within their hearts.

        [%y*nXj ^~#U i食品论坛,食品行业社区,关注食品安全、食品技术、食品质量、检测技术等
)?"Egi.h!C食品论坛;食品社区  窃天火之后,宙斯对人类的敌意与日俱增。一天,他令儿子赫菲斯托斯用泥塑一美女像,并请众神赠予她不同的礼物。其中,雅典娜饰之以华丽的衣裳,赫耳墨斯赠之以说谎的能力。世上的第一个女人是位迷人女郎,因为她从每位神灵那里得到了一样对男人有害的礼物,因此宙斯称她为潘多拉(pander:意为煽动)。 食品论坛;食品社区4`v Q%i)j6f+I
食品论坛;食品社区~        Q }g oP
  宙斯决定把她作为礼物送给世间的男子。于是信使赫耳墨斯将她带给普罗米修斯的弟弟厄庇墨透斯。她姿容绝美,见者无不为之倾心。厄庇墨透斯兴高采烈地把她迎入屋内。普罗米修斯警告过他不得接受宙斯的任何馈赠,而他已将之忘于脑后。这一对夫妻有过一段幸福的生活,但不久灾难却降临人间。 食品伙伴个性空间&_$ACI\

p;B;ypCq  当普罗米修斯忙于教授人们生存之道的时候,他把一个桶托付给厄庇墨透斯。他警告过他的弟弟不要打开桶盖。潘多拉好奇心强。她的丈夫不允许她看桶中之物,这使她感到十分懊恼。一天乘厄庇墨透斯出门在外,她打开桶盖,从桶里跑出的是不和与战争,瘟疫与疾病,偷窃与暴力,悲哀与忧虑,以及其他一些人类从此要遭受的不幸。只有希望被关在桶口,永远飞不出来,因此人们常常把希望藏于心中。
我是一条虫  很想变成龙 成龙 发布于2006-09-27 09:37:16
mQVV"b        q1}食品伙伴个性空间
c(N        h%Xb6w食品论坛;食品社区Philomela
1dTv        OZeD'T食品伙伴个性空间d:z*k{&G0AT
King Pandion of Athens had two daughters,Procne and Philomela.When Athens was threatened by the wild men,King Tereus of Thrace came to its help.Out of gratitude King Pandion offered Tereus either of his daughters in marriage and the Thracian king chose Procne as wife. For yearsthey lived in Thrace and had one son,Itylus by name.Then Procne became homesick and longed to see her dear sister Philomela.At her repeated requests Tereus sailed to Athens tofetch Philomela.On the way back his evil heart took flame at the sight of Philomela who was then in her beauty of maidenhood.He seized and carried her away by force,cut out her tongue and imprisoned her in a lonely hut in the woods.To Procne he lied,saying that Philomela was dead.Philomela stayed in prison for ayear,where she had woven her painful story into the web of a robe .Then she managed to send the robe to her sister. As soon as she received the web Procne came over to the woods and to reher sister away from the keepers.V0}j

Ir_0Sq]Bm        Mg,KBack at the palace, the two women,hot for paying back ,killed little Itylus and served him up to his father . When Tereus learned of the terrible truth he grasped his sword and chased the sisters into the woods. There the gods turned Procne into a swallow,Philomela a nightingale and Tereus a hoopoe .食品论坛;食品社区*D        y"Ls#_"[ HY{)Y

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我是一条虫  很想变成龙 成龙 发布于2006-09-28 16:20:30
希腊神话:Prometheus 普罗米修斯
s PydgP4s%kQ%o3\食品论坛,食品行业社区,关注食品安全、食品技术、食品质量、检测技术等Prometheus yL c$JT#e@L*^
Prometheus was a Titan .In the war between Zeus the giants he had stood on the side of the new Olympiangods.Out of the clay he made the first man,to whom Athena gave soul and holy breath.Prometheus spent a lot of time and energy in creating the gift of fire.And fire raised man above all animals .Later,there held a joint meeting of gods and men.The meeting was to decide what part of burnt animals should begiven to gods and what to men.Prometheus cut up an ox and divided it into two parts:under the skin he placed the fresh,and under the fat he put the bones,for he knew the selfish Zeus loved fat. Zeus saw through the trick and felt displeased at the Prometheus' favor towards men.So in a masterful way he took away the gift of fire from mankind.However,Prometheus managed to steal fire from heaven and secretly brought it down tomen.Flying into an anger at this unjustified act of rebellion,Zeus let the other gods chain Prometheus to a rock on Mountain Caucasus,where a hungry eagle ever tore at his liver which ever grew again.His period of pain was to be thirty-thousand years.Prometheus faced his bitter fate firmly and never lost courage before Zeus.At last Heracles made Prometheus and Zeus restore to friend ship,when Heracles came over in search of the golden apple and killed the eagle and set the friend of mankind free.

普罗米修斯 space.foodmate.net1yNA??'pA1h.c
EJ        nE8]
我是一条虫  很想变成龙 成龙 发布于2006-09-30 10:06:14
希腊神话:奥林波斯山神(The Olympin Gods)'K'G0V.}3Y.y#|*I`
The Olympin Gods
W;]|R)I5gBetween Macedon and Thessaly of eastern Greece there stood a high mountain.Its cloudy top rushed into the very heavens.On the top of the mountain, the home of the gods was bathed in brightness. At Olympus Zeus ruled as the father of gods and men. Zeus was not a crude ruler by any standards.All the gods listened to his final words,it was true.But Zeus made them all sit on a committee of twelve members,including six gods and six goddesses. The first in the Olympian crowd sat Zeus himself. He was the overlord of gods and men and the operator of the thunderbolt .Next to him was Hera,his proud and greeneyed queen.Poseidon was ruler of the sea,And Hades,king of the lower world,had no seat in the committee.Apollo was the god of the sun,music and poetry,while his twinsister Artemis was the goddess of the moon and the chase. Athena was the goddess of wisdom and patroness of house holdarts.Hestin,the goddess of the family,represented home life and family happiness.The frightening Ares was the god of war,and the charming Aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty.The god of fire,Hephaestus,was the forger of the thunderbolts of Zeus.The wing footed messenger Hermes was the god of invention and commerce;and the goddess of grains and harvests,Demeter,looked after agriculture and stood for mother ofcivilization.
3O:zEMo$t食品论坛,食品行业社区,关注食品安全、食品技术、食品质量、检测技术等All the chief gods mentioned above took human forms of incomparable beauty and grace. Often moved by human feelings and desires,they frequently gave way to anger and jealousy.They became involved in ceaseless battles with the world of man. Among themselves at Olympus they plotted and struggled for power.In the human world they experienced competitions and difficulties.They enjoyed earthly friendships and loves.Acrowd of everlasting gods looked and acted in a perfectly human fashion that is what all gods at Olympus actually were.
*Xv2TJl%K W#sE,FJ食品伙伴个性空间r#N7`.G b
1L)S-J q`K食品论坛,食品行业社区,关注食品安全、食品技术、食品质量、检测技术等  在马其顿和希腊东部的色萨利之间矗立着一座高山。大雾弥漫的山顶直插云霄。山顶上,众神们的家园沐浴在阳光之中。宙斯作为山神和人类之父主宰着那里的一切。总的说来,宙斯并不是一个独裁统治者。但毫无疑问,凡事山神们都要听从他的命令。宙斯将男女山神12人组成一个委员会,宙斯本人则坐第一把交椅,是众神与人类的太上皇,也是雷电的操纵者。他旁边是他那傲慢且嫉妒的皇后赫拉。波塞冬是大海的统治者。哈得斯是主宰阴间的冥王,他在委员会中没有席位。阿波罗是太阳神、音乐和诗神。他的孪生姐妹阿耳特弥斯是月亮和狩猎女神。雅典娜是智能女神和家居艺术品的守护女神。赫提斯是家室之神,象征着家庭中的生命与幸福。气势汹汹的阿瑞斯是战神。媚人的阿芙罗狄蒂是爱与美神。火神赫菲斯托斯是宙斯雷电的创造者。以翅代步的信使海尔墨斯掌管商业与发明事务。谷物与丰收女神得墨特尔负责管理农业,她是文明之母。食品伙伴个性空间 ]*a8A4S&xo9\-c%P

我是一条虫  很想变成龙 成龙 发布于2006-10-02 13:13:39
!d t)shlKmspace.foodmate.netspace.foodmate.net0l%C c        }(f1M}#j
Poseidon(Neptune) }5] Z-~(A!`P

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Poseidon was son of Kronus and Rhea,and brother ofZeus.After the war with the Titans,he became the mighty and majestic god of the sea,ruling all the water saround the earth.He was considered to have the greatest power next to Zeus .Poseidon ruled his kingdom with cold shaking.He could call up all the big winds and stir up or calm down the stormy oceans. with a trident in his hand ,he flew across the waves in a carriage drawn by horses with bronze hoofs and golden hairs.Although he had a seat on Olympus,he lived,most of the time,in his shining golden palace in the deeps of the
食品论坛,食品行业社区,关注食品安全、食品技术、食品质量、检测技术等#Mq+?JW        C'OBb}
Poseidon was ambitious and aggressive .Unhappy with the part of power given to him,he planned to throw down Zeus from his high position.The plan did not come off,and he was senta way to serve a human being on earth. with the help of Apollo he built the famous walls of Troy for king Laomed on.On one occasion he argued with Athena over the naming of the new city Athens and was forced to give in to the goddess of wisdom.On another he entered into a bitter dispute with Apollo over the king of Corinth and won the case in the end.

w.[%uV/H[Poseidon's loves produced strange children.His wife bore him the children who were half man and half-fish in form.When Demeter did not like his attention and changed herself into ahorse,shameless Poseidon turned himself into a horse to continue his seeking.Out of their love a wonderful horse,Arion byname,was born.This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in Greece.Poseidon robbed The ophane,a beautiful maiden,and taking her to an island,changed her into a sheep and himself into a ram.As a result the golden-fleeced ram came into being.食品论坛,食品行业社区,关注食品安全、食品技术、食品质量、检测技术等]9jOW6U,WK8X
食品论坛,食品行业社区,关注食品安全、食品技术、食品质量、检测技术等 n ii:kT ~1c(z#]
h:oymdb3A  波塞冬是喀琅娜斯与洛伊之子,宙斯之兄。与泰坦的战争结束之后,波塞冬成为伟大而威严的海之神,掌管环绕大陆的所有水域。人们认为他的权力仅次于宙斯。他用令人战栗的地动山摇来统治他的王国。他有呼风之术,并且能够掀起或是平息狂暴的大海。手持三叉戟,他坐在铜蹄金髦马驾的车里掠过海浪。尽管他在奥林波斯山有一席之地,但是大部分时间他都住在海洋深处他的灿烂夺目的金色宫殿里。
我是一条虫  很想变成龙 成龙 发布于2006-10-12 14:58:02
希腊神话:点金术(The Golden Touch)食品伙伴个性空间;Yog]V/c,@ M

$B[:k        {4S9R8c.kThe Golden Touch *c&cHOsDXg$V3^ie
Midas,son of the Great Goddess of Ida,by a hero whosename is not remembered ,was a pleasureloving King of Macedonian Bromium,where he ruled over the Brigians and planted his famous rose,]2[8v)F+m

One day,the old hero Silenus,Dionysus' former teacher,happened to straggle from the main body of the Dionysian army as it marched out of Thrace into Boeotia,and was found sleeping and drunken in the rose gardens.The gardeners tied him and ledhim before Midas,to whom he told wonderful tales of a big continent lying beyond the Ocean's stream ——altogether separatefrom the united mass of Europe,Asia,or Africa——where gigantic,happy,and longlived people lived in splendid cities,enjoying a wonderful law system.Midas,delighted with Silenus' fictions,entertained him for five days and nights,and then ordered a guide to lead him to Dionysus' headquarters.食品论坛;食品社区!v9D_M'tC2O3T;B

i-jQE.NH食品论坛;食品社区Dionysus,who had been worrying about Silenus,sent toask how Midas wished to be rewarded.He replied without hesitation:‘Please turn all I touch into gold.' However,not onlystones,flowers,and the furnishings of his house turned to gold but,when he sat down to table,so did the food he ate and the water he drank .Midas soon begged to be freed from his wish,because he was fast dying of hunger and thirst.Highlyamused ,Dionysus told him to visit the source of the river Pactolus and there wash himself.He obeyed,and was at oncefreed from the golden touch,but the sands of the river Pactolusare bright with gold to this day.
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Mo/Xkh d5d*y:n KL(i%N
dTq]$s6UJ i狄俄尼索斯一直在为西勒诺斯担心。现在,他派人问弥达斯有什么要求,他应该怎样报答他。弥达斯毫不迟疑地回答说,“请恩准使我摸到的一切都变成金子。”然而,变成金子的不仅仅是石块、花朵和屋内的陈设。他坐下吃饭时,他吃的食物和喝的水也都变成金子。过了不久,弥达斯恳求狄俄尼索斯使他从他那愿望中解脱开来,因为他饥渴交加,快死了。狄俄尼索斯逗弄弥达斯,开心得很。他叫弥达斯前往帕克托罗斯河的源头,在河里洗个澡。弥达斯依法行事,立即解除了点金术,但帕克托罗斯河的沙子至今因含金而闪闪发光。



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