
Scientific fraud: action needed in China. The Lancet .

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Scientific fraud: action needed in ChinaThe Lancet 《柳叶刀》:中国需要对学术造假采取行动译者:

On Dec 19, 2009, editors at Acta Crystallographica Section E alerted the scientific community to a disgraceful pattern of fraud involving papers they had published in 2007. At least 70 false crystal structures were reportedmainly from two groups led by Hua Zhong and Tao Liu, both at Jinggangshan University, Jian, China. All authors have now agreed to retraction of 41 papers published by Zhong and 29 by Liu. It is rather surprising that wrongdoing on such a scale evaded detection during peer review and, considering that crystal structures are deposited in public databases upon publication, that the truth has been uncovered so slowly.

2009年12月19日,《结晶学报,E辑》的编辑们提醒国际学术界关注与该学报2007年发布的论文有关的一种可耻的作假方式。 E辑所刊登的晶体结构中至少有70种是假的 而作假论文主要来自于中国江西省井岗山大学两个分别由钟华与刘涛领队的研究小组。两作者已同意撤回所发表的70篇论文 其中钟华 41篇,刘涛29篇。如此之多的假论文能够逃过同行评审得以发表令人非常地惊讶; 另外,晶体结构发表后存贮于公用数据库, 而真相的发现却如此迟缓也实在令人大跌眼镜。


 In China, the government controls almost all funding for research. As in other countries, to gain funding researchers need to publish as many papers in high impact journals as possible. According to Science Citation Index and other resources, Chinese authors published 271 000 papers in 2008, roughly 11.5% of the world's total.

在中国,政府控制着几乎所有的研究经费。就象其它国家一样,研究者要想得到研究经费就必须在高影响因子的刊物尽可能多地发表论文。根据《科学引文索引》与其它信息来源,中国作者在2008年发表了271 000论文,约占世界总数的11.5%。


This incident is not the first time that scientific fraud has occurred in China. Regulations to monitor state-funded research projects were announced in 2006 by the Ministry of Science and Technology in response to six high-profile cases of scientific misconduct. A new circular was issued on March 19, 2009, aimed at preventing misconduct in higher education institutionspunishment for breaching the new rules could involve warnings, dismissal, or legal action. Research programmes could be suspended or terminated, funding could be withdrawn, or awards and honours revoked.



Such extensive fraud is disappointingnot only does it indicate a substantial waste of research time and money, but it is likely that, whatever punishments do result, damage to the reputations of the researchers, institutions, and journal concerned is likely to be disproportionately great. Clearly, China's Government needs to take this episode as a cue to reinvigorate standards for teaching research ethics and for the conduct of research itself, as well as establishing robust and transparent procedures for handling allegations of scientific misconduct to prevent further instances of fraud.



For Hu Jintao's goal of China becoming a research superpower by 2020 to be credible, China must assume stronger leadership in scientific integrity.

2020年把中国建设成为世界科研超级大国是胡锦涛拍板制定的目标,为了使这个目标令人心悦诚服,中国必须有个更加强有力的领导层, 使之在学术廉洁方面发挥应有作用。


TAG: Scientific fraud





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