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janewu51发布于2009-04-03 14:05:38
ada530521 发布于2009-04-03 16:34:59
以下是发布的一篇一个美国人对中国大陆的一些欠规范的英语标识的评价,有些令人爆笑,有些则有极大的误导,如“小心落水”居然被翻译成“Fall into the water carefully (小心地落入水中)”。Highgear2006也做了一些点评。 Thursday, March 5, 2009Mom Was Right....
They should sell these as posters here in the states. I know my folks would've purchased this sign when I was growing up.
一般可以考虑的译文: No horsing around here!
Funny sign and absolutely no translation necessary!
Posted by Yappr at 8:56 PM
Labels: chinese, chinglish, funny english, japanese, japlish, restroom, room service, signs, translations
"X" Marks the Spot
"X" Marks the Spot. Actually, "EX" marks "IT". Ohhh..."EX" + "IT" = "EXIT"!!! Way too funny.
Highgear2006的点评: This one should be: Exit
I hope this sign is no where near a bridge. Actually, I think all they're looking to communicate here is "No Diving Allowed!"
Highgear2006的点评: 可以说: Danger of falling!
Nope, this is better. It's the anti-seasonal promotional sale. Marketing at it's best!
Ok, if this is a shoe store...a front window display might help their business. Instead, we're left to figure out what they mean by "wealking". Let me know if you can figure it out!
Highgear2006的点评:"Man" should be "men", and ""Wealking" should be "walking"Yet another translation that makes one scratch their head in confusion. Moments later a smile comes to your face with the thought...What were they thinking?
Highgear2006的点评:这个老美用了一个优美的表达式: makes one scratch their head in confusion (让人搔头,意为“感到疑惑”)
This is a wordy translation that keeps the reader wondering. Also, if the student needs to purchase the ticket, then they should "buy" the ticket and not "by" the ticket.
Highgear2006的点评:老美认为上面的译文是“a wrody translation (冗长的译文)“,标识的翻译要精炼,被动语态的动词可以省略;
"You break, you own it!" is a similar concept or message. If you open it, I guess you own it too. As long as store owners do not start saying "You look at it, you own it!"...we should be just fine.
Highgear2006的点评:这是最糟糕的翻译之一,此处的视作居然被译成“It looks”.老美建议的是: “You break it, you own it”.
Don't Smack on Your Food.
Parents here in the states will often say to their children, "Don't smack on your food...it's not polite!" "Smacking" refers to eating with your mouth open and making an irritating sound, so it's easy to see why parents will tell their children this.
Highgear2006的点评:本来是“Snacks”,被活生生地翻译成“Smack”,意思是“嘴唇作响”,这本来是有教养的人在吃东西时最应当避免的,结果这里好像是邀请食客这样做,怎么不让人晕!在美国,如果小孩吃饭时咋嘴巴,他们的母亲会说:“"Don't smack on your food...it's not polite!"
Friday, February 13, 2009Stating the Obvious
A "civilized airport". As opposed to what? An uncivilized airport??? This seems a little a little obvious to me.
Highgear2006的点评: 不知道何时起国人经常喜欢用“文明XXX”(Civilized XXX)这个用语,老外却觉得一头雾水:难道还有不文明(Uncivilized)的机场或商场吗?所以说有些东西一定要与国际接轨啊!
Monday, February 9, 2009Excuse Me?!
Excuse me...you want to do what to my organs? Chain them?
It's one thing when a translation just doesn't make sense. It's completely different though (and a little comical) when it sounds a business is trying to harm their customers. I don't know about you, but if I were brave enough to visit this place...I would specify absolutely no chaining any of my organs!!!
Highgear2006的点评:请注意牌子上最后一行字“ Chained organs”,这个说法可以直接理解为“被链条栓来的器官”,汗颜啊!骇人听闻的商场,非法出售人体器官啊!其实原文的含义是:“连锁机构”,他当译成:Franchised store. "Franchise"是“连锁经营”的意思。
Thursday, February 5, 2009Can You Tell Me Where The _________ Is?
Here's another Funny English sign for you yapprs! Toiler!
Did you know there are many different words used to describe a bathroom? Some examples include "can", "commode", "latrine", "lavatory", "powder room", "toilet", "head", "loo", "little boy's room", "little girl's room", "little wrangler's room", or even "throne". This list is funny in itself!!! The things people come up with.
Highgear2006的点评:连卫生间也写不对,丢人啊!“Toilet”,或者“Men's room”, "Ladies' room", 等等。WC则有点粗俗,是Water closet" (水沟)的缩写。
zhudianxin发布于2009-04-06 17:06:49
Are these all true? Sooo Funny ^^
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- 建立时间: 2007-08-15
- 更新时间: 2008-09-20