French fries and fat kids - Asia’s next epidemic

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Popular belief has it that obesity only affects wealthier societies where food is plentiful: the curse of the developed world epitomized by hulking Americans that struggle to order their king-size Big Mac, French Fries and Coke without breaking sweat.
V?ot6C"~e0Obesity is no longer exclusive to the developed world
4j+A+P9X mOj"\+a5m2X0The reality is a very different. Obesity and its associated diseases - diabetes, hypertension and kidney diseases – respect neither wealth nor class and strike instead into the heart of every society where there is easy access to convenience food, low physical activity and ubiquitous advertisements for sugar-fat-salt-rich food.
4q$GU$J5E!Pu%IJE0Heart disease, stroke, cancer and other chronic diseases associated with poor diet and low exercise have now made serious inroads into the lives of people in poor and middle-income nations. In total, these accounted for 80% (28 million) of the cases of chronic illness in 2005, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), which fears that a further 388 million people will die from such illnesses over the next ten years.

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Photo by Malias食品伙伴个性空间4jy8f@FB4j(c x1h

7d0M)[u!j \*l6b0Across South East Asia, cases of chronic disease are also high, accounting for 54% of all deaths during 2005. The situation in Thailand is particularly serious, says the WHO, which estimates that the number of obese 5-to-12 year olds increased from 12.2% to 15.6% in just two years. Obesity is generally associated with older age groups, but has yet to permeate into poorer areas where the price of convenience food associated with the epidemic is prohibitive.
/KSB$t'ov0China, too, has an emerging epidemic with one or two pockets of high incidence. Overall, obesity levels range from under 5% to almost 20% in some areas, according to regional surveys conducted during 2003. Most concerning, however, is high prevalence among the young. In Wuhan Province 8.9% of 10-12 year-olds were classified as obese by the study. Some areas, such as Beijing, also suggest that there is a gender perspective to the epidemic. In the capital more than 10% of 10-12 year old boys were obese – more than three times the rate for girls in the same study.
U1~{L9_SX+f+?G6X0Responsibilities are divided食品伙伴个性空间}.K q*j/|#I$g
The existence of a genetic predisposition to obesity would provide a straight-forward explanation for the world’s growing stock of rotund individuals, but the precise causes of obesity are multiple.食品伙伴个性空间hc,_ P h f{
Changing diets have clearly contributed to the development of the pandemic, driven by the move towards food processing that relies heavily on high injections of sugar and salt. Recent research by The Thai Health Promotion Foundation, for example, found that more than 90% of its sample of 700 pre-packed foods to contain excessive levels of sugar, fat and salt – a cocktail that can lead to diabetes and hypertension as well as obesity.食品伙伴个性空间:WI(ACc.|kP
Choice, of course, enables informed individuals to avoid (or moderate their consumption of) foods that are known to have damaging health effects, but bad labeling, the study suggests, does not help in the decision-making process. Just one third of the sample in Thailand, for example, managed to provide adequate nutritional information on their packaging or list ingredients. Where available, say researchers, labels also tended to use small fonts and present information in a way that is difficult to understand. At least part of the blame, therefore, lies with the food industry itself.
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Photo by Malingering食品伙伴个性空间Xa2~ L9c)f?&Q!T


Children are most at risk
rk&T4WA0For now, young Thais have refrained from overindulgence in burgers and chips on account of taste. But tastes are changing and so is the food industry. Pizza Hut (aka Pizza Company in Thailand) has already rewritten its menu to include a Tum Yum Kung (spicy prawn soup) variety. Western convenience food, which contains 3 or 4 times more fat, sugar and salt than healthier local Thai snacks, is now thought to pose one of the greatest dangers to a country of “snackers.”
8d.p_Su8X9[0Catering to oriental taste in order to boost market share is only one dimension of the corporate weaponry. Intensive marketing activity now mostly targets children and changing cultural values now mean that a visit to see Ronald McDonald has become a symbol of growing affluence and status. The price of a Big Mac in Bangkok (the equivalent of USD 1.5 or Baht 60) may cover the food costs of one meal for a family of four, but younger Thais are prepared to splash out on junk-food if it means impressing friends – especially girlfriends. Similar trends are noted throughout many of China’s larger central and eastern metropolises. Shopping malls in Cambodia also house fashionable western eateries that only the privileged can afford.
_-z%eT-M6]:\kx0Obesity ought not to be a problem affecting children, but cases as young as 3 are not exceptional. And for those that then become obese adults the risks (particularly in developing countries) have alarming potential – an increasing susceptibility to illness coupled with reliance on fragile health care systems that may not be able to offer or afford treatment. In China, there is only a very basic social safety net and hospitals are run like profit-making concerns: Only those that can afford treatment receive treatment 食品伙伴个性空间U&j Sm[:@r'|9zU:fjC
Child obesity is expected to soar worldwide according to the International journal of Pediatric obesity, and could start to erode health gains in many countries. Both morbidity and cases of premature death are expected to rise over the next decade costing the economies of China, India and Russian billion of dollars according to the WHO. China alone will lose $558 billion over the next 10 years of its national income due to heart disease, stroke and diabetes. And other important Asian economies - Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and others – are fast reaching western levels of development and consumption.食品伙伴个性空间mcLPq y


Photo by Robad0b

:X/Q!I,Vm-b0d0An incomplete response
^A&wR0r)]cC1D0Political will and increased public awareness will decide whether obesity is here to stay or go, according to Prof. Philip James, the chair of the London-based International Obesity Task Force (IOTF).
9X)eV*] l0“It is noticeable,” he says, “that the public and Ministers readily accept the problem of obesity in adults…..then often and very conveniently blame the individual for their predicament rather than questioning whether their obesity reflects the impact of deliberate policy and industrial developments over the last few decades.”
9Y l5QP7E7TVIT0While the political elite ponder their next move a coalition of five international non-governmental organisations (NGOs) – known as the Global Prevention Alliance – has already pledged new action worldwide to combat obesity-driven chronic diseases. Obesity, the alliance says, ranks alongside HIV/AIDS in terms of importance and impact.食品伙伴个性空间"u1lw HL,g |%aMP
“Cutting death rates alone will not be enough,” according to Prof. James, adding that “No health system or economy can afford the cost of spiraling cases of chronic disease. The only way to address this is to recognize the need to revolutionise our approach to delivering healthier diets and reducing consumption of the foods high in fats, sugar and salt.”食品伙伴个性空间 Y|V.[Z9vn4d'vp
Obesity is a new challenge for countries like China, which suffered a major famine in 1961, suffered routine food shortages until the mid-70s and received food aid from the World Food Programme until 2005. But a solution is not out of reach. As many as 80% of the cases of premature heart disease, stroke and type-2 diabetes could be prevented by a healthy diet according to the WHO. Missing only is the political will to legislate, educate and take on the powerful Food Industry.食品伙伴个性空间;k1l%P;Z'qH-Y,X
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&k;sf Il W X$e0The Author: Roger Tatoud holds a Ph.D. in Cell and Molecular Biology. He has worked in North Africa as a teacher and Europe as a scientist, volunteer fundraiser for an HIV/AIDS organisation and, most recently, as programme coordinator for a project that tackles insulin resistance and obesity.


Food  World lanbo78 发布于2009-05-26 19:30:51
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8K;CM1zX N*pP食品伙伴个性空间过度肥胖问题已不再为发达国家独有
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然而,事实却并不然。过度肥胖及与之相关的疾病,如糖尿病、高血压和肾脏疾病,并不在乎贫富和阶级差别,任何一个社会,只要方便食品唾手可得,只要人们缺少运动,只要高盐高脂高糖食品广告满天飞,都会遭到过度肥胖问题及相关疾病的困扰。食品论坛,食品行业社区,关注食品安全、食品技术、食品质量、检测技术等`*j9@/J$[;T G2C

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现在,由于口味的变化,泰国的年轻人已经不再对汉堡和薯条嗜吃如命了。但是口味在变化,饮食业也在变化。在泰国的必胜客早已换了新的菜谱,增加了辣味虾汤 (Tum Yum Kung)。比起相对健康的泰国本地速食来,西方的方便食品中脂肪、糖、盐的含量多了3到4倍,它们已经被视为“速食者”之国面临的最大危险之一。食品伙伴个性空间ra^3vJ s:t'|@

"Lq2W$_4i0[食品伙伴个性空间满足东方人的口味以便提高市场份额仅仅是经营策略的一个方面。现在频繁的市场营销活动主要瞄准的是儿童,文化价值观的变化也使得去麦当劳就餐成了生活日益富足和地位不断提高的一种标志。在曼谷,买一个麦当劳“巨无霸”的钱(相当于1.5美元或60铢)足够一个四口之家吃一顿饭。但是泰国的年轻人却会为了打动朋友,尤其是女朋友,而在垃圾食品上不惜重金。类似的潮流在中国中部和东部的许多大都市中也是随处可见。柬埔寨的很多大型购物中心也都设有时尚的西餐馆,那可是高收入者才去得起的地方。k h7I*TUf+Pz&]


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^,T-d"Nf{sspace.foodmate.net不完整的答复0qZ _?M O]&hLbq

\1tMD&G@伦敦的世界过度肥胖任务组织主席菲利普·詹姆斯教授认为,政治意图和不断提高的公众意识将决定过度肥胖问题是否继续存在。space.foodmate.netPf{E/Fy HB(A

P"P4ef|1Cg"W食品论坛,食品行业社区,关注食品安全、食品技术、食品质量、检测技术等食品伙伴个性空间        M X!?%dbig
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ztjtmt的个人空间 ztjtmt 发布于2009-05-26 21:43:24
看这篇文章时, 产生了我的思考, 写出来大家交流.%@%Mi#h8k;yv
\j%m\ N6yJ

狗或者猫过了交配期后, 我们没看到它们有什么疾病产生,但是相对于人类来说,为什么爱滋病成了世界主要的疾病之一?
_'y%? e8td

很多事物都已远离本来的那种成份,最终这也会给人类带来麻烦. . v`f-UoaA k&\

`4V7qt `I&z0T人要有健全的体格必须要有健全的心态.
tantan2006发布于2009-05-28 17:02:29
xbsff发布于2009-06-03 12:24:24



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