• 痛苦的转移:金钱与物质的力量

    2008-06-16 10:51:08

    痛苦的转移:金钱与物质的力量捐款或捐献并不仅是为了受灾的人们, 其实也许更是为了自己。 在这次抗震救灾中, 有许多人都做了奉献,包括他们的体力, 精力及金钱与物质。 灾区的人们在经历巨大的伤痛之时, 也感受来自四面八方的帮助, 支援和人间的大爱。痛苦自然会得到一些减轻。同时, 作为奉献的人,其实也是在看见别人痛苦时, 经受到心灵的伤痛和震撼,为之不断的流泪和哭泣, 压抑的身心难以舒展。捐献一些金钱或物质给灾区的同胞,在帮助别人的同时,自己内心的挣扎得以缓解, 甚至转化为欢乐。
  • 中国人的自信心

    2008-06-16 00:44:58

    中国人的自信心四川地震已过去一月有余。拯灾重建有条不绪的在进行着。但是对于抗震救灾的新闻报道, 特别是中央台的报道,大量的叙说国外如何高度评价中国领导人的抗震救灾,颇有感想, 一直难以释怀。地震伊始, 全天候24小时滚播, 让所有中国人同灾区人民一起,经历着天灾的残酷, 感受着中国人相互帮助的人间大爱。 在地震开始非常短的时间里, 国家的领导人,人民军队就到达了地震灾区的前线,开始了抗震救灾。新闻记者们也在极短的时间里, 向全国人民,乃至全世界报道了中国受灾的情况。 充分体现了中国力的增强和应付.
  • 中国足球, 集体下课吧!

    2008-06-16 00:38:17

    中国足球, 集体下课吧!中国的足球,其实最应该做的是集体下课。中国的足球让我有美好记忆的还是在我80年代上大学时中国队战胜科威特的那场比赛。自此以后, 再没有让人开心过。无论是国产的教练, 还是请来的洋和尚, 培养出来的都是一批批足球流氓。无论有没有中国足球,日子一样过, 过得还更好。中国足球,集体下课吧, 不要再浪费亿万中国人的生命和时间了。
  • 中国人、美国人和欧洲人做生意的不同

    2007-06-08 09:30:16

    中国人、美国人和欧洲人做生意的不同先不提自己人,美国人和欧洲人对于机会就有着不同的态度。不要认为盎格鲁萨克逊人同文同种就会一脉相承,自打登上荒蛮的美洲大陆之后,对于机会的认为,双方已经因为大西洋的间隔而渐行渐远。  如今大多数的欧洲人不喜欢创业,机会意味着风险,他们所在的国家、企业能给他们车子和房子。那是个高税负、高福利的社会。但美国人不同,那是一个由乐天派组成的国家,税负不高不低,生活稳定富裕,对于挑战,为什么不?  面对机会以及很多问题,现在的中国人和美国人很相似,曾经一个中.
  • Mislabeled monkfish from China

    2007-06-01 11:31:38

    The U.S. FDA issued a warning on May 24 advising consumers not to buy or eat imported fish labeled as monkfish because it may actually be puffer fish, which contains the deadly toxin tetrodotoxin. At least two people have been sickened by the fish so far, and one has been hospitalized.Tertodotoxin is not destroyed by common food preparation or storage, and can even be present on the skin or flesh of the fish. In severe cases, tetrodotoxin poisoning can lead to paralysis and death..
  • FDA 公布三聚氰胺及其类似物中期安全评估报告

    2007-06-01 11:24:13

    FDA posts melamine safety/risk assessmentThe U.S. FDA has posted an interim melamine and analogues safety/risk assessment that describes the risk to human health associated with eating pork, chicken, fish and eggs from animals that had been inadvertently fed animal feed that may have been adulterated with melamine and its analogues.FDA developed the safety/risk assessment in response to their ongoing investigation of contaminated vegetable protein products imported from China .
  • 研究显示遗传改进谷物比有机食品更安全,更健康

    2007-06-01 11:08:37

    GM crops safer than organic?The American Council on Science and Health has posted an article indicating that Bt maize (a type of genetically modified maize) and other genetically modified crops may be safer than organic ones.For more, see: http://www.acsh.org/factsfears/newsID.962/news_detail.asp
  • 高度智慧的言語

    2007-05-20 11:25:24

    高度智慧的言語在美國,有位白人婦女帶著6歲大的兒子出遠門,找來了計程車,司機是位黑人。這 6歲的兒子從未見過黑人,心中非常的害怕,就問媽媽:「這人是不是壞人,為什麼會長得黑嚕嚕?」黑人司機聽了很難過。此時白人婦女告訴兒子:「這位司機叔叔,不是壞人,他是一個很好的人。」兒子沈默半晌再問道:「既然他不是壞人,那他是不是做了什麼壞事,所以天父在懲罰他?」黑人聽了淚水在眼眶中打轉,他很想知道這白人婦女怎樣回答 ?媽媽說:「他是個很好的人,也沒有做壞事。我們家花園 的花,有紅、有白、有.
  • USDA posts list of allowed “organic” substances

    2007-05-17 10:29:05

    USDA posts list of allowed “organic” substancesThe U.S. Department of Agriculture has proposed its amended National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances (National List) regulations to enact recommendations submitted to the Secretary of Agriculture (Secretary) by the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) during public meetings held May 6-8, 2002, in Austin, Texas, and March 27-29, 2007, in Washington, DC. Consistent with the NOSB recommendations, this proposed rule proposes to add .
  • FDA/USDA say low risk to humans from meat with melamine

    2007-05-16 03:27:14

    FDA/USDA say low risk to humans from meat with melamineAccording to the U.S. FDA and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, there is very low risk to human health from consuming meat from hogs and chickens known to have been fed animal feed supplemented with pet food scraps that contained melamine and melamine-related compounds, according to an assessment conducted by scientists from five federal agencies.In the most extreme risk assessment scenario, when scientists assumed that all the so.
  • Gene foods could lead to consumers ruling the food industry

    2007-05-12 11:16:11

    Gene foods could lead to consumers ruling the food industryBy Jess Halliday in Geneva10/05/2007- The emergence of foods based on nutrigenomics could spark a shift in the landscape of the food industry, says HortResearch's Karl Crawford, and the industry needs to start considering how it is going to cater for consumer demands.Nutrigenomics is the science of how food and ingested nutrients affect genes - particularly those related to disease prevention.Although a technology in its.
  • New vegetable snack targets healthy eaters

    2007-05-12 11:10:19

    New vegetable snack targets healthy eatersBy Catherine Boal10/05/2007- Food researchers in Italy have developed a new process for the formulation of vegetable-based snacks in a bid to bridge the gap between fast, on-the-go snacking and meeting consumer health concernsThe team, from the Bari based Institute of the Science of Food Production (ISPA), used typically Mediterranean ingredients such as peppers, onions, tomatoes, aubergines and olive oil to produce crunchy, bite-size snacks.
  • EU Regulators investigate China imports for melamine

    2007-05-11 09:10:34

    EU Regulators investigate China imports for melamineBy Ahmed ElAmin5/9/2007- EU regulators are investigating whether the banned chemical melamine has made its way into Europe's food and feed supply chain from China.The investigation should put EU processors on guard against potential contamination from ingredients sourced from China, which now finds itself in the spotlight over its food safety practices.The regulators are responding to a request from the European Commission, ma.



  • 访问量: 466
  • 日志数: 6
  • 建立时间: 2008-06-16
  • 更新时间: 2008-06-23


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