May the force be with you


上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-02-22 00:31:10 / 个人分类:减肥专栏

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by Vernita Sherman
In order to lose weight, your body must burn more calories thanit takes in, but keep in mind that your body needs calories forenergy and when you exercise; your body needs even more calories.

Before I talk about energy, the first thing you must understandis that losing weight and losing fat is not the same thing.Just because you lose weight, does not mean you lose fat, andjust because you lose fat, does not mean you lose weight. Whenpeople talk about losing weight, what the really want to do islose the excess fat on their body and obtain an attractivefigure.

When you eat, the body uses most of the calories forenergy. If you eat more calories than the body uses, it willget stored as fat. If you do not consume enough calories perday you will lose weight, but you will also lose energy. Whenyou do not consume enough energy (calories) for your body, itwill start using up your energy stores to make up for the energydeficiency.

Unfortunately, the energy stores used is not yourstored fat, but instead it’s protein and carbohydrates (carbs)that will supply most of the energy (stored fat makes up a verysmall percentage). Your body will take the protein andcarbohydrates from your muscle cells; causing your muscle massto reduce (say good by to that toned attractive look) whichforces your metabolism to decrease (a low metabolism = slow orno fat burning). When this happens your body requires lessenergy to maintain its new lower body weight (remember the bodyweight is lower because you loss muscle), which is why yourbody conserves energy by slowing down the metabolism. In otherwords, the body has adapted to the new lower energy (calorie)intake which means that you will no longer continue to loseweight.

Keep in mind that the weight you had lost in the first placewas mostly water weight and you will eventually gain it backin the form of fat, not muscle (in order to get your musclemass back to the way it was before, you have to work onrebuilding it). Whencarbohydrates and protein that are alreadyin your body are used as the energy source, your body will losewater weight because both carbohydrates and protein hold waterin the cells. In essence, you are dehydrating yourself to loseweight. So yes the scale will go down, but approximately 75%(if not more) of it is water instead of fat. And just so youknow, exercising while consuming a small calorie intake justmakes the situation worse. This is because when you exercise,you start burning off more energy and the more you workout, themore energy your body needs.

I already told you above wherethe energy comes from, and if you do not give your body theenergy it needs, it will just feed on your muscles even quickernow that you are exercising. So eat more food! In additionto this, when you cut down too much on your calorie intake,your body will start storing calories because it doesn’t knowwhen you will eat again. The calories that are stored will bestored as fat. So in other words, when your body is storingenergy, it’s basically storing more fat.

To summarize my point: Not eating enough calories results inmuscle loss, dehydration, slower fat burning, and your bodywill always adapt to a lower calorie intake.

Bottom Line: if you can’t maintain that lower calorie intakefor the rest of your life, you will gain your weight backwhen you get tired of starving yourself!

To lose weight properly (burning fat) you must increase yourmetabolism (weight training) and your need for oxygen (aerobics)while eating enough calories each day (nutritious diet) togive you energy and maintain the protein in your muscles becauseprotein helps build muscles, which indirectly burns fat. Thisbrings up another good point: When you build muscle your weightwill increase because your muscles are made up of mostly water,but your body fat percentage will decrease because buildingmuscles increase your metabolism (in other words, muscles waymore than fat, but take up less space than fat).

So keep in mindthat losing body fat can’t be measured by a scale; use ameasuring tape and also look at yourself in the mirror, and thenyou will see the true results. One of the best ways to know ifyou are losing more body fat than water is by using a body fatanalyzer. Make sure that you focus on fat loss not weight loss. Your goalshould be to lose weight by burning fat, not losing water fromyour muscles. Remember this when you choose your weight lossprogram.

[本帖最后由 梦蝶 于 2007-2-22 00:29 编辑]


大耳朵兔的个人空间 大耳朵兔 发布于2007-02-22 08:52:20
花十一郎的个人空间 花十一郎 发布于2007-02-22 13:02:40
紫砂壶 紫砂壶 发布于2007-02-22 15:00:39
thank you for telling us the differences between them.

I'm going to lose weight by burning fat
风里落花发布于2007-02-22 18:42:50
知道了  谢谢楼主,发现用英语比较容易连词
君子之交 season75 发布于2007-02-22 19:15:11
蝶之舞 梦蝶 发布于2007-02-23 14:24:09


原帖由 zhanjiang75 于 2007-2-22 19:15 发表
蝶之舞 梦蝶 发布于2007-02-23 14:46:45
营养减肥专家的个人空间 goldenfund 发布于2007-02-26 10:05:18
北海游龙发布于2007-02-26 16:15:00
蝶之舞 梦蝶 发布于2007-02-26 23:14:50


原帖由 goldenfund 于 2007-2-26 10:05 发表
可以试试我的营 ...
谢谢goldenfund 的认可!以后多多交流哈!我要向你取经呢!
蝶之舞 梦蝶 发布于2007-02-26 23:33:22


原帖由 北海游龙 于 2007-2-26 16:15 发表
单纯看围度改变不一定能很准确的知道是否减少的就是脂肪,是否肥胖。如果丢失的是肌肉组织,看起来是瘦了,但实际上有可能脂肪含量没有减少,仍超出正常范围。有些人看起来很瘦,但实际上脂肪比例超标,是隐形肥 ...



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  • 更新时间: 2007-10-12


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