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欧洲Bakkavor Group继续收购创造食品集团

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-06-23 16:30:55 / 个人分类:食品资讯(英文)

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Bakkavör Group acquires remaining stake in Creative Foods in cooperation with Glitnir Bank

摘要:创造食品集团控股有限公司(以下简称公司)成立于 2000 年,其前身是法国 Compass 集团在中国的食品公司蔬菜业务部。公司由创造食品集团有限公司(CFG)投资,主要股东为欧洲最大的新鲜食品公司 Bakkavor Group、荷兰发展银行和德国发展银行等。公司主要生产高附加值的各类新鲜加工食品。目前主要业务由新鲜蔬菜加工,农业种植,零售和出口组成。创造公司是目前国内同行业中生产、加工规模最大的企业。公司总部位于上海,6个加工工厂分设于上海、北京、广州、武汉、江苏海门和安徽阜阳;4个农业种植基地位于北京、河北沽源、安徽阜阳、江苏海门;在香港设立一个分公司,目前公司员工数约1000人“绿之味Lutece”品牌的产品热销于国内零售、餐饮市场。

同时也是KFC中国最大的新鲜蔬菜供应商。其他的客户还有沃尔玛,家乐福,星巴克和Burger King。此次,欧洲Bakkavor Group继续收购创造食品集团剩余的60%股份,使得其股份持有量达到80%,其他20%由Glitnir银行持有。

REYKJAVIK, 22 June 2007. Bakkavör Group has, in cooperation with Glitnir Bank, acquired the remaining 60% stake in Creative Foods, a Chinese salad manufacturer. Bakkavör Group and Glitnir acquired a 40% stake in the company in March 2006 after co-founding Bakkavör China with the purpose of facilitating the transaction and exploring further investment opportunities in China. Today, Bakkavör Group holds an 80% share in Creative Foods while Glitnir Bank holds 20%. Glitnir provided advice and funded the deal. The acquisition price remains confidential. The acquisition will not have a material effect on the Group’s overall trading results during this financial year.

Creative Foods grows produce and packs around 250 salad products in five factories and employs around 750 people, supplying supermarkets and foodservice chains in China. Among its key customers is Yum! Brands, one of the largest restaurant chains in the world which manages outlets such as Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut. Other customers include Wal*Mart, Carrefour, Starbucks and Burger King.

Einar Gústafsson, Managing Director of Bakkavör Asia, commented:

“Creative Foods’performance has exceeded our expectations with pro-forma sales growth of 23% in 2006 and 15% in the first quarter of 2007. Increased demand for healthy, convenient quality foods in China offers us great opportunities for growth. We aim to strengthen our position in the Chinese food market, which is forecast to grow by 30% in the next four years, and gain strong foothold in the various other high-growing markets across Asia.”

Magnús Bjarnason, Executive Vice President, International Banking, Glitnir, commented:

“We are very pleased with the growth in our China operations.Glitnir’s  strategy is to work closely with our customers on profitable projects and the co-operation with Bakkavör is in line with that strategy. The food industry is one of the niche segments in which Glitnir aims to grow internationally and Creative Foods is a well run company with great growth potential. Our team in Shanghai has done a very good job working with the Bakkavör Asia team on the transaction.” 

TAG: 欧洲 Bakkavor Group 收购 创造食品集团




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  • 访问量: 62518
  • 日志数: 236
  • 图片数: 3
  • 文件数: 21
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  • 建立时间: 2007-03-30
  • 更新时间: 2008-07-28


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