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上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-07-11 17:53:00 / 个人分类:食品资讯(英文)

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Kirin discusses further dairy diversification

摘要:麒麟控股7月5日宣布,为出资菲律宾最大的食品企业——生力(San Miguel)在澳大利亚的乳制品及饮料子公司,正在与生力进行交涉。目前尚处于初期交涉阶段,出资比率尚未确定。麒麟正以亚洲和大洋洲地区为中心扩大海外业务。因此,决定进一步参与合资方——生力在澳大利亚从事的食品业务。  

生力乳制品及饮料子公司国民食品公司(National Foods)一直在生产牛奶、果汁饮料、奶酪等产品,2006年销售额约达22亿澳元。生力05年收购了该公司,并将其纳为全资子公司。另一方面,麒麟于02年对生力进行了投资,到今年5月底已经持有大约19.95%的股份。


06/07/2007-Japanese brewer Kirin yesterday announced that it had opened"preliminary discussions"with rival San Miguel over the possibility of acquiring a stake in its Australian dairy and soft drink subsidiary National foods.

The talks could allow Kirin, which already owns a 46 per cent stake in Australia's second largest brewer, Lion Nathan, to further diversify its operations away from its core alcohol business towards dairy and non-alcoholic goods.

Such a move would see Kirin join a number of its rivals within food and beverage production in expanding outside of its core operations to offset possible potential declines in the value of more established products.

National Foods was purchased by San Miguel for $1.7bn (?1.3bn) in 2005.  It produces a variety of Australia's leading dairy brands, including cheese label Tasmanian Heritage and the license in the country for the Yoplait brands.

Claiming a stake in the group could therefore prove a prudent strategy if the Australian dairy market continues its recent growth momentum.

Between 2001 and 2006 the markets for yoghurts and non-milk dairy products in Australia have risen by 50 per cent and 34 per cent respectively, according to consumer analyst Euromonitor.

This increase has allowed the industry to offset a slow down within growth of milk products that rose just 14.3 per cent respectively.
The talks are a continuation of the already fruitful partnership between the two companies, with Kirin holding a 20 per cent stake in San Miguel's operations.

They could also allow Kirin to expand its product portfolio of functional and dairy goods. 

TAG: 麒麟 澳大利亚 乳制品子公司




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  • 访问量: 62518
  • 日志数: 236
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  • 建立时间: 2007-03-30
  • 更新时间: 2008-07-28


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