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上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-07-19 18:18:56 / 个人分类:食品资讯(英文)

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Coca-Cola pours more into China

研发中心2008年底建成 昨日,新上任90多天的中国区新总裁———戴嘉舜接受本报记者采访时表示,此次投资新建的全球创新及研发中心占地达到12万平米,2008年底竣工后,它将成为可口可乐公司全球的第六大研发中心。“一旦建成,它也将成为可口可乐公司未来增长的发动机”。据该公司副总裁及技术总监赵仲斌介绍,此次新建的技术中心核心部分———新研发部门,将分为产品、包装、设备、浓缩液厂等部分构建。据介绍,新研发中心建成后,将按照国内消费者的需求,来适量生产新品牌和新品种饮料。


Coca-Cola, the world's largest beverage maker, yesterday said it would pour $80 million to set up a new research center and a new headquarters in China, one of its fastest-growing markets.

The Global Innovation and Technology Center, Coca-Cola's sixth such facility worldwide, "underscores our commitment to Asia and China, which is the future growth engine of our business", said Doug Jackson, president of Coca-Cola China.

The center, which will be located in Zizu Industrial Park in Shanghai's suburbs, will mainly develop products for Asian markets, Jackson said.

The center, scheduled to be completed in late 2008, will have over 200 staff members.

"The enhanced research and development and innovation capabilities will allow us to capitalize on the huge growth opportunities in China," said Jackson, who assumed the current post in April.

China is Coca-Cola's fourth-largest market in terms of revenue, according to Jackson. China, he said, is expected to overtake Brazil to become its third-largest in two years. "And it would outpace Mexico to become the second-largest within five years."

China is a country with the potential to become its biggest market in "a couple of years" after it beats Mexico, Jackson said. "It's just a matter of time."

The beverage giant, he said, will continue to invest and increase capacities in China to meet the soaring demand. Coca-Cola already has 29 bottling facilities in the country. "We're going to add at least two more within one year."

The new facilities, Jackson said, will be located in "areas that are not well represented" at present.

Coca-Cola, he said, plans to spend big on infrastructure in China to drive up its sales. The "significant investment in infrastructure" will go to expand the sales force and add more vending machines, Jackson said.

TAG: 可口可乐 投资8000万美元 上海 研发中心 总部

4321tj发布于2007-07-20 09:58:15
投资越多灾难越大。西方, 尤其美国向中国及世界输出垃圾食品。 可口可乐 百事可乐 麦当劳 肯德基,starbucks....看看 那些 心脏病,高血压,糖尿病,超重,肥胖的美国人。他们的今天就是我们的明天。并且我们还不如他们,因为我们没钱看病,我们的水,食品,空气,土地 还都污染的。
xbsff发布于2007-07-20 11:50:45



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  • 访问量: 62518
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  • 建立时间: 2007-03-30
  • 更新时间: 2008-07-28


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