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研究发现Made in China声誉受损!

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-11-10 09:51:20 / 个人分类:食品资讯(英文)

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Research shows “Made in China" brand is damaged

摘要:研究发现Made in China声誉受损! 本研究由CSR与香港大学共同完成,不管权威性如何,至少还是有些借鉴作用,大家可以下载报告全文。83%的受访者表示愿意花高价买更加安全的产品,生产安全的产品,即使成本增加,或许对企业仍然是有所裨益的。


Research undertaken by CSR Asia in cooperation with theUniversityofHong Kong,reported here, investigates the perception of the public in relation to Chinese-made products, given the recent recalls and product safety problems of products inChina.


The survey identified changing purchasing behaviour and changing confidence in relation to concerns over product safety inChina. The main findings many people have lost confidence in Chinese goods but that loss in confidence varies industry to industry. It also reveals that people are willing to pay more for safer products. Women are more concerned than men. Full findings are as follows:


38% of respondents have reduced their purchases of Chinese-made products

34% of respondents have become less likely to buy Chinese-made products

14% of respondents have become more likely to buy Chinese products

62% of respondents have become less confident in the purchase of food and beverages

Loss of confidence in toys, electronics and clothing was 42%, 35% and 21% respectively

83% of the respondents were willing to pay more for safer goods

73% and 79% of the respondents believed the government and companies manufacturing products were responsible to ensure product safety.


The results show that the public is increasingly concerned about product safety, especially with respect to food. But the research also finds that there is a willingness to pay a premium for products produced my companies who put an emphasis on safety. The message is clear – although there are consumer concerns, there are also business opportunities of safety concerns are taken seriously.

TAG: China in Made 声誉受损

xuexiyixia发布于2007-11-10 19:46:59
柳叶,飘然落下的个人空间 柳叶,飘然落下 发布于2007-11-13 13:36:57
csr 是什么啊?



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  • 访问量: 62518
  • 日志数: 236
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  • 文件数: 21
  • 书签数: 2
  • 建立时间: 2007-03-30
  • 更新时间: 2008-07-28


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