大蒜素 allicin 标准品
2008-09-17 12:20:54
大蒜(Allium sativum)原名葫、葫蒜,属百合科葱属多年生草本植物
大蒜的功效成分为大蒜素,是大蒜中大蒜辣素、大 蒜新素及多种烯丙醛硫醚化合物等主要成分的总称。
1 大蒜素的化学组成及理化特性
大 蒜素是采用蒸汽蒸馏、有机溶剂提取等多种方法从大蒜中提取获得的。经测定,天然大蒜素中有16种含硫化合物,其中含量较高的是丙基二硫化丙烯(约 60%)、二硫化二丙烯(23%~39%)、三硫化二丙烯(13%~19%)、二硫化二丙烷(4%~5%)及甲基二硫化丙烯等挥发性含硫化合物。人工合成 的大蒜素是多种烯丙基有机硫化物复合体,主要成分为三硫化二丙烯(50%~80%)、二硫化二丙烯(20%~50%)以及杂质(如丙酮、乙醇等,8%)Allyl disulfide
二烯丙基二硫醚 ≥98% 100mg
Cas No.
Product ID
Product Name
Allyl disulfide
Chemical Name
Diallyl disulfide
2-Propenyl disulfide 2-Propenyl disulphide 4,5-Dithia-1,7-octadiene 4-01-00-02098 (Beilstein Handbook Reference) AI3-35128 Allyl disulfide Allyl disulphide BRN 1699241 CCRIS 6290 Di(2-propenyl) disulfide Diallyl disulfide Diallyl disulphide Disulfide, di-2-propenyl
Formula Wt.
Boiling Point
Soluble in ethanol and oil. Insoluble in water
A volatile, lipophilic organosulfur compound from garlic. It exerts anticarcinogenic activity in several tissues.
电话:13788991907 E-mail:电话@163.com提供Diallyl trisulfide
二烯丙基三硫醚 ≥98% 10mg ,20mg 100mg
Cas No.
Product ID
Product Name
Diallyl trisulfide
Chemical Name
Di-2-propenyl trisulfide
Allyl trisulfide; DATS
Formula Wt.
Boiling Point
Soluble in acetone. Slightly soluble in 2-propanol.
One of many sulfur containing compounds from garlic and onion. It was found to inhibit chemically induced tumorigenesis.
密度 1.050~1.095,
折光率 1.550~1.580,
无旋光性。能溶于大 多数非挥发性油和苯、乙醚等有机溶剂,部分溶于乙醇,不溶于水、甘油和丙二醇。
2 大蒜素的形成及提取
allicin 标准品
规 格: 1mg / 5mg
分子式: C6H10OS2
分子量: 162.3
CAS NUMBER: 539-86-6
PURITY: ≥98%
APPEARANCE: Clear to slightly yellow liquid.
L(+)Alliin / 3-(2-Propenylsulfinyl) alanine
Cas No. 556-27-4Purity ≥98% Product Name L(+)Alliin / 3-(2-Propenylsulfinyl) alanineChemical Name 3-[(S)-2-Propenylsulfinyl]-L-alanineSynonym S-Allyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide 3-(Allylsulfinyl)alanin Alliin EINECS 209-118-9 S-Allyl-L-cystein-S-oxidFormula Wt. 177.22Melting Point 164oC-166oC规格
25mg ,100mg
Solubility Soluble in water. Insoluble in ethanol, or acetone.
L(±) Alliin
Chemical Name 3-[(S)-2-Propenylsulfinyl]-L-alanineSynonym R,S-Allyl-L-cysteine sulfoxideFormula Wt. 177.22Melting Point 164oC-166oCPurity ≥98%Solubility Soluble in water. Practically insoluble in ethanol, chloroform, acetone, ether, and benzene. -
2008-08-26 15:56:34
提供以下 标准品,供应 13788991907
中文名 英文名 纯度 GAS NO.
10-姜酚 10-Gingerol ≥97% 23513-15-7
10-羟基喜树碱 10-Hydroxy camptothecin ≥98% 19685-09-7
10-脱乙酰巴卡丁 III 10-Deacetylbaccatine III ≥99% 92999-93-4
13-乙酰基-9-羟基巴卡丁III 13-Acetyl-9-Dihydrobaccatin-III ≥99% 142203-65-4
1-脱氧野尻霉素 1-Deoxynojirimycin ≥95% 70956-02-4
1-乙酸基-5-去乙酰基-巴卡亭 I 1- acetoxy-5-deacetyl-baccatin I ≥98%
20(S)-人参皂苷C-K 20(S)-Ginsenoside C-K ≥98%
20(S)-人参皂苷-RH2 20(S)-Ginsenoside-RH2 ≥98%
20(S)-原人参二醇皂苷 20(S)-protopanaxadiol saponins ≥98%
2-deacetyl wilformine 2-deacetyl wilformine ≥98%
2-羟基泽兰内酯 2-hydroxyeupatolide ≥97%
5-羟基色氨酸 5-HTP ≥99%
6-姜酚 6-Gingerol ≥95%≥98% 23513-14-6
8-姜酚 8-Gingerol ≥98% 23513-08-8
Apiosylskimmin Apiosylskimmin ≥98%
EGCG EGCG ≥98% 989-51-5
Menisdaurin Menisdaurin ≥98% 67765-58-6
α-香附酮 α-Cyperone ≥95% 473-08-5
β- 蜕皮甾酮 β-Ecdysone ≥99% 5289-74-7
阿魏酸 Ferulic Acid ≥98% 1135-24-6
安五脂素 Anwuligan ≥98%
巴卡亭 III Baccatin III ≥99% 27548-93-2
白果内酯 Bilobalide ≥99% 33570-04-6
白花前胡丙素 (+)-pareruptorin A ≥98%
白花前胡丁素 Praeruptorin D ≥95%
中文名 英文名 纯度 GAS NO.
白花前胡甲素 (-)-pareruptorin A ≥98%
白花前胡素E Praeruptorin E ≥98% 78478-28-1
白桦脂酸 Betulinic acid ≥98% 472-15-1
白藜芦醇 Resveratrol ≥98% 501-36-0
白术内酯Ⅰ Atractylenolide I ≥98% 73069-13-3
白术内酯Ⅲ Atractylenolide III ≥98% 73030-71-4
贝母素甲 Peimine ≥98% 23496-41-5
贝母素乙 Peiminine ≥98% 18059-10-4
扁蓄苷 Quercetin-3 -O-α-L-arabinoside ≥98% 22255-13-6
表儿茶素 EC ≥98% 490-46-0
表儿茶素没食子酸酯 ECG ≥98% 1257-08-5
表告依春 Epigoitrin ≥98% 1072-93-1
滨蒿内酯 Scoparone ≥98% 120-08-1
补骨脂素 Psoralen ≥98% 66-97-7
苍术素 Atractylodin ≥97% 55290-63-6
岑酮 fraxinellone ≥98% 28808-62-0
柴胡皂苷A Saikosaponin A ≥98% 20736-09-8
柴胡皂苷C Saikosaponin C ≥98% 20736-08-7
柴胡皂苷D Saikosaponin D ≥97% 20874-52-6
长春花碱 Vinblastine ≥98% 865-21-4
长春新碱 Vincristine ≥98% 57-22-7
长春质碱 Catharanthine ≥95% 2468-21-5
橙皮苷 Hesperidin ≥97% 520-26-3
川陈皮素 Nobiletin ≥98% 478-01-3
川芎嗪 Ligustrazine(tetramethylprazine) ≥98% 1124-11-4
穿心莲内酯 Andrographolide ≥98% 5508-58-7
次百部碱 Stemonidine ≥98%
大豆苷 Daidzin ≥99% 552-66-9
大豆苷元 Daidzein ≥99% 486-66-8
大豆皂苷AA Soyasaponin Aa ≥98%
大豆皂苷Bb Soyasaponin Bb ≥98%
大黄酚 Chrysophanol ≥98% 481-74-3
中文名 英文名 纯度 GAS NO.
大黄素 Emodin ≥98% 518-82-1
大黄素甲醚 Physcion ≥98% 521-61-9
大黄酸 Rhein ≥98% 478-43-3
丹参酚酸B Salvianolic acid B ≥95% 115939-25-8
丹参素钠 Sodium Danshensu ≥98% 76822-21-4
丹参酮Ⅰ Tanshinone I ≥99% 568-73-0
丹参酮ⅡA Tanshinone II A ≥99% 568-72-9
丹皮酚 Paeonol ≥98% 552-41-0
党参炔苷 Lobetyolin ≥95%
靛玉红 Indirubin ≥95% 479-41-4
丁香苷 Syrigin ≥98% 118-34-3
东莨菪素 Scopoletin ≥98% 92-61-5
冬绿苷 gaultherin ≥98%
豆腐果新苷A Helicianeoide A ≥95%
豆腐果新苷B Helicianeoide B ≥95%
豆蔻明 Cardamonin ≥98%
对羟基苯甲酸乙酯 Ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate ≥98% 120-47-8
多烯紫杉醇 Docetaxel ≥99% 114977-28-5
莪术醇 Curcumol ≥98% 4871-97-0
儿茶素 (+)-Catechin ≥98% 154-23-4
二氢丹参酮 I Dihydrotanshinone I ≥98% 87205-99-0
二氢麻醉椒苦素 Dihidromethysticin ≥99% 19902-91-1
二氢欧山芹醇当归酸酯 Columbianadin ≥95% 5058-13-9
二氢石蒜碱 Dihydrolycorine ≥98% 6271-21-2
二氢醉椒素 Dihydrokavain ≥99% 587-63-3
番茄红素 Lycopene ≥95% 502-65-8
番泻苷A Sennoside A ≥98% 81-27-6
番泻苷B Sennoside B ≥97% 128-57-4
粉防己碱 Tetrandrine ≥98% 518-34-3
蜂斗菜内酯 Bakkenolide ≥98% 19906-72-0
佛手苷内酯 Bergapten ≥95% 484-20-8
甘草查尔酮A Licochalcone A ≥98% 58749-22-7
甘草次酸 Glycyrrhetinic Acid ≥98% 471-53-4
中文名 英文名 纯度 GAS NO.
甘草苷 Liquiritin ≥98% 551-15-5
甘草酸 Glycyrrhizic acid ≥98% 1405-86-3
甘草酸单铵盐 Glycyrrhizic acid ammonium salt ≥98% 53956-04-0
高车前素 hispidulin ≥98% 1447-88-7
高良姜素 Galangin ≥98% 548-83-4
高三尖杉酯碱 Homoharringtonine ≥99% 26833-87-4
藁本内酯 Ligustilide ≥98% 4431-01-0
葛根素 Puerarin ≥99% 3681-99-0
钩藤皂苷Ⅰ ≥95%
钩吻碱 Gelsemine ≥98% 509-15-9
枸橘苷 Poncirin ≥98% 14941-08-3
枸橼酸血根碱 Sanguinarine citrate ≥98% 3681-99-0
哈巴俄苷 Harpagoside ≥98% 19210-12-9
哈巴苷 Harpagide ≥98%
汉防己甲素 d-tetrandrine ≥97%
汉防己乙素 Hanfangchin B ≥98%
汉黄芩素 Wogonin ≥98% 10-29-7
何首乌苷 2,3,5,4'-Tetrahydroxy stilbene-2-Ο-β-D-glucoside ≥97%
和厚朴酚 Honokiol ≥98% 35354-74-6
红景天苷 Salidroside ≥98% 10338-51-9
厚朴酚 Magnolol ≥98% 528-43-8
胡黄连苷II Amphicoside II ≥98%
胡黄连苦苷II Picroside II ≥95% 39012-20-9
槲皮苷 Quercitrin ≥98% 522-12-3
槲皮素 Quercetin ≥99% 117-39-5
虎杖苷 Polydatin ≥99% 27208-80-6
花椒毒素 8-Methoxypsoralen ≥95%
桦木醇 betulinol ≥95%
槐果碱 Sophocarpine ≥98% 78003-71-1
环孢菌素A Cycloporin A ≥98%
环孢菌素C Cycloporin C ≥95%
中文名 英文名 纯度 GAS NO.
环孢菌素D Cycloporin D ≥95%
环孢菌素H Cycloporin H ≥97%
黄豆黄苷 Glycitin ≥99% 40246-10-4
黄豆黄素 Glycitein ≥99% 40957-83-3
黄华碱 Thermopsine ≥98% 486-90-8
黄芪甲苷 Astragaloside IV ≥98% 83207-58-3
黄芪皂苷-Ⅰ AstragalosideⅠ ≥98%
黄芪皂苷-Ⅱ Astragaloside -Ⅱ ≥98%
黄芪皂苷-Ⅲ Astragaloside -Ⅲ ≥98% 84687-42-3
黄芩苷 Baicailin ≥98% 21967-41-9
黄芩素 Baicalein ≥95% 491-67-8
黄杨酮碱 Buxtamine ≥98%
茴芹内酯 Pimpinellin ≥98% 131-12-4
积雪草苷 Asiaticoside ≥97% 16830-15-2
吉马酮 Germacrone ≥98% 6902-91-6
姜黄素 Curcumin ≥98% 458-37-7
金丝桃苷 Hyperoside ≥98% 482-36-0
京尼平苷 Geniposide ≥98% 27745-20-6
桔皮素 Tangeretin ≥98%
菊苣酸 Cichoric acid ≥98% 70831-56-0
柯诺辛 Corynoxine ≥98%
苦参碱 Matrine ≥98% 519-02-8
苦鬼臼毒素 Picropodophyllotoxin ≥98% 17434-18-3
苦杏仁苷 Amygdalin ≥98%
奎宁 Quinine ≥98% 130-95-0
雷公藤红素 Celastrol ≥98%
利血平 Reserpine ≥98% 50-55-5
栎樱酸 Roburic acid ≥98%
连翘苷 Forsythin ≥98%
莲心碱 Liensinine ≥98% 2586-96-1
莲心素高氯酸盐 Liensinine HClO4 ≥98%
硫酸长春碱 Vinblastine sulfate ≥95% 143-67-9
龙胆苦苷 Gentiopicroside ≥98% 20831-76-9
中文名 英文名 纯度 GAS NO.
芦丁 Rutin ≥95% 153-18-4
芦荟大黄素 Aloe-emodin ≥98% 481-72-1
芦荟苷A Barbaloin A ≥98% 1415-73-2
绿原酸 Chlorogenic Acid ≥98% 327-97-9
氯化两面针碱 Nitidine Chloride ≥98% 6872-57-7
络塞维 Rosavin ≥95%
麻醉椒苦素 Methysticin ≥99% 495-85-2
马兜铃酸A AristoIohic Acid A ≥97%
马钱碱 Loganin ≥98%
芒果苷 Mangiferin ≥98% 4773-96-0
莽草酸 Shikimic Acid ≥98% 138-59-0
毛蕊花糖苷(麦角甾苷) Mullein Glucoside ≥95%
毛蕊异黄酮 Calycosin ≥98%
没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯 -GCG ≥98% 4233-96-9
没食子酸 Gallic Acid ≥98% 149-91-7
霉酚酸酯 Mycophenolate mofetil ≥98% 115007-34-6
蒙花苷 Buddleoside ≥98%
迷迭香酸 Rosmarinic acid ≥97% 537-15-5
木兰花碱 Magnolflorine ≥98%
木犀草苷 Cynaroside ≥98%
木犀草素 Luteolin ≥98% 491-70-3
木香烃内酯 Costunolide ≥98% 553-21-9
南蛇藤素 Celastrol (Tripterin, Tripterine) ≥98%
牛蒡子苷 Arctiin ≥98% 20362-31-6
牛蒡子苷元 Arctigenin ≥98% 7770-78-7
欧前胡素 Imperatorin ≥98% 482-4-0
派利文碱 Perivine ≥98% 2673-40-7
奇任醇 Kirenol ≥98%
羟基积雪草苷 Madecassoside ≥90% 34540-22-2
羟基吴茱萸碱 Hydroxyevodiamine ≥98%
芹菜素 Apigenin ≥98% 520-36-5
秦皮甲素 Aesculin ≥98% 531-75-9
中文名 英文名 纯度 GAS NO.
秦皮乙素 Aesculetin ≥98% 305-01-1
青藤碱 Sinomenine ≥98% 115-53-7
秋水仙碱 Colchicine ≥98% 64-86-8
去甲异波尔定 Norisoboldine ≥98%
去氢骆驼蓬碱 Harmine ≥98% 442-51-3
去氢木香内酯 Dehydrocostus lactone ≥98% 477-43-0
染料木苷 Genistin ≥99% 529-59-9
染料木素 Genistein ≥99% 446-72-0
人参皂苷Rb1 Ginsenoside-Rb1 ≥98% 41753-43-9
人参皂苷Rb2 Ginsenoside-Rb2 ≥95%
人参皂苷Rb3 Ginsenoside-Rb3 ≥98% 68406-26-8
人参皂苷Rc Ginsenoside-Rc ≥96%
人参皂苷Rd Ginsenoside-Rd ≥95%≥98%
人参皂苷Re Ginsenoside-Re ≥98% 52286-59-6
人参皂苷Rf Ginsenoside-Rf ≥97%
人参皂苷Rg1 Ginsenoside-Rg1 ≥98%
人参皂苷Rg2 Ginsenoside-Rg2 ≥97%
人参皂苷Rg3 Ginsenoside-Rg3 ≥98% 14197-60-5
人参皂苷Ro Ginsenoside-Ro ≥97%
三七皂苷R1 Notoginsenoside R1 ≥98%
桑色素 Morin ≥98% 480-16-0
山姜素 Alpinetin ≥98%
山奈酚 Kaempferol ≥98% 520-18-3
山奈酚葡萄糖醛酸苷 Kaempferol-?-O-glucuronide ≥98%
商陆皂苷甲 Esculentoside A ≥98% 65497-07-6
商陆皂苷元 Phytolaccagenin ≥98% 1802-12-6
芍药苷 Paeoniflorin ≥98% 23180-57-6
蛇床子素 Osthole ≥98% 484-12-8
升麻素 Cimifugin ≥98% 37921-38-3
升麻素苷 Prim-O-glucosylcimifygin ≥98%
石杉碱甲 Huperzine A ≥99% 102518-79-6
石杉碱乙 Huperzine B ≥99% 103548-82-9
中文名 英文名 纯度 GAS NO.
石松灵碱 Lycodoline ≥98%
石蒜裂碱 Lycorenin ≥98%
鼠李糖 Rhamnose ≥99%
薯蓣皂苷 Dioscin ≥98% 60478-68-4
水飞蓟宾 Silybin ≥98% 22888-70-6
水杨苷 Salicin ≥98% 138-52-3
四氢巴马汀 D-tetrahydropalmatine ≥98%
松果菊苷 Bchinacoside ≥95%
酸枣仁皂苷A Jujuboside A ≥98% 55466-04-1
酸枣仁皂苷B Jujuboside B ≥98%
他克莫司FK-506 Tacrolimus ≥98% 104987-11-3
桃叶珊瑚甙 Aucubin ≥98% 479-98-1
天名精内酯酮 Carabrone ≥98% 1748-81-8
土木香内酯 Alantolactone ≥97% 546-43-0
脱水穿心莲内酯 Dehydroandrographoline ≥98%
文多灵 Vindoline ≥98% 2182-14-1
乌头碱 Aconitine ≥95% 302-27-2
吴茱萸次碱 Rutaecarpine ≥99% 84-26-4
吴茱萸碱 Evodiamine ≥99% 518-17-2
吴茱萸内酯 Evodine ≥98%
五味子丙素 Schisandrin C ≥98% 61301-33-5
五味子甲素 Schisandrin A ≥98% 61281-38-7
五味子乙素 Schisandrin B ≥97% 61281-37-6
五味子酯甲 Schisantherin A ≥98% 58546-56-8
西红花苷Ⅱ Crocin-Ⅱ ≥95%
西红花苷-I Crocin-I ≥95%
西罗莫司 Sirolimus ≥98% 53123-88-9
喜树碱 Camptothecine ≥98% 7689 03-4
细辛脑 Asarone ≥98%
细辛醛 asarylaldehyde ≥98%
香蒲新苷 Typhaneoside ≥98% 104472-68-6
辛弗林 Synephrine ≥98% 34520
中文名 英文名 纯度 GAS NO.
新橙皮苷 Neohesperidin ≥98% 13241-33-3
新芒果苷 Neomangiferin ≥98% 64809-67-2
雄烯二酮 Androstenedione ≥99% 63-05-8
熊果苷 Arbutin ≥98% 497-76-7
熊果酸 Ursolic Acid ≥98% 77-52-1
雪上一枝蒿甲素 Bullatine A ≥98% 1354-84-3
雪上一枝蒿乙素 Bullatine B ≥98% 466-26-2
血根碱 Sanguinarine ≥98% 2447-54-3
延胡索乙素 Tetrahydropalmatine ≥98% 10097-84-4
延龄草苷 Trillin(Diosgenyl-β-D-glucopyranoside) ≥98%
盐酸去氢骆驼蓬碱 HM.HCL ≥98%
盐酸石蒜碱 Lycorine Hydrochloride ≥99%
盐酸小檗碱 Berberine Hydrochloride ≥98% 633-65-8
盐酸育亨宾 Yohimbine Hydrochloride ≥99% 65-19-0
氧化苦参碱 Oxymatrine ≥98% 16837-52-8
叶黄素 Lutein ≥98% 127-40-2
乙酰蒲公英萜醇 taraxeryl acetate ≥90% 2189-80-2
异佛手苷内酯 isobergapten ≥95% 482-48-4
异甘草素 Isoliquiritigenin ≥98% 961-29-5
异古伦宾 Isocolumbin ≥98% 471-545
异荭草素 isoorientin ≥98% 4261-42-1
异茴芹内酯 isopimpinellin ≥95% 482-27-9
异欧前胡素 Isoimperatorin ≥98% 482-45-1
异鼠李素 Isorhamnetin ≥99% 480-19-3
茵芋苷 skimmin ≥98% 93-39-0
淫羊藿苷 Icarrin ≥98% 489-32-7
银杏内酯A Ginkgolide A ≥99% 15291-75-5
银杏内酯B Ginkgolide B ≥99% 15291-77-7
银杏内酯C Gingkolide C ≥99% 15291-76-6
银杏内酯J Ginkgolide J ≥99% 107438-79-9
银杏酸(C13:0) Ginkgolic Acid (C13:0) ≥98% 0
银杏酸(C15:1) Ginkgolic Acid (C15:1) ≥99% 0
中文名 英文名 纯度 GAS NO.
银杏酸(C17:1) Ginkgolic Acid (C17:1) ≥99%
吲哚醇 Indolol ≥98%
隐丹参酮 Cryptotanshinone ≥99% 35825-57-1
鹰嘴豆芽素A Abiochanin A ≥98%
柚皮苷 Naringin ≥98% 10236-47-2
柚皮素 Naringenin ≥98% 480-41-1
右旋比扣扣灵碱 d-Bicuculline ≥98%
右旋四氢巴马汀 d-tetrahydropalmatine ≥98%
羽扇豆醇 Lupeol ≥98% 545-47-1
育亨宾 Yohimbine ≥97% 146-48-5
原人参二醇(PPD) Protopanaxdiol ≥95% 30636-90-9
原人参三醇(PPT) Protopanaxtriol ≥98% 34080-08-5
原薯蓣皂苷 Protodioscin ≥98% 55056-80-9
芸香柚皮苷 Narirutin ≥98% 14259-46-2
芝麻素 Sesamin ≥95% 607-80-7
知母皂苷A-Ⅲ Timosaponin A-Ⅲ ≥98% 41059-79-4
知母皂苷元 Sarsasapogenin ≥98% 126-19-2
酯蟾毒配基 Resibufogenin ≥98% 465-39-4
中乌头碱 Mesaconitine ≥98% 2752-64-9
重楼皂苷I Chonglou saponinI ≥97%
梓醇 Catalnol ≥98%
紫草素 shikonin ≥97%
紫丁香苷 Syringin ≥98% 118-34-3
紫杉醇 Paclitaxel ≥99% 33069-62-4
总银杏酸(C13:0,C15:1,C17:1) Ginkgolic Acids(C13:0,C15:1,C17:1) ≥95%
总银杏酸(C13:0,C15:1,C17:2,C15:0,C17:1) Ginkgolic Acids(C13:0,C15:1,C17:2,C15:0,C17:1) ≥99%
醉椒素 Kavain ≥99% 500-64-1
左旋千金藤啶碱 l-Stepholidine ≥98% 16562-13-3
邮箱: 电话@163.com
2008-08-06 18:07:12
Chlorophyll a, from Chlorella for Biochemistry 10 mg
Appearance: Green - greenish black , crystalline powder - powder
Purity: 98.0% (HPLC)
Melting Point: 117 - 120 degrees C
Specific Rotation: -262 (D/20degrees C) (Me2CO)
Chlorophyll b for Biochemistry 5 mg , 10 mg
Appearance: Dark green - greenish black, powder
Purity: 98.5% (HPLC)
Melting Point: 183 - 185 degrees C
脱镁叶绿素 A 和 B
Pheophytin a for Biochemistry 10 mg
Appearance: Greenish black - black, crystals - powder or mass
Purity: 97.0+% (HPLC)
Specific Rotation: -126 (D/20degrees C)
Pheophytin b for Biochemistry 10mg
Appearance: Greenish black - brownish black, crystals - powder
Purity: 99.0+% (HPLC)
电话13788991907 提供
邮箱: 手机@163.com -
2008-08-03 14:17:08
上海西宝生物 摘录部分聚合物标准品分子量范围
021-50272975,76,77,78转 6220 杨宏伟 13817370083
葡聚糖 3000-100万
硫酸葡聚糖 2000-50万
聚蔗糖 100-1000
透明质酸 8000-100万
聚乙二醇 400-2万
聚苯乙烯 162-5480,6550-105200,111300-161万,197万-2000万,345-79万
聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 820-85450,112300-220万,17600-610万
聚丁二烯 500-705000,1725-33万
聚异丁烯 114-2500,3900-87000,107000-532000,721900-299万,1600-1736000
聚碳酸酯 4200-46100
聚丙二醇 76-53000
聚醋酸乙烯 17000-275000
聚氯乙烯 21500-10万,44000-155000
聚乙烯醇缩丁醛 66500-167000
聚二甲硒氧烷 162-35400,41600-14万,147800-100万,1675-91万
聚丙烯 830-801000,800-3350
聚乙烯 52000-150100,86-6250,6050-115200,883500-1165000
聚乙烯对苯二甲酯 27400-63500
聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯 16150-54600
聚四氢呋喃 1250-8950
聚己内酰胺(尼龙6) 17200-41000
聚已二酰已二胺及纤维(尼龙66) 32300-11万
聚丙烯晴 85250-193100
聚丙烯酸 3760-1323000
聚丙烯酸钠 1300-245200,114000-1700000,1400-120万
聚丙烯酰胺 3350-110万,3200-900万
聚乙二醇 62-1000,1065-29450
聚氧乙烯 24000-92万,122700-175万
聚苯乙烯磺酸钠 1430-285万,67500-675000
葡聚糖 180-36300,145000-41400,158100-443200,446900-136万,1482000-740万,1010-610万,1270-676000,1270-403000
羟乙基淀粉 9600-206500,226800-2575000
聚麦芽三糖/普鲁兰多糖 5900-788000,7万-825300,30800-959200
聚乙烯醇 5800-20万
羟丙基纤维素 12000-55700,31600-865000
聚乙烯吡咯烷酮 14400-350万
聚2-乙烯吡啶 3300-130万
聚氨基葡萄糖 326700-141400
淫羊藿甙 (Icariin),金丝桃素( Hypericin )
2008-07-09 09:19:15
淫羊藿甙 Icariin 094-05281 20mg
Grade: for the Japanese Pharmacopoeia Crude Drugs Test (for Thin-Layer Chromatography)
CAS NO. 56692-02-5
分子式: C33H40O15
金丝桃素 Hypericin 082-07763 5mg ,1mg
Grade: for Biochemistry
070-00122 没食子酸 Gallic acid Monohydrate 25g
074-00125 没食子酸 Gallic acid Monohydrate 500g
074-03121 栀子甙,京尼平甙, 去羟基栀子甙 Geniposide 1g
070-03123 栀子甙,京尼平甙, 去羟基栀子甙 Geniposide 10g
010-02241 栀子甙,京尼平甙, 去羟基栀子甙 Geniposide Standard 20mg
079-03431 京尼平甙酸(栀子酸) Geniposidic acid 1g
078-02301 京尼平甙酸(栀子酸) Geniposidic acid Standard 20mg
546-00171 染料木素 Genistein 20mg
536-79981 染料木素 C-B Genistein 20mg
591-04521 染料木素 ICN Genistein , from Pseudomonas 10mg
302-05151 染料木甙 Genistin 10mg
308-05153 染料木甙 Genistin 100mg
077-04831 龙胆苦甙 Gentiopicroside Standard 10mg
076-01383 牻牛儿醇 Geraniol 25ml
070-01386 牻牛儿醇 Geraniol 500ml
077-02871 姜辣素 [6]-Gingerol Standard 20mg
306-06891 银杏内酯 A Ginkgolide A 10MG
309-06901 银杏内酯 B Ginkgolide B 10mg
306-06911 银杏内酯 C Ginkgolide C 10mg
500-37001 白果酸 LKT Ginkgolic acid 10mg
071-03751 葡甘露聚糖 Glucomannan(Konjac Root P.E.) 250g
071-00733 甘氨酸 Glycine 0.1 mol/Lx20
073-00737 甘氨酸 Glycine 10kg
073-00732 甘氨酸 Glycine 25g
077-00735 甘氨酸 Glycine 500g
077-00791 甘氨酸 Glycine Methyl Ester Hydrochloride 5g
075-00792 甘氨酸 Glycine Methyl Ester Hydrochloride 25g
074-03481 甘草酸 Glycyrrhizic acid ,Glycyrrhizin 100mg
071-02271 甘草酸 Glycyrrhizic acid ,Glycyrrhizin Standard 20mg
072-02181 甘草次酸 Glycyrrhetinic acid 10g
507-37011 绿茶提取物 Green Tea Polyphenols 10g
086-05061 骆驼蓬碱 Harmaline 1g
082-05063 骆驼蓬碱 Harmaline 5g
089-05073 去甲骆驼蓬碱,骆驼蓬酚 Harmalol Hydrochloride Dihydrate 1g
083-05071 去甲骆驼蓬碱,骆驼蓬酚 Harmalol Hydrochloride Dihydrate 100mg
080-05081 哈尔明碱 Harmine 100g
086-05083 哈尔明碱 Harmine 1g
539-67901 三尖杉酯碱 C-B Harringtonine,Cephalotaxus hainanensis 5mg
088-07341 橙皮甙 Hesperidin 5g
086-07342 橙皮甙 Hesperidin 25g
088-07341 橙皮甙 Hesperidin 5g
086-07342 橙皮甙 Hesperidin 25g
120461000 正-十六烷 n-Hexadecane 99% 100ml
120465000 正-十六烷 n-Hexadecane 99% 500ml
082-07741 高三尖杉酯碱 Homoharringtonine 5mg
089-04951 和厚朴酚 Honokiol Standard 20mg
085-00771 麦芽碱 Hordenine Sulfate Dihydrate 100mg
081-00773 麦芽碱 Hordenine Sulfate Dihydrate 1g
081-02152 对羟基苯乙酮 p-Hydroxyacetophenone 25g
085-02155 对羟基苯乙酮 p-Hydroxyacetophenone 500g
083-07232 对羟基苯甲醇 p-Hydroxybenzyl Alcohol 25g
582-48652 对羟基苯甲醇 p-Hydroxybenzyl Alcohol 25g
507-36911 10-羟基喜树碱 10-Hydroxycamptothecin 25mg
328-36241 对羟基桂皮酸 m-Hydroxycinnamic Acid 5g
326-36242 对羟基桂皮酸 m-Hydroxycinnamic Acid 25g
082-06521 对羟基桂皮酸 p-Hydroxycinnamic Acid 10g
088-06523 对羟基桂皮酸 p-Hydroxycinnamic Acid 100g
087-05611 α-猪去氧胆酸 α-Hyodeoxy cholic acid 5g
085-05612 α-猪去氧胆酸 α-Hyodeoxy cholic acid 25g
084-07061 次乌头碱 Hypaconitin 20mg
086-07761 金丝桃素 Hypericin 1mg
082-07763 金丝桃素 Hypericin 5mg
539-55171 金丝桃素 ALX Hypericin 1mg
080-03401 次黄嘌呤 hypoxanthine 1g
086-03403 次黄嘌呤 hypoxanthine 5g
088-03402 次黄嘌呤 hypoxanthine 25g
093-00072 靛蓝 Indigo 25g
099-00231 肌苷,肌甙 Inosine 1g
095-00233 肌苷,肌甙 Inosine 5g
097-00232 肌苷,肌甙 Inosine 25g
099-03391 肌苷,肌甙 Inosine 5'-Diphosphate Trisodium Salt 100mg
095-03371 肌苷,肌甙 Inosine 5'-Monophosphate 1g
091-03373 肌苷,肌甙 Inosine 5'-Monophosphate 5g
092-03381 肌苷,肌甙 Inosine 5'-Monophosphate Dipotassium salt 1g
090-00261 肌苷,肌甙 Inosine 5'-Monophosphate Disodium Salt n -Hydrate, from Muscle 100mg
093-00251 肌苷,肌甙 Inosine 5'-Monophosphate Sodium Salt, from Yeast 500mg
097-00271 肌苷,肌甙 Inosine 5'-Triphosphate Trisodium Salt n-Hydrate 50mg
093-00273 肌苷,肌甙 Inosine 5'-Triphosphate Trisodium Salt n-Hydrate 100mg
091-02974 胰岛素 Insulin ,from Bovine Pancreas 50mg
097-02971 胰岛素 Insulin ,from Bovine Pancreas 100mg
097-02976 胰岛素 Insulin ,from Bovine Pancreas 500mg
093-02973 胰岛素 Insulin ,from Bovine Pancreas 1g
091-04211 胰岛素 Insulin ,from Porcine Pancreas 50mg
097-04213 胰岛素 Insulin ,from Porcine Pancreas 100mg
091-04191 胰岛素 Insulin Chain B,Oxidized ,from Bovine Pancreas 5mg
097-04193 胰岛素 Insulin Chain B,Oxidized ,from Bovine Pancreas 10mg
097-02591 胰岛素 Insulin Human (Enzymatically derived from Porcine Insulin) 0.5mg
090-03441 胰岛素 Insulin Human recombinant 1g
094-03444 胰岛素 Insulin Human recombinant 10g
090-03446 胰岛素 Insulin Human recombinant 50mg
096-03443 胰岛素 Insulin Human recombinant 100mg
4088-S 胰岛素 Insulin(Human) 0.1mg
4088-V 胰岛素 Insulin(Human) 0.5mg
099-04511 胰岛素 Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Human,recombinant 100ug
096-04521 胰岛素 Insulin-Like Growth Factor-11 Human,recombinant 75ug
093-04911 伊普黄酮 Ipriflavone 500mg
596-25211 异紫堇定 ICN Isocorydine Hydrochloride, from 100mg
164-10322 肉豆蔻酸异丙酯 Isopropyl myristate 25ml
168-10325 肉豆蔻酸异丙酯 Isopropyl myristate 500ml
090-02341 异甜菊醇 Isosteviol Standard 1g
110-00451 山奈酚,山奈素,山奈黄素,山奈黄酮醇,四氢基黄酮,崁非醇 Kaempferol 25mg
114-00471 干华豆晶 4 Karanjin 500mg
591-25881 毛花洋地黄甙丙 ICN Lanatoside C 100mg
120-00175 月桂酸 Lauric acid 500g
120-00175 月桂酸 Lauric acid 100g
044-23285 月桂酸 Lauric acid 500g
120-04972 月桂酸 Lauric acid, from palm 25g
124-04975 月桂酸 Lauric acid, from palm 500g
124-04931 吴茱萸内酯,柠檬苦素 Limonin ,from Grapefruit 50mg
125-03621 马钱素 Loganin Standard 20mg
126-03612 亚油酸,r-亚麻酸 Linoleic acid 25ml
128-03611 亚油酸,r-亚麻酸 Linoleic acid 100ml
120-03615 亚油酸,r-亚麻酸 Linoleic acid 500ml
124-02574 亚油酸,r-亚麻酸 Linoleic acid 1ml
120-02571 亚油酸,r-亚麻酸 Linoleic acid 5ml
126-02573 亚油酸,r-亚麻酸 Linoleic acid 10ml
125-03361 甘草甙 Liquiritin Standard 20mg
129-04981 石胆酸 Lithocholic Acid 5g
127-04982 石胆酸 Lithocholic Acid 25g
125-03621 番木鳖甙,马钱素,马钱子甙 Loganin Standard 20mg
593-25961 羽扇豆醇酯 ICN Lupeol 25mg
129-04001 木犀草素 Luteolin 25mg
137-09081 厚朴酚 Magnolol Standard 20mg
139-00842 甘露醇 D(-)-Mannitol 25g
137-00843 甘露醇 D(-)-Mannitol 100mg
133-00845 甘露醇 D(-)-Mannitol 500mg
139-00847 甘露醇 D(-)-Mannitol 10kg
130-00855 甘露醇 D(-)-Mannitol 500g
633-00471 甘露醇 D(-)-Mannitol 5g
138-02213 桂皮酸 methyl cinnamate 25ml
132-02216 桂皮酸 methyl cinnamate 500ml
593-31211 苦参碱 ICN Matrine 250mg
132-03752 薄荷醇 L(-)-Menthol 25g
134-03751 薄荷醇 L(-)-Menthol 100g
136-03755 薄荷醇 L(-)-Menthol 500g
590-06992 薄荷醇 ICN L(-)-Menthol 25g
588-14241 薄荷醇 LAN DL-Menthol 100g
524-91581 薄荷醇 DL-Menthol 50g
136-00972 薄荷酮 Menthone 25g
584-08052 薄荷酮 LAN Menthone 25g
136-07694 农吉利碱,野百合碱,猪屎豆碱 Monocrotaline 500mg
138-07693 农吉利碱,野百合碱,猪屎豆碱 Monocrotaline 1g
132-07691 农吉利碱,野百合碱,猪屎豆碱 Monocrotaline 5g
130-03432 肉豆蔻酸 Myristic acid 25g
134-03435 肉豆蔻酸 Myristic acid 500g
137-14172 肉豆蔻酸 Myristic acid ,from palm 25g
131-14175 肉豆蔻酸 Myristic acid ,from palm 500g
140-00851 那可丁 L-a-Narcotine 5g
148-06371 柚皮甙 Naringin 100mg
582-54561 柚皮甙 P-B Naringin 50g
140-06211 柚皮甙 Naringin Standard 20mg
592-26391 新橙皮甙 ICN Neohesperidin 100mg
140-01211 菸碱(尼古丁) (-)-Nicotine 5g
149-07521 川陈皮素 Nobiletin 10mg
155-01701 齐墩果酸 Oleanolic acid 1g
592-08711 齐墩果酸 ICN Oleanolic acid ,from 500mg
151-01801 蛇床子素(欧芹酚甲醚) Osthole Standard 20mg
150-01511 氧化苦参碱(苦参素) Oxymatrine Standard 20mg
169-18616 紫杉醇 Paclitaxel 1mg
169-18611 紫杉醇 Paclitaxel 5mg
165-18613 紫杉醇 Paclitaxel 25mg
163-18614 紫杉醇 Paclitaxel 100mg
169-15551 芍药甙 Paeoniflorin 100mg
167-11711 芍药甙 Paeoniflorin Standard 10mg
163-11713 芍药甙 Paeoniflorin Standard 50mg
169-12871 丹皮酚 Paeonol Standard 10mg
168-16001 巴马丁(掌叶防已碱) Palmatine Chloride 100mg
166-17641 巴马丁(掌叶防已碱) Palmatine Chloride Standard 20mg
161-07201 毛果云香碱盐酸盐 Pilocarpine hydrochloride 1g
169-07202 毛果云香碱盐酸盐 Pilocarpine hydrochloride 25g
162-17241 胡椒碱 Piperine 10g
164-17181 矾松素 Plumbagin 1g
596-18741 鬼臼毒素 ICN Podophyllotoxin 100mg
598-30281 石榴籽多酚 ICN Polyphenols,from Green Tea 1g
168-05251 原儿茶酸 Protocatechuic acid 5g
166-05252 原儿茶酸 Protocatechuic acid 25g
164-05253 原儿茶酸 Protocatechuic acid 100g
160-05255 原儿茶酸 Protocatechuic acid 500g
592-29191 原阿片碱 ICN Protopine Hydrochloride 5mg
162-14701 葛根素 Puerarin Standard 20mg
177-00401 槲皮素 Quercetin Dihydrate 1g
173-00403 槲皮素 Quercetin Dihydrate 10g
535-80701 槲皮素 C-B Quercetin Dihydrate 100mg
176-00111 喹啉丁 Quinidine 5g
170-00131 喹啉 Quinine 5g
174-00531 Quisqualic acid 5mg
539-51271 TOC Quisqualic acid 5mg
591-10491 ICN Quisqualic acid 5mg
539-80721 C-B Quisqualic acid 1mg
184-00691 利血平 Reserpine 1g
180-00693 利血平 Reserpine 10g
184-00951 酯蟾毒配基 Resibufogenin Standard 20mg
185-01721 白藜芦醇 Resveratrol 100mg
181-01723 白藜芦醇 Resveratrol 500mg
532-61411 白藜芦醇 Resveratrol 500mg
533-80741 白藜芦醇 Resveratrol 25mg]
507-37131 白藜芦醇 Resveratrol 100mg
182-00751 鼠李糖 α-L(+)-Rhamnose Monohydrate 5g
180-00752 鼠李糖 α-L(+)-Rhamnose Monohydrate 25g
188-00753 鼠李糖 α-L(+)-Rhamnose Monohydrate 100g
595-10651 鼠李糖 ICN α-L(+)-Rhamnose Monohydrate 5g
595-20541 王浆酸 ICN Royaljelly ,fromQueen Bee 10g
183-00921 吴茱萸次碱 Rutaecarpine Standard 20mg
181-00341 芦丁,芸香甙 Rutin 5g
189-00342 芦丁,芸香甙 Rutin 25g
193-00081 水杨甙 D(-)-Salicin 1g
199-00083 水杨甙 D(-)-Salicin 5g
191-00102 水杨酸醛 Salicylaldehyde 25g
195-00105 水杨酸醛 Salicylaldehyde 500g
190-11081 水杨酸醛 Salicylaldehyde Zine 1g
196-08952 水杨酸醛 Salicylaldehyde Hydrazone 25g
197-11231 菝契皂甙元,洋菝契皂甙元 Sarsasapogenin 5g
192-10441 五味子醇甲,五味子素,五味子醇 Schizandrin Standard 20mg
197-09261 氢溴酸东莨菪碱 Scopolamine Hydrobromide n-Hydrate 20mg
198-07971 氢溴酸东莨菪碱 Scopolamine Hydrobromide n-Hydrate 1g
192-10201 番泻甙 A Sennoside A 100mg
190-08531 番泻甙 A Sennoside A Standard 10mg
194-09271 番泻甙 B Sennoside B 20mg
199-10211 番泻甙 B Sennoside B 100mg
199-11811 番泻甙 B Sennoside B Standard 10mg
193-11331 莽草酸 Shikimic Acid 100mg
199-11333 莽草酸 Shikimic Acid 1g
590-10983 莽草酸 ICN Shikimic Acid 1g
594-10981 莽草酸 ICN Shikimic Acid 5g
191-08681 左旋紫草素 Shikonin Standard 10mg
504-37141 水飞蓟素 LKT Silymarin 10g
193-09361 盐酸青藤碱 Sinomenine Standard 20mg
596-27031 茄啶 ICN Solanidine ,from Potato 10mg
199-06242 鹰爪豆碱,无叶豆碱 Sparteine Sulfate Pentahydrate 25g
198-12763 水苏糖 Stachyose n-Hydrate 1g
192-12761 水苏糖 Stachyose n-Hydrate 100mg
196-12764 水苏糖 Stachyose n-Hydrate 500mg
196-08131 甜菊甙 Stevioside Standard 1g
196-08131 甜菊甙,甜菊糖 Stevioside 1g
306-01411 豆甾醇 Stigmasterol 5g
196-08131 贯叶连翘提取物 St John`s wort P.E
157-01663 毒毛旋花子甙 G-Strophanthin((-)-Oubain Octahydrate see p.1289) 250mg
591-29661 士的宁 ICN (-)-Strychnine 5g
198-04333 K-毒毛旋花子甙 Succinic acid 0.1 mol/Lx20
190-04332 K-毒毛旋花子甙 Succinic acid 25g
194-04335 K-毒毛旋花子甙 Succinic acid 500g
197-08541 獐牙菜苦甙 Swertiamarin Standard 20mg
594-27191 辛弗宁 DL-Synephrine,synthetic 10g
525-87042 紫丁香酸 Syringic acid 25g
201-00112 牛磺酸 Taurine 25g
203-00111 牛磺酸 Taurine 100g
205-00115 牛磺酸 Taurine 500g
507-44101 牛磺熊去氧胆酸 C-B Tauroursodexycholic Acid Sodium Salt 1g
503-44103 牛磺熊去氧胆酸 C-B Tauroursodexycholic Acid Sodium Salt 5g
593-11551 花旗松素 (+-)-Taxifolin 100mg
207-11981 四氢巴马亭 Tetrahydropalmatine 100mg
324-64252 四甲基吡嗪 2,3,5,6-Tetramethylpyrazine 25g
322-64253 四甲基吡嗪 2,3,5,6-Tetramethylpyrazine 100g
207-11981 延胡索乙素 Tetrahydropalmatine 100mg
201-15161 茶黄素 Theaflavin 1mg
205-13562 可可豆碱 Theobromine 25g
209-13565 可可豆碱 Theobromine 500g
201-09931 茶碱 Theophylline 100g
203-09935 茶碱 Theophylline 500g
593-11671 茶碱 ICN Theophylline 100g
206-01402 百里酚 Thymol 25g
208-01401 百里酚 Thymol 100g
200-01405 百里酚 Thymol 500g
209-01431 百里酚 Thymol Blue 1g
207-01432 百里酚 Thymol Blue 25g
201-11761 百里酚 0.1w/v% Thymol Blue Ethanol (50) Solution 100ml
203-11765 百里酚 0.1w/v% Thymol Blue Ethanol (50) Solution 500ml
207-15521 百里酚 0.04w/v% Thymol Blue Solution 100ml
208-05801 百里酚 1w/v% Thymol Blue Dimethylformamide Solution 50ml
324-38161 百里酚 Thymol Blue Sodium Salt 5g
322-38162 百里酚 Thymol Blue Sodium Salt 25g
083-02271 伞形花内酯 Umbelliferone 1g
347-02883 伞形花内酯 同仁 Umbelliferone 5g
217-00931 熊去氧胆酸 Ursodeoxy cholic acid 5g
321-32831 熊果酸 Ursolic acid 500mg
210-00301 松罗酸钠 Usnic acid (Sodium) 5g
94770 香草酸 Vanillic acid 250g
94770 香草酸 Vanillic acid 50g
94780 香草酸 Vanillic acid diethylamide 10g
94780 香草酸 Vanillic acid diethylamide 50g
224-00682 香兰素 Vanillin 25g
226-00681 香兰素 Vanillin 100g
228-00685 香兰素 Vanillin 500g
081-04472 香兰素 o-Vanillin 25g
085-04475 香兰素 o-Vanillin 500g
224-00682 香荚兰醛 Vanillin 25g
226-00681 香荚兰醛 Vanillin 100g
228-00685 香荚兰醛 Vanillin 500g
320-29932 香荚兰醇 Vanillyl alcohol 25g
324-29935 香荚兰醇 Vanillyl Alcohol 500g
221-00751 硫酸长春碱 Vinblastine Sulfate 10mg
227-00753 硫酸长春碱 Vinblastine Sulfate 50mg
596-12761 硫酸长春碱 ICN Vinblastine Sulfate 10mg
534-81011 硫酸长春碱 C-B Vinblastine Sulfate 10mg
228-00761 长春新碱 Vincristin sulfate 10mg
224-00763 长春新碱 Vincristin sulfate 50mg
231-00811 汉黄芩素 Wogonin Standard 10mg
244-00542 木糖醇 Xylitol 25g
248-00545 木糖醇 Xylitol 500g
241-00731 木糖醇 Xylitol 1g
紫草素(Shikonin)、紫草红(Alkannin) 标准品
2008-07-09 08:56:25
紫草(Lithospermum erythrorhizon Sieb. ‘et Zucc.)自生于日本各地、中国及朝鲜半岛,其根中含有紫草素(shikonin)成分。从紫草根中提取出来的紫红色色素可用作化妆品的原料。相关研究 报告表明,紫草素的有效成分,具有抗炎症、促进创伤愈和、抗肿瘤等药理作用。 紫草素作为光学异性体存在于紫草红中 (alkannin)。
19113331 紫草素标准品 生药实验用 10mg
Shikonin Standard 10mg for Crude Drugs Determination
A product form. in which the optical isomer alkannin has been removed. Shikonin is contained in the root of perennial murasaki (Lith-ospermum erythrorhizon Sieb.'et Zucc.) growing naturally in Japan, China and Korean peninsula.
A red-purple dye extracted from the root of murasaki is being used as cosmetic ingredients. Antiinflammatory effect, wound healing acceleration, antitumor effect, etc. have been reported as the pharmacological effects of the active component of shikonin. In shikonin, alkannin is present as an optical isomer.
Shikonin standard and alkannin standard that have now been commercialized are both listed in the Japanese Pharmacopoeia, 14th Edition, and are used for identification and ingredient content determination of the active component shikonin.
电话 13788991907 电子邮箱:电话@ 163.com提供
1319901 紫草红标准品 生药实验用 10mg
Alkannin Standard 10mg for Crude Drugs Determination
Shinikon is contained in the root of perennial murasaki (Lith-ospermum erythrorhizon Sieb.'et Zucc.) growing naturally in Japan, China and the Korean peninsula. A red-purple dye extracted from the root of murasaki is being used as a cosmetics ingredient. Antiinflammatory effect, wound healing acceleration, antitumor effect, etc. have been reported as the pharmacological effects of the active component of shikonin. In shikonin, alkannin is present as an optic isomer. This product is listed in the Japanese Pharmacopoeia 14th Edition and used for identification and content test of the active component of shinikon.
钩藤碱(rhynchophylline) 及毛钩藤碱(hirsutine)标准品
2008-07-09 08:50:42
钩藤碱(rhynchophylline) 及毛钩藤碱(hirsutine)是从生药钓藤钩中分离、精制出来的生物碱,可用于日本药局方第十四次修订本附录一中所记载的钩藤碱及毛钩藤碱的确认及成分含量实验。
来源: Uncaria rhynchophylla Miquel, Uncaria
sinensis Haviland, Uncaria marcrophylla
Wallich (Rubiaceae)
化学名: (7β,16E,20α)-16,17-Didehydro-17-methoxy-2-oxocory-noxan-16-carboxylic acid methyl ester
CAS编号: [76-66-4]
TLC实验: 限度内。
186-01871 钩藤碱标准品 10mg for Crude Drugs Determination
082-08081 Hirsutine Standard 毛钩藤碱标准品
for Crude Drugs Determination
Crude Drug Standards that Conform. to the Japanese Pharmacopoeia
CAS No.: 7729-23-9
Solubility in methanol: Clear
Assay (HPLC): 98.0+%
Hirsutine Standard is used for HPLC analysis of the component content of Hirsutine listed in Supplement I to the Japanese Pharmacopoeia Fourteenth Edition. Hirsutine Standard is an alkaloid isolated and purified from Uncaria Thorn, a crude drug.
Source: Uncaria rhynchophylla Miquel, Uncaria sinensis Haviland, Uncaria macrophylla Wallich (Rubiaceae)
Chemical Name: (3 beta, 16E)-16, 17-Didehydro-17-methoxycorynan-16-carboxylic acid methyl ester
CAS No.: 7729-23-9
Solubility in methanol: Clear
Assay (HPLC): 98.0+%
Hydroxyethyl Starch 羟乙基淀粉标准品
2008-06-13 13:52:41
Hydroxyethyl Starch 羟乙基淀粉Hydroxyethyl Starches羟乙基淀粉 (支链形多聚糖,低分子量) 内含18种标准品,每种250mg Catalog # Mp Mw Mn IV* HETALKIT HETA10K 8,800 9,600 5,400 0.089 HETA15K 15,000 16,500 11,700 0.104 HETA17K 16,600 25,900 10,600 0.11 HETA20K 18,300 21,700 15,300 0.112 HETA32K 32,000 39,000 20,800 0.124 HETA35K 36,500 41,800 28,500 0.134 HETA40K 42,100 51,100 34,300 0.141 HETA55K 54,200 64,600 42,300 0.153 HETA60K 62,000 73,600 49,100 0.165 HETA80K 80,000 95,500 60,000 0.173 HETA85K 82,600 107,100 57,500 0.169 HETA95K 96,700 114,300 58,000 0.168 HETA100K 98,000 118,500 70,000 0.182 HETA106K 106,000 136,500 69,900 0.182 HETA130K 130,600 157,000 78,500 0.186 HETA155K 157,500 185,600 84,400 0.193 HETA165K 165,000 192,000 110,400 0.206 HETA175K 179,100 206,500 88,900 0.205 IV* - Intrinsic Viscosity (dL/g) in 0.05M Sodium Nitrate at 30°C (a = 0.289; K = 0.00637) Hydroxyethyl Starches羟乙基淀粉 (支链形多聚糖,高分子量) 内含16种标准品,每种250mg Catalog # Mp Mw Mn IV* HETAHKIT HETA205K 204,300 226,800 95,900 0.206 HETA225K 227,900 245,800 83,300 0.199 HETA250K 244,500 260,500 140,000 0.221 HETA400K 375,000 379,000 198,500 0.25 HETA600K 570,900 590,000 310,700 0.271 HETA700K 653,000 700,000 450,000 0.275 HETA800K 790,000 955,000 465,900 0.304 HETA900K 870,000 1,025,000 650,000 0.323 HETA1000K 1,060,000 1,550,000 825,000 0.359 HETA1100K 1,100,000 1,300,000 860,000 0.348 HETA1300K 1,255,000 1,361,000 968,900 0.352 HETA1400K 1,396,000 1,631,000 1,152,000 0.389 HETA1500K 1,525,000 2,000,000 1,250,000 0.406 HETA1600K 1,600,000 2,225,000 1,200,000 0.416 HETA1900K 1,892,000 2,011,000 1,523,000 0.429 HETA2000K 2,000,000 2,575,000 1,550,000 0.43 IV* - Intrinsic Viscosity (dL/g) in 0.05M Sodium Nitrate at 30°C (a = 0.289; K = 0.00637) Hydroxyethyl Starch羟乙基淀粉 (分子量分布宽) 每种标准品1.0g Catalog # Mw Mn Mz IV* HETABR685K 685,000 63,000 2,300,000 0.25 HETABR485K 485,500 160,300 1,103,000 0.249 IV* - Intrinsic Viscosity (dL/g) in 0.05M Sodium Nitrate at 30°C (a = 0.289; K = 0.00637)
更多,请咨询 13817370083 -
水臭味检测标准品,Water Odor Detection Standards
2008-04-11 13:09:53
2-Methylisoborneol-Geosmin Mixed Standard Solution,0.1mg/mL each in methanol
MIB, Geosmin混合标准溶液
2-Methylisoborneol Standard Solution,0.1mg/mL methanol
2-甲基异茨醇, 2-MIB标准溶液
2-Methylisoborneol Standard, 98.0+%
Geosmin Standard Solution, 98.0+%,0.1mg/mL in methanol
Geosmin Standard Solution,1.0mg/mL in hexane
Geosmin Standard, 98.0+%
www.e-biochem.com TEL: 021-38920908 FAX:021-58374317
2008-04-01 16:23:54
www.e-biochem.com TEL: 021-38920908 FAX:021-58374317
Aflatoxin B1 1 mg
Aflatoxin B1 5 mg 1600.00
Aflatoxin M1 0.1 mg 880.00
Aflatoxin B2 1 mg
Aflatoxin B2 5 mg 3760.00
Aflatoxin G1 1 mg
Aflatoxin G1 5 mg 3760.00
Aflatoxin G2 1 mg
Aflatoxin G2 5 mg 6200.00 -
MX 水分析标准品
2008-03-24 11:41:46
3-氯-4-二氯甲基-5-羟基-2(5氢)-呋喃酮(3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2[5H] -furanone,MX),是饮用水氯化消毒副产物之一,由氯与水源水中的有机腐殖酸作用生成。人体接触MX的途径主要为通过饮食和饮水摄入以及经过皮肤吸收。MX在氯化自来水的含量仅为2~67 ng/L[1],但是众多的体内体外实验均显示了MX的遗传毒性和致癌性,国际癌症研究署(IARC)已将MX列为人类可能致癌物。MX可致鼠伤寒沙门氏菌TA100 60%~87%的检测菌落发生GC→TA置换[2~4];致大肠杆菌AT→CG突变[5];致中国仓鼠卵巢细胞HPRT基因GC→TA突变、AT→TA颠换、GC碱基对缺失、大片段缺失和插入[6]。因此,MX导致的基因改变可能是其遗传毒性机制的一个重要方面。
3-氯-4-二氯甲基-5-羟基-2(5氢)-呋喃酮(3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2[5H] -furanone,MX)
11651133 10mg 水质检测用标准品
CAS: 77439-76-0 分子式:C5H3Cl3O3 分子量:217.43
MX (bacterial mutagen)
2(5H)-Furanone, 3-chloro-4-dichloromethyl-5-hydroxy-
www.e-biochem.com TEL: 021-38920908 FAX:021-58374317
A. Odor Detection Standards
Geosmin Standard (2-10℃) 20mg
2-Methylisoborneol Standard 20mg
Geosmin Standard Solution (1.0mg/mL in hexane) (2-10℃) 1mL
Geosmin Standard Solution (1.0mg/mL in methanol) (2-10℃) 1mL
2- Methylisoborneol Standard Solution? 1mL (1.0mg/mL in methanol) (-20℃)
Geosmin/MIB Mix Standard Solution (-20℃) 1mL
B. CSK Standards
039-10181 CSK Standard Solution Nitrate N:0.00 ug atom/L (2-10℃) 50mL
036-10191 CSK Standard Solution Nitrate N:5.0 ug atom/L (2-10℃) 50mL
039-10201 CSK Standard Solution Nitrate N:10.0 ug atom/L (2-10℃) 50mL
033-10221 CSK Standard Solution Nitrate N:20.0 ug atom/L (2-10℃) 50mL
037-10241 CSK Standard Solution Nitrate N:40.0 ug atom/L (2-10℃) 50mL
034-10131 CSK Standard Solution Nitrite N:0.00 ug atom/L (2-10℃) 50mL
038-10151 CSK Standard Solution Nitrite N:0.50 ug atom/L (2-10℃) 50mL
035-10161 CSK Standard Solution Nitrite N:1.00 ug atom/L (2-10℃) 50mL
032-10171 CSK Standard Solution Nitrite N:2.00 ug atom/L (2-10℃) 50mL
037-10001 CSK Standard Solution Phosphate P:0.00 ug atom/L (2-10℃) 50mL
034-10011 CSK Standard Solution Phosphate P:0.50 ug atom/L(2-10℃) 50mL
031-10021 CSK Standard Solution Phosphate P:1.00 ug atom/L (2-10℃) 50mL
038-10031 CSK Standard Solution Phosphate P:2.00 ug atom/L (2-10℃) 50mL
035-10041 CSK Standard Solution Phosphate P:3.00 ug atom/L (2-10℃) 50mL
034-10251 CSK Standard Solution Potassium Iodate 0.0100N (2-10℃) 300mL
032-10051 CSK Standard Solution Silicate Si:0.0 ug atom/L (2-10℃) 50mL
039-10061 CSK Standard Solution Silicate Si:5.0 ug atom/L (2-10℃) 50mL
036-10071 CSK Standard Solution Silicate Si:10.0 ug atom/L (2-10℃) 50mL
030-10091 CSK Standard Solution Silicate Si:50.0 ug atom/L (2-10℃) 50mL
033-10101 CSK Standard Solution Silicate Si:100 ug atom/L (2-10℃) 50mL
030-10111 CSK Standard Solution Silicate Si:150 ug atom/L (2-10℃) 50mL
037-10121 CSK Standard Solution Silicate Si:200 ug atom/L (2-10℃) 50mL
C. Microcystin
136-12241 Microcystin LR (-20℃) 250ug
133-12251 Microcystin RR (-20℃) 250ug
132-12841 Microcystin YR (-20℃) 250ug
300-05191 Microcystin ELISA Kit (-20℃) 250ug
133-12871 MMPB Sodium Salt (-20℃) 250ug
2008-03-14 08:25:59
电话: 021-38920908
邮箱:13788991907@163.com www.e-biochem.com
天竺葵素 pelargonidin 99% 10mg
或Pelargonidin chloride 5 mg 1960.00
MW: 306.7
CAS NUMBER: 134-04-3
MERCK INDEX: 14: 7071
APPEARANCE: Red to brown solid.
SOLUBILITY: Soluble in 100% ethanol or methanol.
矢车菊素 Cyanidin chloride 10 mg 2820.00 ,50mg 询价
CAS NUMBER: 528-58-5
MERCK INDEX: 14: 2687
RTECS: LK9824000
PURITY: ≥97%
APPEARANCE: Dark red to black solid.
SOLUBILITY: Soluble in methanol or 0.1% hydrochloric acid.
保存温度: -20°C
矢车菊素葡萄糖苷 cyanidin-3-O-glu 7084-24-4 C21H21CLO11
97% 5mg
95% 1mg
Cyanidin chloride 10 mg 2820.00
矢车菊素半乳糖苷 cyanidin-3-O-gal 27661-36-5 C21H21O11 97% 10mg
矢车菊素芸香糖苷 cyanidin-3-O-rut 18719-76-1 C27H31CLO15 98%
1mg , 5mg
矢车菊素双葡糖苷 cyanidin-3,5-di-O-G 2611-67-8 C27H31CLO16 97% 10mg
天竺葵素葡萄糖苷 pelargonidin-3-O-G 18466-51-8 C21H21CLO10 97% 10mg
飞燕草素 delphinidin 528-53-0 C15H11CLO7
97% 10mg
95% 1mg
氯化翠雀啶 Delphinidin chloride 10mg 6640元
飞燕草素葡萄糖苷 delphinidin-3-O-glumirtillin delphinidin 3-O-beta-D-G
CAS:6906-38-3 C21H21O12 97% 10mg
天竺葵素双葡萄糖苷 pelargonidin 17334-58-6 C27H31CLO15 90% 1mg
芍药素葡萄糖苷 peonidin-3-O-glu 6906-39-4 C22H23CLO11 97% 10mg
芍药素 peonidin 134-01-0 C16H13CLO6 97%
Peonidin chloride 5 mg 4040.00
锦葵花素 malvidin 643-84-5 C17H15CLO7 97% 10mg
或 氯化锦葵色素 malvidin chloride 10 mg 3760.00 (请咨询 13817370083 )
锦葵花素葡萄糖苷 malvidin-3-O-gluoenin chloride cyclamin chloride
7228-78-6 C23H25CLO12 97% 10mg
锦葵花素双葡萄糖苷 malvidin-3,5-di-O-Gmalvoside malvin chloride
16727-30-3 C29H35CLO17 90% 1mg
矮牵牛素Pt petunidin 1429-30-7 C16H13O7 97% 10mg
矮牵牛素葡萄糖苷 petunidin-3-O-glu 6988-81-4 C22H23O12 97% 10mg
矮牵牛素乙酰葡糖苷 petunidin-3-Acyl-G 97% 10mg -
禽类及水产检测用 23种混标
2008-02-22 10:50:20
玉米赤霉醇 Zeranol 磺胺间甲氧嘧啶 Sulfamonomethoxine
左旋咪唑 Levamisole 磺胺氯哒嗪 Sulfachlorpyridazine
噻苯哒唑 Thiabendazole 磺胺甲恶唑 Sulfamethoxazole
甲氧苄啶 Trimethoprim 周效磺胺 Sulfadoxine
磺胺嘧啶 Sulfadiazine 磺胺多辛 Sulfadoxine
奥美普林 Ormetoprim 乙氧酰胺苯甲酯 Ethopabate
磺胺噻唑 Sulfathiazole 磺胺喹恶啉 Sulfaquinoxaline
磺胺吡啶 Suklfapyridine 磺胺硝苯 Sulfanitran
磺胺甲基嘧啶 sulfamerazine α-群勃龙 α-Trenbolone
甲砜(氯)霉素 Thiamphenicol β-群勃龙 β-Trenbolone
磺胺二甲嘧啶 Sulfadimidine 醋酸美伦孕酮 Melengestrol Acetate
磺胺甲氧嗪 Sulfamethoxypyridiazine 5-Propylsulfonyl-1H-benzimidazole-2-amine -
[论坛] 10-HDA 标准品
2007-11-21 12:02:23
电话:13788991907 E-mail:电话@163.com提供
(E)-10-HYDROXY-2-DECENOIC ACID STANDARD (E)-10-羟基-2-癸烯酸(10-HDA) 20mg
10-HDA 是蜂王浆中含有的特殊活性物质,是评价蜂王浆质量的重要指标,具有抗菌、灭菌[2]、强壮肌体和具有强烈抑制移植性 AKR 白血病、TA3 乳腺癌及多种腹水型艾利虚癌等癌细胞生长的作用
更多标准品见 http://www.e-biochem.com
[ 本帖最后由 shhcs 于 2007-10-17 17:33 编辑 ] -
[论坛] 食品分析用各标准品如蔗果三、四糖,真菌毒素,农兽残
2007-11-21 12:00:33
Fructooligosaccharides set set
Grade:for High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Storage condition: Keep at RT
用于饮料和食品中包含的低聚果糖成分分析,此试剂盒含蔗果三糖(1-Kestose)、蔗果四糖(Nystose)、蔗果五糖(1F-Fructofuranosyl nystose)
Analytical Chemistry
Fructooligosaccharide Analysis
This set consists of 500 mg vial each of 1-Kestose, Nystose and 1F-Fructofuranosylnystose.
It is applicable to analyze the fructooligosaccharide components contained in foods and beverages.
Kit Contents:
- 1-Kestose, 99.0+% (HPLC) 1 vial x 500 mg
- Nystose, 99.0+% (HPLC) 1 vial x 500 mg
- 1F-Fructofranosylnystose, 80.0+ % (HPLC) 1 vial x 500 mg
116-00431 蔗果三糖 1-Kestose 250mg
112-00433 蔗果三糖 1-Kestose 1g
147-05981 蔗果四糖三羟化物 Nystose Trihydrate 250mg
143-05983 蔗果四糖三羟化物 Nystose Trihydrate 1g
电话:13788991907 邮箱: 电话@163.com
193-14131 苏丹红Ⅰ标准品 sudanⅠstandard 200mg
190-14141 苏丹红Ⅱ标准品 sudanⅡstandard 200mg
160-22171 对位红标准品 para red standard 200mg
010-20401 阿巴斯甜 L-alpha-Aspartyl-D-phenylalanine Methyl Ester 200mg
016-20403 阿巴斯甜 L-alpha-Aspartyl-D-phenylalanine Methyl Ester 1g
168-21631 展青霉素/绑曲霉素 Patulin 10mg
024-07761 白术内酯标准品 betenolide 10mg
033-08011 枯毒素标准品 citrinin Standard 10mg
048-18631 脱氧萎镰菌醇标准品 deoxynivalenol Standard 10mg
046-20401 蛇形菌素标准品 diacetoxyscirpenol 1mg
060-03563 伏马毒素B1标准品 fumonisin B1 10mg
141-04661 茄病镰菌标准品 neosolaninol Standard 10mg
144-04651 瓜萎镰菌醇标准品 nivalenol Standard 10mg
150-02111 赭曲霉素A标准品 Ochratoxin A 5mg
209-08251 T-2毒素标准品 T-2 Toxin Standard 10mg
169-22261 杀虫剂混合 PL-1-1 Pesticide Mixture PL-1-1 5×1ml
163-22301 杀虫剂混合 PL-5-1 Pesticide Mixture PL-5-1 5×1ml
160-22311 杀虫剂混合 PL-6-1 Pesticide Mixture PL-6-1 5×1ml
167-22321 杀虫剂混合 PL-7-1 Pesticide Mixture PL-7-1 5×1ml
164-22331 杀虫剂混合 PL-8-1 Pesticide Mixture PL-8-1 5×1ml
161-22341 杀虫剂混合 PL-9-1 Pesticide Mixture PL-9-1 5×1ml
168-22351 杀虫剂混合 PL-10-1 Pesticide Mixture PL-10-1 5×1ml
016-20361 阿维菌素 Abamectin Standard 200mg
010-20521 三氟羟草醚 Acifluorfen Standard 200mg
015-20451 4-氨基吡啶 4-Aminopyridine Standard 200mg
016-20241 莎稗磷 Abnilofos Standard 200mg
022-15251 6-苄氨基嘌呤 6-Benzylaminopurine Standard 200mg
020-15431 溴氯甲烷 Bromochloromethane Standard 200mg
024-15571 牛津郡克蔓磷 Butamifos oxon Standard 100mg
034-19771 菱锈灵 Carboxin Standard 200mg
030-19751 枯草隆 Chloroxuron std 200mg
030-19511 4-氯苯氧乙酸 4-CPA Standard 200mg
032-19711 氰胺 Cyanamide Standard 200mg
045-29371 2,6-二氟苯甲酸 2,6-Difuorobenzoic Acid Standard 200mg
044-29601 乙滴滴 1,1-Dichloro-2,2-bis(4-ethylphenyl)ethane Standard 200mg
049-29411 2,4-异丙酸 Dichloroprop Standard 200mg
043-29811 2,6-二异丙基苯 2,6-Diisopropylnaphthalene Standard 200mg
042-29401 二硝酚 DNOC Standard 200mg
064-04661 芬苯达唑 Fenbendazole Standard 200mg
068-04681 二甲基甲酰胺 Flufenpyl-ethyl Standard 100mg
062-04601 氟啶酮 Fluridone Standard 200mg
066-04621 氯吡苯脲 Forchlorfenuron Standard 200mg
078-05081 吉贝素 A3 Gibberelline A3 Standard 200mg
081-08311 环嗪酮 Hexazinone Standard 200mg
118-00533 苯氧菌酯 Kresoxim-methyl Standard 100mg
130-14841 甲哌翁 Mepiquat Chloride Standard 100mg
139-14791 甲基乙硫氰酸 Methyl lsothinocyanate Standard 100mg
133-14831 1-甲基哌啶 1-Methylpiperidine Standard 200mg
137-14971 牛津郡倍硫磷 MPP Oxon 200mg
136-15161 牛津郡MPP亚砜 MPP Oxon Sulfoxide Standard 200mg
148-08211 奈丙胺 Naproanilide Standard 200mg
140-08271 奈草胺 Naptalam Standard 200mg
141-08201 三氯甲基吡啶 Nitrapyrin Standard 200mg
155-02541 奥芬达唑 Oxfendazole Standard 200mg
163-21941 啶蛃醚 Pyridalyl Standard 200mg
168-21751 醚霉胺 Pyrimethanil Standard 200mg
193-13651 牛津郡硫丙磷 Sulprofos oxon Standard 100mg
201-16261 三氯醋酸钠 TCA-sodium Standard 200mg
209-16441 四氯硝基苯 Tecnazene Standard 200mg
203-16221 脱叶灵 Thidiazuron Standard 200mg
204-16251 噻酰菌胺 Tiadinil Standard 100mg
202-16551 牛津郡甲基立枯磷 Toclofos-methyl oxon Standard 100mg
200-16231 间甲苯胺 m-Toluidine Standard 100mg
232-02281 伏灭鼠 Warfarin Standard 200mg
018-20441 羟氨苄青霉素 Amoxicillin Trihydrate Standard 200mg
017-20531 氨苄青霉素 Ampicillin Standard 200mg
025-15501 青霉素钾 benzylpenicillin potassium 200mg
026-15271 倍他米松 Betamethasone Standard 200mg
028-15351 硫氯酚 Bithinonol Standard 200mg
020-15311 叔丁对甲氧酚 Butylhydroxsanisole Standard 200mg
037-19641 氯霉素 Chloramphenicol Standard 200mg
034-19531 氯化孕酮醋酸盐 Chlormadinone Acetate Standard 200mg
036-19611 盐酸氯丙嗪 Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride Standard 200mg
033-19621 盐酸环丙沙星一水化合物 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Monohydrate Standard 200mg
045-29491 地塞米松 Dexamethasone Standard 200mg
047-29451 羟基甲苯二丁酯 Dibutylhydroxytoluene std 200mg
049-29531 二硝拖胺 Dinitolmide Standard 200mg
059-07351 丁香酚 Eugenol Standard 200mg
086-08241 氢化可的松 Hydrocortisone Standard 200mg
091-05311 异氰脲酸 Isocyanuric Acid Standard 200mg
135-15131 美洛昔康 Meloxicam Standard 200mg
132-14921 甲氧氯普胺 Metoclopramide Standard 200mg
139-14931 甲硝唑 Metronidazole Standard 200mg
142-08231 硝碘酚氰 Bitroxynil Standard 200mg
149-08241 诺氟沙星 Norfloxacin Standard 200mg
158-02531 苯唑西林钠一水化合物 Oxacillin Sodium Monohydrate Standard 200mg
159-02561 羟氯扎胺 Oxyclozanide Standard 200mg
166-21791 克拉维酸钾 Potassium Clavulanate Standard 200mg
162-21911 去氢化可的松 Prednisolne Standard 200mg
164-22211 阿苯达唑代谢物 Albendazole Metabolitel Standard 200mg
181-01941 硝羟苯坤酸 Roxarson Standard 200mg
198-14061 磺胺 Sulfanilamide Standard 200mg
195-14071 磺胺二甲异恶唑钠盐 Sulfisozole Sodium Standard 200mg
10161-33-8 群勃龙 β-Trenbolone Standard 200mg
208-16271 群勃龙醋酸酯 Trenbolone Acetate Standard 200mg -
2007-11-06 12:35:28
货号 产品名称 描述 规格
J07821084 (-)-Hydroxycitric Acid Calcium Salt Standard (HCA Calcium Salt) 羟基柠檬酸钙标准品,98.0+ %,for HPLC 200mg
J19131016 Artepillin C, from Propolis 阿替匹林,来自蜂胶;98.0+ %,for Biochemistry 10mg
J64101298 Fructooligosaccharides Set 低聚果糖分析试剂盒,含蔗果三、四、五糖 500mgx3
J03421060 Fructooligosaccharides Standard Set 低聚果糖 1set
J00431116 1-Kestose, 99.0+% (HPLC) 蔗果三糖 250mg
J00433112 1-Kestose, 99.0+% (HPLC) 蔗果三糖 1g
J05981147 Nystose Trihydrate 蔗果四糖三羟化物 250mg
J05983143 Nystose Trihydrate 蔗果四糖三羟化物 1g
J14131193 Sudan I Standard, 98.0+% (HPLC) 苏丹Ⅰ标品,for HPLC 200mg
J14141190 Sudan II Standard, 98.0+% (HPLC) 苏丹Ⅱ标品,for HPLC 200mg
J14161194 Sudan Ⅲ Standard, 98.0+% (HPLC) 苏丹Ⅲ标品 200mg
J14151197 Sudan Ⅳ Standard, 98.0+% (HPLC) 苏丹Ⅳ标品 200mg
J22171160 Para Red Standard, 98.0+% (HPLC) 对位红标品,for HPLC 200mg
J20401010 L-α-Aspartyl-D-Phenylalanine Methyl Ester [LD-Aspartame] 阿斯巴甜苯丙氨酸乙酯盐, 95.0+% (HPLC) 200mg
J20403016 1g
J10562013 Annatto Pigment 胭脂树橙色素 25g
J11331016 Aspartame 阿斯巴甜 10g
J08011021 Beet Red 甜菜红色素 10g
J11142033 Cacao Pigment 可可色素 25g
J10672030 Carthamus Yellow 红花黄色素 25g
J13111032 Chlorophyll a,from Chlorella sp. (-20℃) 叶绿素a 10mg
J09921038 Chlorophyll a,from Spirulina sp. (2-10℃) 叶绿素a 50mg
J13121039 Chlorophyll b,from Chlorella sp. (-20℃) 叶绿素b 10mg
J10681039 Cochineal Pigment 胭脂虫红色素 5g
J10911038 Corn Pigment 玉米黄色素 10g
J06051057 Ethyl α- D-Glucoside 乙基葡萄糖 1g
J01341060 FD&C Red No.40 10g
J01681066 2-(2-Furyl)-3-(5-nitro-2-furyl)acrylamide (AF-2) 2-(2-呋喃)-3-(5硝基-2-呋喃)丙烯酰胺 100mg
J03652073 Gardenia Blue 栀子兰 25g
J02281078 Gardenia Yellow 栀子黄色素 10g
J02181072 Glycyrrhetinic Acid 甘草次酸 10g
J02171075 Glycyrrhizic Acid Monoammonium Salt n-Hydrate 甘草酸单铵盐 10g
J02472071 Grape Skin Pigment 葡萄皮红色素 25g
J03901080 o-Hydroxydiphenyl Standard 联羟基联苯 1g
J02341090 Isosteviol Standard 异斯特维醇 1g
J04012124 Lac Dye 虫蛟染料 25g
J00041121 Lactester A, Color Table 1sheet
J00031124 Lactester A, Tablet 50 Tablet
J00033120 Lactester A, Tablet 100 Tablet
J04111122 Lactosyl Fructoside Standard 2g
J05381139 M.B.Mixed Color Reagent 100ml
J07881137 Monascus Pigment 红曲色素 10g
J09981131 Morantel Citrate Monohydrate (2-10℃) 枸椽酸甲噻吩嘧啶一水 1g
J04521147 Nitrate-Nitrogen Standard Solution 硝态氮 100ml
J12171167 β-Phenylchalkone 100mg
J03901080 o-Hydroxydiphenyl Standard 对羟基二苯酚 1g
J11171163 Pheophorbide a (2-10℃) 脱镁叶绿酸-α 100mg
J13771167 Pheophytin a,from Chlorella sp. (-20℃) 脱镁叶绿素a 10mg
J13781164 Pheophytin b,from Chlorella sp. (-20℃) 脱镁叶绿素b 10mg
J00651186 Rebaudioside A Standard 甜菊双糖甙A 100mg
J08131196 Stevioside Standard (2-10℃) 甜菊苷 1g
J07761202 Thiabendazole Standard 1g
真菌毒素分析for Mycotoxin Assay
J17661019 Aflatoxin B1 黄曲霉素B1 10mg
J17671016 Aflatoxin B2 黄曲霉素B2 10mg
J17681013 Aflatoxin G1 黄曲霉素G1 10mg
J17691010 Aflatoxin G2 黄曲霉素G2 10mg
J18351018 Aflatoxin M1 黄曲霉素M1 100ug
J18371012 Aflatoxin(B1,B2,G1,G2)Set 黄曲霉素套装 4×1mg
J21631168 Patulin, from Penicillium expansum 展青霉素, 98.5+%(HPLC) 10mg
J07761024 Butenolide 白术内酯,98.0+% (HPLC) 10mg
J08011033 Citrinin Standard 枯霉素1 spot (TLC) 10mg
J10361013 3-Acetyldeoxynivalenol (2-10℃) 3-乙酰脱氧瓜萎镰菌醇 10mg
J18631048 Deoxynivalenol Standard 脱氧瓜萎镰菌醇(呕吐毒素) 10mg
J20401046 Diacetoxyscirpenol 蛇形菌,素98.0+% (HPLC) 1mg
J01711063 Fusarenon-X Standard (2-10℃) 镰刀菌烯酮-X 10mg
J03561064 Fumonisin B1 伏马毒素,90.0+% (HPLC) 10mg
J03563060 1mg
J03411063 Fumonisin B2 伏马毒素 10mg
J04661141 Neosolaniol Standard 新茄病镰刀菌烯醇,97.0+%(GC) 10mg
J04651144 Nivalenol Standard 瓜萎镰菌醇,97.0+%(GC) 10mg
J02111150 Ochratoxin A 赭曲霉毒素A ,97.0+% (HPLC) 5mg
J10481190 Sedecamycin Esterase Suspension, from Streptomyces rochei var. volubilis. 西地霉素 35u (10ml).
J08251209 T-2 Toxin Standard T-2毒素,97.0+% (GC) 10mg
维生素分析 For Vitamin Analysis(维生素A、B、C、D、E、K)
J17981035 α-Carotene Standard,Provitamin A α-胡萝卜素(VA原),95.0+ %,for HPLC 10mg
J17991032 β-Carotene Standard,Provitamin A β-胡萝卜素(VA原) 10mg
J01331188 Retinol Palmitate Standard Solution;(190,000-240,000 IU/g) Vitamin A Palmitate 视黄醇棕榈酸酯标准溶液(维生素A棕榈酸酯),for HPLC 20capsules
J04341125 Lycopene 番茄红素,for Biochemistry 25mg
J04343121 100mg
J01271180 9-cis-Retinoic Acid (-20℃) 9-顺视黄酸 5mg
J01111182 all-trans-Retinoic Acid (Vitamin A Acid) (-20℃) 全反式视黄酸 250mg
J01113188 1g
J00611227 Vitachange, Activated for Vitamin B1Assay 250g
J00635223 Vitachange,(Permtit,synthetic zeolite) for Vitamin B1Assay 500g
J02011609 Thiamine Hydrochloride Standard Solution for Vitamin B1 Assay 10×2ml
J01611182 Riboflavin Standard,Vitamin B2 核黄素(维生素B2),98.0+ %,for HPLC 200mg
J20031168 Pyridoxine Hydrochloride Standard,Vitamin B6 盐酸吡多辛/醇(VB6),98.0+ %,For Vitamin Analysis 200mg
J20041165 Pyridoxal Hydrochloride Standard,Vitamin B6 盐酸吡哆醛(VB6),98.0+ %,For Vitamin Analysis 200mg
J20051162 Pyridoxamine Dihydrochloride Standard, Vitamin B6 双盐酸吡哆胺(VB6),98.0+ %,For Vitamin Analysis 200mg
J16641011 L(+)-Ascorbic Acid Standard,
Vitamin C L(+)-抗坏血酸(VC)99.0+ %,for HPLC 200mg
J08163016 Acetyl Chloride 氯乙酰,98.0+ %,for Vitamin D Assay 25ml
J14871030 Calcifediol (25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 ) (-20℃) 骨化二醇 5mg
J08163016 Acetyl Chloride for Vitamin D Assay 25ml
J07111302 Vitamine E Reference Standard
Contents (1 vial ea. x 250 mg) : d- α-Tocopherol; d- β-Tocopherol; d- γ-Tocopherol; d- δ-Tocopherol ; 2,2,5,7,8-Pentamethyl-6-hydroxychroman VE标准品套装(含d- α-生育酚,d- β-生育酚,d- γ-生育酚,d- δ-生育酚,2,2,5,7,8-五甲基-6-羟基色满) 1 set
J00821303 Vitamin E Homologues for Biochemistry and Analysis (2-10℃) VE同分异构体 250mg each
J04901058 Ergosterol Benzoate 麦角固醇苯甲酸,98.0+ %,for Vitamin E Assay 1g
J04811059 Ergosterol Acetate 麦角固醇乙酸,97.0+ %,for Vitamin E Assay 1g
J04741054 Ergosterol Propionate (2-10℃) 麦角固醇丙酸盐 1g
J11261162 2,2,5,7,8-Pentamethyl-6-chromanol 2,2,5,7,8-五甲基-6-羟基色满,98.0+ %,for Vitamin E Assay 1g
J08403202 (+/-)- α-Tocopherol Acetate (+/-)- α-生育酚乙酯 5g
J08402204 25g
J08401206 100g
J12861136 Menaquinone-4 Standard
Vitamin K2 甲萘醌(VK2),99.5+ %,for HPLC 200mg
J01021210 Ubiquinone-10 StandardCoenzyme Q10 辅酶Q10,99.5+ %,for HPLC 200mg
J11651032 Cocarboxylase Standard 辅羧酶,99.5+ %,for Vitamin Assay 100mg
J00405080 Hexane 己烷,96.0+ %,for Vitamin Assay 500ml
J10841209 Thiamine Triphosphate 硫胺三磷酸盐,98.0+ %,for Vitamin Assay 10mg
J18991048 Dibenzoyl Thiamin 二苯酰硫胺素98.0+ %,for Vitamin B1Assay 5g
J18992046 25g
J16741031 Cycloartenyl Ferulate Standard Standard for r-Orizanol determination 100mg
J16743037 1mg
J02341090 Isosteviol Standard 异甜菊醇 1g
J00651186 Rebaudioside A Standard 100mg
J08131196 Stevioside Standard 甜菊甙 1g
J13821207 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 2,2,4-三甲基戊烷,用于啤酒苦味分析 1L
J13823203 3L
J05831209 2,3,5-Triphenyl-2H-tetrazolium Chloride TTC, 2,3,5氯化三苯基四氮唑,用于抗菌剂检测 1g
J05833205 5g
J05832207 25g
J05834203 100g
J12752193 Sodium 4-pyridinecarboxylate 4-吡啶羧酸钠 25g
J12751195 250g
J08152198 Sodium 4-pyridinecarboxylate tetrehydrate 4-吡啶羧酸钠四水 25g
J08151190 250g
食品过敏原检测 Food Allergen Screening Test Kits
J10341300 FSAT ELISA Kit-Buckwheat 荞麦快速检测试剂盒 96T
J10311309 FSAT ELISA Kit-Egg 鸡蛋快速检测试剂盒 96T
J10321306 FSAT ELISA Kit-Milk 牛奶快速检测试剂盒 96T
J10351307 FSAT ELISA Kit-Peanut 花生快速检测试剂盒 96T
J10331303 FSAT ELISA Kit-Wheat 小麦快速检测试剂盒 96Twww.e-biochem.com TEL: 021-38920908 FAX:021-58374317
2007-11-06 12:25:14
A. Food Additives Analysis
013-10562 Annatto Pigment 25g
016-11331 Aspartame 10g
021-08011 Beet Red 10g
033-11142 Cacao Pigment 25g
030-10672 Carthamus Yellow 25g
032-13111 Chlorophyll a,from Chlorella sp. (-20℃) 10mg
038-09921 Chlorophyll a,from Spirulina sp. (2-10℃) 50mg
039-13121 Chlorophyll b,from Chlorella sp. (-20℃) 10mg
039-10681 Cochineal Pigment 5g
038-10911 Corn Pigment 10g
060-01341 FD&C Red No.40 10g
060-03421 Fructooligosaccharides Standard Set 1set
066-01681 2-(2-Furyl)-3-(5-nitro-2-furyl)acrylamide (AF-2) 100mg
078-02281 Gardenia Yellow 10g
072-02181 Glycyrrhetinic Acid 10g
075-02171 Glycyrrhizic Acid Monoammonium Salt n-Hydrate 10g
071-02472 Grape Skin Pigment 25g
080-03901 o-Hydroxydiphenyl Standard 1g
090-02341 Isosteviol Standard 1g
122-04111 Lactosyl Fructoside Standard 2g
139-05381 M.B.Mixed Color Reagent 100mL
137-07881 Monascus Pigment 10g
131-09981 Morantel Citrate Monohydrate (2-10℃) 1g
147-04521 Nitrate-Nitrogen Standard Solution 100mL
167-12171 β-Phenylchalkone 100mg
163-11171 Pheophorbide a (2-10℃) 100mg
167-13771 Pheophytin a,from Chlorella sp. (-20℃) 10mg
164-13781 Pheophytin b,from Chlorella sp. (-20℃) 10mg
186-00651 Rebaudioside A Standard 100mg
196-08131 Stevioside Standard (2-10℃) 1g
B. Vitamin Analysis
016-08163 Acetyl Chloride 25mL
030-14871 Calcifediol (25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 ) (-20℃) 5mg
032-11651 Cocarboxylase Standard (-20℃) 100mg
048-18991 Dibenzoyl Thiamine 5g
046-18992 Dibenzoyl Thiamine 25g
059-04811 Ergosterol Acetate (2-10℃) 1g
058-04901 Ergosterol Benzoate (2-10℃) 1g
054-04741 Ergosterol Propionate (2-10℃) 1g
080-00405 Hexane (n-) 500mL
162-11261 2,2,5,7,8-Pentamethyl-6-hydroxychroman (2-10℃) 1g
180-01271 9-cis-Retinoic Acid (-20℃) 5mg
182-01111 all-trans-Retinoic Acid (Vitamin A Acid) (-20℃) 250mg
188-01113 all-trans-Retinoic Acid (Vitamin A Acid) (-20℃) 1g
209-10841 Thiamine Triphosphate (-20℃) 10mg
204-08402 dl-α-Tocopherol Acetate (2-10℃) 25g
227-00611 Vitachange,Activated 250g
303-00821 Vitamin E Homologues for Biochemistry and Analysis (2-10℃) 250 mg each
C. Mycotoxin Standards
013-10361 3-Acetyldeoxynivalenol (2-10℃) 10mg
024-07761 Butenolide Standard (2-10℃) 10mg
033-08011 Citrinin Standard (2-10℃) 10mg
048-18631 Deoxynivalenol Standard (2-10℃) 10mg
046-20401 Diacetoxyscirpenol (2-10℃) 10mg
063-01711 Fusarenon-X Standard (2-10℃) 10mg
141-04661 Neosolaniol Standard (2-10℃) 10mg
144-04651 Nivalenol Standard (2-10℃) 10mg
209-08251 T-2 Toxin Standard (2-10℃) 10mg -
真菌毒素分析 标准品
2007-11-06 12:23:21
168-21631 展青霉素/棒曲霉素 Patulin 10mg
024-07761 白术内酯标准品 betenolide 10mg
033-08011 枯毒素标准品 citrinin Standard 10mg
048-18631 脱氧萎镰菌醇标准品 deoxynivalenol(DON) 10mg又名脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(呕吐毒素)
046-20401 蛇形菌素标准品 diacetoxyscirpenol 1mg
060-03563 伏马毒素B1标准品 fumonisin B1 10mg
141-04661 茄病镰菌标准品 neosolaninol Standard 10mg
144-04651 瓜萎镰菌醇标准品 nivalenol Standard 10mg
150-02111 赭曲霉素A标准品 Ochratoxin A 5mg ( 其它 1mg/1236元)
209-08251 T-2毒素标准品 T-2 Toxin Standard 10mg
电话:13788991907 E-mail:电话@163.com提供
其它毒素标准品(1mg、5mg 、10mg包装):
黄曲霉毒素B1 Aflatoxin B1
黄曲霉毒素B2 Aflatoxin B2
黄曲霉毒素G1 Aflatoxin G1
黄曲霉毒素G2 Aflatoxin G2
黄曲霉毒素M1 Aflatoxin M1
黄曲霉毒素M2 Aflatoxin M2
桔霉毒素 Citrinin
呕吐毒素 Deoxynivalenol
富马毒素B1 Fumonisin B1
富马毒素B2 Fumonisin B2
赭曲霉毒素A Ochratoxin A
棒曲霉素 Patulin
T-2 毒素 T2 Toxin
玉米赤霉烯酮 Zearalenone
杂色曲霉毒素 Sterigmatocystin -
蔗果三糖、蔗果四糖、蔗果五糖 标准品
2007-11-06 12:20:59
Fructooligosaccharides 低聚果糖分析
电话 13788991907 E-mail:电话@163.com 现货供应
Grade: for High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Storage condition: Keep at RT
用于饮料和食品中包含的低聚果糖成分分析,含蔗果三糖(1-Kestose)、蔗果四糖(Nystose)、蔗果五糖(1F-Fructofuranosyl nystose)
Analytical Chemistry
Fructooligosaccharide Analysis
This set consists of 500 mg vial each of 1-Kestose, Nystose and 1F-Fructofuranosylnystose.
It is applicable to analyze the fructooligosaccharide components contained in foods and beverages.
Kit Contents:
- 1-Kestose, 99.0+% (HPLC) 1 vial x 500 mg
- Nystose, 99.0+% (HPLC) 1 vial x 500 mg
- 1F-Fructofranosylnystose, 80.0+ % (HPLC) 1 vial x 500 mg
木二糖 Xylobiose 100 mg HPLC 99.9%
It is a component of xylo-oligosaccharide, and has an action to proliferate Lactobacillus bifidus.
木三糖 Xylotriose 100 mg HPLC 99.9%
木四糖(xylotetraose) 分子式: C20H34O17
木五糖(xylopentaose) 分子式: C25H42O21
异麦芽三糖 Isomaltotriose 50mg
异麦芽四糖 Isomaltotetraose 50mg
异麦芽五糖 Isomaltopentaose 50mg
异麦芽六糖 Isomaltohexaose 50mg
异麦芽七糖 Isomaltoheptaose 50mg
异麦芽糖 Isomaltose 50mg
Pure Grade: not less than 99%
用途:Standards for PPC, TLC, HPLC
电 话 13788991907 ,E-mail:电话@163.com
2007-10-11 14:05:27
PTH-Amino Acids 氨基酸标准品套装
This is the standard for the HPLC analysis of PTH-Amino Acids, providing identification and quantification for twenty respective PTH-Amino Acids, generated by the Edman method (phenylisothiocyanate method, PTC method)
Each vial contains 20 nmol of each of the following twenty PTH-amino acids. [( ) shows the M.W.]PTH-DL-alpha-Alanine (206.27)
PTH-L-Arginine HCl (372.84)
PTH-L-Asparagine (249.29)
PTH-L-Aspartic Acid (250.28)
PTH-L-Glutamic Acid (264.31)
PTH-L-Glutamine (263.32)
PTH-Glycine (192.24)
PTH-L-Histidine HCl (308.79)
PTH-L-Isoleucine (248.35)
PTH-L-Leucine (248.35)
PTH-L-Lysine (398.55)
PTH-DL-Methionine (266.39)
PTH-DL-Methionine (266.39)
PTH-L-Phenylalanine (282.37)
PTH-L-Proline (232.31)
PTH-DL-Serine (222.25)
PTH-DL-Threonine (236.29)
PTH-DL-delta-Threonine (218.27)
PTH-DL-Tryptophan (321.39)
PTH-L-Tyrosine (298.37)
PTH-DL-Valine (234.32)Usage: We recommend that the product in each vial be reconstituted with 2.0 mL of acetonitrile or methanol.
套装2Amino Acids Mixture Standard Solution, Type AN-2
Chemical Name : Amino Acids Mixture Standard Solution, Type AN-2
Grade : for Amino Acid Automated Analysis
Unit : ( 1mlX5A)
L-Aspartic Acid
L-Glutamic Acid
L-2-Aminoadipic Acid
DL-2-Aminobutyric Acid
DL-3-Aminoisobutyric Acid套装3
Amino Acids Mixture Standard Solution, Type B
Chemical Name : Amino Acids Mixture Standard Solution, Type B
Grade : for Amino Acid Automated Analysis
Unit : ( 1mlX5A)
4-Aminobutyric Acid
Ammonium Chloride
套装4Amino Acids Mixture Standard Solution, Type H
Chemical Name : Amino Acids Mixture Standard Solution, Type H
Grade : for Amino Acid Automated Analysis
Unit : ( 1mlX5A)
Appearance Colorless,clear liquid Passed
Cl ion concentration(Cl-) 0.10 - 0.13mol/l 0.12mol/l
Practical test to pass test Passed
L-Aspartic Acid 2.48 - 2.52umol/ml 2.50umol/ml
L-Threonine 2.48 - 2.52umol/ml 2.50umol/ml
L-Serine 2.48 - 2.52umol/ml 2.50umol/ml
L-Glutamic Acid 2.48 - 2.52umol/ml 2.50umol/ml
L(-)-Proline 2.48 - 2.52umol/ml 2.50umol/ml
Glycine 2.48 - 2.52umol/ml 2.50umol/ml
L-Alanine 2.48 - 2.52umol/ml 2.50umol/ml
L(-)-Cystine 2.48 - 2.52umol/ml 2.50umol/ml
L-Valine 2.48 - 2.52umol/ml 2.50umol/ml
L-Methionine 2.48 - 2.52umol/ml 2.50umol/ml
L-Isoleucine 2.48 - 2.52umol/ml 2.50umol/ml
L-Leucine 2.48 - 2.52umol/ml 2.50umol/ml
L-Tyrosine 2.48 - 2.52umol/ml 2.50umol/ml
L-Phenylalanine 2.48 - 2.52umol/ml 2.50umol/ml
L-Lysine 2.48 - 2.52umol/ml 2.50umol/ml
L-Histidine 2.48 - 2.52umol/ml 2.50umol/ml
Ammonium Chloride 2.48 - 2.52umol/ml 2.50umol/ml
L-Arginine 2.48 - 2.52umol/ml 2.50umol/ml
- 访问量: 20226
- 日志数: 75
- 商品数: 4
- 建立时间: 2007-08-31
- 更新时间: 2014-01-06