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紫草素(Shikonin)、紫草红(Alkannin) 标准品

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-07-09 08:56:25 / 个人分类:标准品


紫草(Lithospermum erythrorhizon Sieb. ‘et Zucc.)自生于日本各地、中国及朝鲜半岛,其根中含有紫草素(shikonin)成分。从紫草根中提取出来的紫红色色素可用作化妆品的原料。相关研究 报告表明,紫草素的有效成分,具有抗炎症、促进创伤愈和、抗肿瘤等药理作用。 紫草素作为光学异性体存在于紫草红中 (alkannin)。

19113331紫草素标准品 生药实验用 10mg
Shikonin Standard    10mg       for Crude Drugs Determination
A product form. in which the optical isomer alkannin has been removed. Shikonin is contained in the root of perennial murasaki (Lith-ospermum erythrorhizon Sieb.'et Zucc.) growing naturally in Japan, China and Korean peninsula.
A red-purple dye extracted from the root of murasaki is being used as cosmetic ingredients. Antiinflammatory effect, wound healing acceleration, antitumor effect, etc. have been reported as the pharmacological effects of the active component of shikonin. In shikonin, alkannin is present as an optical isomer.
Shikonin standard and alkannin standard that have now been commercialized are both listed in the Japanese Pharmacopoeia, 14th Edition, and are used for identification and ingredient content determination of the active component shikonin.
电话 13788991907     电子邮箱:电话@ 163.com提供
1319901紫草红标准品 生药实验用 10mg
Alkannin Standard     10mg      for Crude Drugs Determination
Shinikon is contained in the root of perennial murasaki (Lith-ospermum erythrorhizon Sieb.'et Zucc.) growing naturally in Japan, China and the Korean peninsula. A red-purple dye extracted from the root of murasaki is being used as a cosmetics ingredient. Antiinflammatory effect, wound healing acceleration, antitumor effect, etc. have been reported as the pharmacological effects of the active component of shikonin. In shikonin, alkannin is present as an optic isomer. This product is listed in the Japanese Pharmacopoeia 14th Edition and used for identification and content test of the active component of shinikon.

TAG: alkannin shikonin 标准品 紫草红 紫草素





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