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`%WS4a2v5H,b0Administrative Supervision Law of the People's Republic of
?"W0A]W)j$Y_/w0(Adopted on May 9, 1997 at the 25th session of the eighth National People's Congress standing committee, promulgated by President Jiang Zemin on May 9, 1997)
Article 1. This law is formulated in line with the constitution to enhance supervisory work, ensure the smooth implementation of government decrees, maintain administrative discipline, promote clean and honest administration building, improve administrative management, and raise administrative efficiency.
rs MG UZ)w0第二条监察机关是人民政府行使监察职能的机关,依照本法对国家行政机关、国家公务员和国家行政机关任命的其他人员实施监察。食品伙伴个性空间&k K@Q'W}8ua
Article 2. Supervisory organs are organs of the people's government organs which exercise supervisory functions. In line with this law, they exercise supervision over state administrative organs, government functionaries, and other personnel appointed by state administrative organs.
-} V8n(~E:Ow#r)M{0第三条监察机关依法行使职权,不受其他行政部门、社会团体和个人的干涉。
9QG@ E[*g G9x%B0Article 3. Supervisory organs exercise their functions and powers according to law, and are not subject to interference by other administrative organs, social groups, and individuals.
oz{(\6X0第四条监察工作必须坚持实事求是,重证据、重调查研究,在适用法律和行政纪律上人人平等。食品伙伴个性空间!n.i,? nn:~uC h S
Article 4. In engaging in supervisory work, supervisory organs shall adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, rely on evidence, stress study and investigation, and emphasize equality when applying laws and administrative discipline.食品伙伴个性空间Y;i-V&^H]}(b
&c lCEC4iI,e K0Article 5. Supervisory work should integrate education with punishment and supervisory inspection with improvement work.食品伙伴个性空间l{MAE l-t(W?Tzd
Article 6. It is necessary to rely on the masses to carry out supervisory work. Supervisory organs should set up a report system. Citizens have the right to report on or file charges against acts of law-breaking and of dereliction of duty by any state administrative organs, government functionaries and other personnel appointed by state administrative organs to supervisory organs.食品伙伴个性空间6` N'Mj dE|'Ai
.D:Vy Y;`2fRtS*bk0Chapter II. Supervisory Organs and Supervisory Personnel食品伙伴个性空间*r7U:i tr
{~ UP mg"gr0Article 7. State Council supervisory organs have jurisdiction over the nation's supervisory work.食品伙伴个性空间u_4fA@b5_5k_Z
$P\-[@}l0w yp0Various levels of local people's government supervisory organs at county level or higher are responsible for supervision work in their administrative regions. They are held responsible by the same level of the people's government and by superior supervisory organs and they report work to them. Superior supervisory organs take the main lead in supervisory operation.
i? DKv_9eO8sb0第八条县级以上各级人民政府监察机关根据工作需要,经本级人民政府批准,可以向政府所属部门派出监察机构或者监察人员。
Z;s7k_-O7e0`9D8C0Article 8. Various levels of supervisory organs under the people's government at county level or higher may, after approval by the same level of people's government, set up supervisory organizations at government departments or dispatch supervisory personnel to government departments according to work requirements.食品伙伴个性空间h:t T$B4_3NL
监察机关派出的监察机构或者监察人员,对派出的监察机关负责并报告工作。食品伙伴个性空间0@$o5J/C ~+}
Supervisory organizations or supervisory personnel set up or dispatched by supervisory organs are held responsible by and report to supervisory organs which set up the supervisory organizations and dispatch the personnel.
#a*r5Y/R J(T0第九条监察人员必须遵纪守法,忠于职守,秉公执法,清正廉洁,保守秘密。
(N1E7NH F]0Article 9. Supervisory personnel should abide by law and discipline, be devoted to their duties, enforce law with impartiality, be upright in performing their official duties, and maintain confidentiality.食品伙伴个性空间0b1X,]5mvE.E
Article 10. Supervisory personnel should be familiar with supervisory operation and possess a corresponding educational level and professional knowledge.
1Wn L0C%S&J4T-lzN0第十一条县级以上地方各级人民政府监察机关正职、副职领导人员的任命或者免职,在提请决定前,必须经上一级监察机关同意。
5N/}^#`7|i0Article 11. Approval of superior supervisory organs is needed before proposing and deciding on the appointment and removal of chiefs and deputy chiefs of supervisory organs under various levels of people's government at county level or higher.
w6dh _ i o0第十二条监察机关对监察人员执行职务和遵守纪律实行监督的制度。
u }iqR]0Article 12. Supervisory organs practice a supervisory system over supervisory personnel in performing duties and in abiding by discipline.
} A;E? KDgm0Ay mc0第十三条监察人员依法执行职务,受法律保护。食品伙伴个性空间U-JyD ]j:k ]D
Article 13. Supervisory personnel perform official duties according to law and are protected by law.食品伙伴个性空间&z3f8OWe\ ^7e*u
;W9Y(D~lY+Hg6W0Organizations and individuals shall not obstruct the lawful performance of official duties by supervisory personnel; they are forbidden to retaliate against supervisory personnel.食品伙伴个性空间O6pV'Hm:Di
m+q}8z$L0Article 14. Supervisory personnel should avoid handling supervisory matters which conflict with their interests or the interests of their relatives.食品伙伴个性空间t-\6r#`3Et8{!TrM$wm
Chapter III. Responsibilities of Supervisory Organs
Z8tp4@N4|P0Article 15. State Council supervisory organs exercise supervision over the following organs and personnel:
(1) The State Council's various departments and its government functionaries;食品伙伴个性空间"N^+^`,T:C8t x
q*f er"|l*C0(2) Other personnel appointed by the State Council and by the State Council's various departments;
aY6Mh{ k0(三)省、自治区、直辖市人民政府及其领导人员。食品伙伴个性空间:Z"i7b+r{4Dr#I
(3) Provincial, autonomous regional, and municipal people's governments and their leading personnel.食品伙伴个性空间C },{%`%}U#E
Article 16. People's government supervisory organs at county level or higher exercise supervision over the following organs and personnel:
sj0R$^mvJ5O7X0(1) The same level of various people's government departments and their government functionaries;食品伙伴个性空间2L/^,w~J,S9P
-hc.l|0C5RX2]0(2) The same level of people's government and other personnel appointed by same level of various departments under the people's government;
%`Tyo DRDq~0m0(三)下一级人民政府及其领导人员。
)AS%`.y.l-E/DGT0(3) The lower level of people's governments and their leading personnel.食品伙伴个性空间i8CN8}4W3} q7l
县、自治县、不设区的市、市辖区人民政府监察机关还对本辖区所属的乡、民族乡、镇人民政府的国家公务员以及乡、民族乡、镇人民政府任命的其他人员实施监察。食品伙伴个性空间3QMI ]#G$b3]:x@
People's government supervisory organs in counties, autonomous counties, cities without a district organization and districts directly under city administration, also exercise supervision over government functionaries of villages, ethnic villages, people's township governments under their jurisdiction as well as over other personnel appointed by villages, ethnic villages, and people's township governments.食品伙伴个性空间5V3N7C(I!M1o;@0]
第十七条上级监察机关可以办理下一级监察机关管辖范围内的监察事项;必要时也可以办理所辖各级监察机关管辖范围内的监察事项。食品伙伴个性空间_*d1V0w Z1]
{8Yb CE7r-Q0监察机关之间对管辖范围有争议的,由其共同的上级监察机关确定。食品伙伴个性空间H%}^ f ],^$XI {
When disputes arise between supervisory organs over the scope of jurisdiction, their common superior supervisory organs shall decide the dispute.食品伙伴个性空间z ]$P?f P
Article 18. To exercise supervisory functions, supervisory organs fulfil the following functions:食品伙伴个性空间2Qv`~YbC#K-c{
(1) Check on problems in the state administrative organs' adherence to and enforcement of laws, regulations, and decisions and orders of the people's government;食品伙伴个性空间3K,b)]&B})I9y
S-`9Eu1abkWB6OtmH0(2) Accept the handling of charges and reports leveled against acts of administrative discipline violations by state administrative organs, government functionaries, and by other personnel appointed by state administrative organs;
;FX iN9D'I;@:bw0(三)调查处理国家行政机关、国家公务员和国家行政机关任命的其他人员违反行政纪律的行为;食品伙伴个性空间Ow$U7S@O{
(3) Investigate and handle acts of administrative discipline violations by state administrative organs, government functionaries, and by other personnel appointed by state administrative organs;食品伙伴个性空间Qi.dV:v
0| R`*D+^3qx*P!m0(4) Accept appeals against decisions of administrative punishments imposed by competent administrative organs submitted by government functionaries and other personnel appointed by state administrative organs as well as other appeals handled by supervisory organs as stipulated by laws and administrative rules;食品伙伴个性空间qE$r?.~7be
\!g%Z2jVC"|0(5) Fulfil other functions required of supervisory organs as stipulated by laws and administrative rules.食品伙伴个性空间2u'l*QfVM
Chapter IV. Supervisory Organs’ Jurisdiction食品伙伴个性空间L(kf\?
f VbL(_4Y+vu0Article 19. Supervisory organs have the right to adopt the following measures to fulfil their functions:食品伙伴个性空间5Xc8D7Yygfa
(一)要求被监察的部门和人员提供与监察事项有关的文件、资料、财务帐目及其他有关的材料,进行查阅或者予以复制;食品伙伴个性空间:`Z4VRI W
(1) Request departments and personnel under supervision to provide documents, materials, financial accounts, and other materials related to the suspension of matters for inspection or for duplication purposes;
(2) Request departments and personnel under supervision to offer explanations related to supervisory matters;
`3a X.Dy7LtDD1l$N}0(三)责令被监察的部门和人员停止违反法律、法规和行政纪律的行为。
`(N$y@"k0(3) Order departments and personnel under supervision to cease acts that violate laws, regulations, and breach of administrative discipline.
,ml6uK7u k-p_0第二十条监察机关在调查违反行政纪律行为时,可以根据实际情况和需要采取下列措施:
m$C1C.fS+q!Z0Article 20. Supervisory organs, when investigating acts that violate administrative discipline, may take the following measures in line with the actual situation and requirements:食品伙伴个性空间CltF5c^OAu
(1) Temporarily remove and seal for safekeeping documents, materials, financial accounts, and other relevant materials that could prove acts of discipline violation;食品伙伴个性空间9hbLa+o-H|
Cny8P!cTxskv-}q0(2) Order units and personnel under investigation not to sell and transfer related fund and articles during investigation period;食品伙伴个性空间 xL7v1@T O?p6l;J^
(三)责令有违反行政纪律嫌疑的人员在指定的时间、地点就调查事项涉及的问题作出解释和说明,但是不得对其实行拘禁或者变相拘禁;食品伙伴个性空间A*b9A.d:Or!a J1k
(3) Order personnel under investigation for suspicion of violating administrative disciplines to make explanations of the matters under investigation at an appointed time and place; however, personnel under investigation shall not be detained in any manner;食品伙伴个性空间0uwHP7awL@
(4) Suggest to relevant organs to temporarily bar those who are suspected of having seriously breached administrative discipline from performing official duties.食品伙伴个性空间Msg J}7pN4l2Ui3Z
9]z{&hsK0Article 21. When investigating acts of administrative discipline violation involving corruption, bribery, and fund diversion, supervisory organs may, upon approval of leading personnel of supervisory organs at county level or higher, check into bank deposits of those units and personnel in question; when necessary, supervisory organs may request people's courts to take preventive measures to freeze, according to law, deposits of suspected personnel at banks or at other financial institutions.食品伙伴个性空间'^])Fl"@1`;Y*^
第二十二条监察机关在办理行政违纪案件中,可以提请公安、审计、税务、海关、工商行政管理等机关予以协助。食品伙伴个性空间G ]\ ~I [
Article 22. When handling cases involving breach of administrative discipline, supervisory organs may ask public security, auditing, taxation, customs, industry and trade administrative management organs, for assistance食品伙伴个性空间:A,Ad-Gm A^1[4G
)E\[6e9g\IN0Article 23. Supervisory organs may recommend supervision, if they find one of the following circumstances in the results of inspection and investigation:食品伙伴个性空间|-v-Z.l2L)s9F6x
(1) Refusal to enforce laws and regulations, or violation of laws and regulations as well as decisions and orders of people's governments, which should be corrected;食品伙伴个性空间9sHg Q*Qu(o okM
(二)本级人民政府所属部门和下级人民政府作出的决定、命令、指示违反法律、法规或者国家政策,应当予以纠正或者撤销的;食品伙伴个性空间V"ICQ E7z
(2) Decisions, orders, and directions issued by departments of the people's governments at their corresponding levels and people's governments at lower levels, which should be corrected or withdrawn for contradicting laws, regulations, or state policies;
(3) Infringements upon state and collective interests and legitimate interests of citizens that require remedial measures;食品伙伴个性空间l9UX Y \,S$],RF
(4) Employment, appointments, removals, awards, and punishments which are obviously inappropriate and should be corrected;食品伙伴个性空间&n!O3a&N0c2NTUX
p4U-ihnh0(5) An action that should receive administrative punishment according to relevant laws and regulations;
$mj bww~5m0(六)其他需要提出监察建议的。食品伙伴个性空间{6b4ptCg:\G7s
(6) Other circumstances in which supervision should be recommended.食品伙伴个性空间G/J&Rn5i
(1) Violation of administrative discipline which should be given the administrative punishment of warning, record of a demerit, record of a major demerit, demotion, dismissal from post, or discharge from employment according to laws;食品伙伴个性空间6Z.r@_ gmY
(二)违反行政纪律取得的财物,依法应当没收、追缴或者责令退赔的。食品伙伴个性空间 l]d4[ K.ggt k;y
(2) Money and goods obtained through the violation of administrative discipline, which should be confiscated, recovered, or ordered to return or compensate according to laws.
EbZ{"G7r0对前款第(一)项所列情形作出监察决定或者提出监察建议的,应当按照国家有关人事管理权限和处理程序的规定办理。食品伙伴个性空间 X)}7[ `-Xs
Where a decision or recommendation of supervision is made according to the first circumstance of the previous paragraph, the state stipulations concerning the limits of one's authority in personnel management and handling procedure should be observed.食品伙伴个性空间j4[8@p`csh
第二十五条监察机关依法作出的监察决定,有关部门和人员应当执行。监察机关依法提出的监察建议,有关部门无正当理由的,应当采纳。食品伙伴个性空间!Yd7N7l eMB;S6Ox0M
Article 25. Departments and personnel concerned should execute the decisions of supervision made by supervisory organs according to law. Departments concerned, if they do not have any justifiable reason, should accept the recommendations of supervision made by supervisory organs according to laws.
+AX2Q%~[I^j8v0第二十六条监察机关对监察事项涉及的单位和个人有权进行查询。食品伙伴个性空间7MSsR} MZ%V
Article 26. Supervisory organs have the rights to conduct an investigation on units and individuals involved in the supervised matters.食品伙伴个性空间7U"X$Q4q p0xr S
;N?5b4k%{$NuV%N0Article 27. Leading personnel of a supervisory organ may attend relevant meetings of people's government at the corresponding level as observers, whereas supervisory personnel may attend meetings of departments being supervised concerning the supervised matters.
0Ao-M \@d:A:`0第二十八条监察机关对控告、检举重大违法违纪行为的有功人员,可以依照有关规定给予奖励。
\ u3B-ux1F {'@0Article 28. Supervisory organs may award meritorious persons who file charges or expose major violations of laws and discipline according to relevant stipulations.食品伙伴个性空间`aBY9]Bh
Chapter V. The Procedures of Supervision
rn.xPJ4q S0第二十九条监察机关按照下列程序进行检查:
o^q$g'UV|0Article 29. Supervisory organs conduct an inspection according to the following procedure:食品伙伴个性空间S)B._ns@
(一)对需要检查的事项予以立项;食品伙伴个性空间+| iU;v-Gp0a
(1) Set up a case for the matter that needs to be inspected;食品伙伴个性空间V#@$F-l`
(2) Draft an inspection scheme and organize its implementation;食品伙伴个性空间 gLEXg5A0WG
(3) Submit a report on the inspection to people's governments at the corresponding levels or the supervisory organs at a higher level;食品伙伴个性空间$}an5g4c;CNa
`qv7BCWE P0(4) Make a decision or recommendation of supervision according to the results of the inspection.食品伙伴个性空间k K)?8M!uF3[:t}
The set-up of cases on important matters for inspection should be reported to people's governments at the corresponding levels and supervisory organs at the higher level for the record.食品伙伴个性空间l [LA0MH&H
第三十条监察机关按照下列程序对违反行政纪律的行为进行调查处理:食品伙伴个性空间do7[I/cQ D5J
Article 30. Supervisory organs conduct investigations of and handle the behavīor in violation of administrative discipline according to the following procedures:食品伙伴个性空间j/f(F*z9[
|FQb6UxK7e0e0(1) Conduct a preliminary examination of the matter that requires investigation and action; set up a case for the matter if it is believed there is an violation of administrative discipline and there is a need to determine the administrative disciplinary responsibility ;
(2) Organize and conduct an investigation to collect relevant evidence;食品伙伴个性空间9f+k(q#T!vE
(3) Examine the evidence proving the violation of administrative discipline, which deserves administrative punishments or other actions;
+ei]xP JDFB0(4) Make a decision or recommendation of supervision.食品伙伴个性空间@wiB wW^
I3`1`O;jqDY~;f0The set-up of an important and complicated case should be reported to people's governments at the corresponding levels and supervisory organs at the higher level for the record.
+].b3oe \1L}0{G0第三十一条监察机关对于立案调查的案件,经调查认定不存在违反行政纪律事实的,或者不需要追究行政纪律责任的,应当予以撤销,并告知被调查单位及其上级部门或者被调查人员及其所在单位。食品伙伴个性空间H2TE(@} X^
Article 31. Where a supervisory organ determines that the fact of a violation of administrative discipline does not exist in an established case after investigation, or there is no need to determine the administrative disciplinary responsibility, it should withdraw the case and inform the unit being investigated and its higher department, or the individuals being investigated and their units, of the withdrawal.
:LP#eZsS2o0The withdrawal of important and complicated cases should be reported to people's governments at the corresponding levels and supervisory organs at the higher level for the record食品伙伴个性空间 d `f-N!q?(e&P
Article 32. A case which is placed on file for investigation by supervisory organizations should be concluded in six months starting from the date the case was placed on file. Under special circumstances, if the case on file needs more time for investigation, the course of investigation and handling may be extended for a maximum period of one year and the extension of investigation and handing should be reported to the higher supervisory organization for record keeping.
+m$o_i~;}Rh0第三十三条监察机关在检查、调查中应当听取被监察的部门和人员的陈述和申辩。食品伙伴个性空间 }q7q&B*[ JA
Article 33. In the course of inspection and investigation, the supervisory organization should hear statements and arguments by the unit or person under investigation.
5U8a \m&g_5M0第三十四条监察机关作出的重要监察决定和提出的重要监察建议,应当报经本级人民政府和上一级监察机关同意。国务院监察机关作出的重要监察决定和提出的重要监察建议,应当报经国务院同意。
,{nIE1`~0Article 34. When a supervisory organization makes important supervisory decision or puts forward important supervisory recommendations, it should be approved by the people's government at the same level and supervisory organization at the higher level. The important supervisory decision and important supervisory recommendations made by supervisory organizations under the State Council should be approved by the State Council.食品伙伴个性空间#Ex0X-AY f,l |1c
第三十五条监察决定、监察建议应当以书面形式送达有关单位或者有关人员。食品伙伴个性空间^lB gk|
Article 35. The decisions and recommendations made by the supervisory organization should be sent to related units or personnel in written form.
"t-r4a ]o${0第三十六条有关单位和人员应当自收到监察决定或者监察建议之日起三十日内将执行监察决定或者采纳监察建议的情况通报监察机关。食品伙伴个性空间V6r ?u8Y8R4f
Article 36. After receiving a written notice on supervisory decisions or recommendations. the concerned units should inform the supervisory organization within 30 days on the situation of implementing the supervisory decisions or accepting the supervisory recommendations.食品伙伴个性空间[ {iI/mM
]] P2kp)_ICBS0Article 37. When government functionaries or staff members appointed by state administrative organs do not concur with the administrative punishment made by the organization in charge of personnel action, they may make appeals to the supervisory organization within 30 days from receiving the administrative decision. The supervisory organization should re-examine the decision with 30 days after receiving such a request.
|(m1w/E~r8Db0对复查决定仍不服的,可以自收到复查决定之日起三十日内向上一级监察机关申请复核,食品伙伴个性空间/L vZf$|t/Q
If the government functionaries or staff members appointed by the state administrative organs still not do concur with the decision, they may request the higher supervisory organization to further examine the case within 30 days after receiving the results of the re-examination.
W~K-k^P4m,K(Hp0上一级监察机关应当自收到复核申请之日起六十日内作出复核决定。食品伙伴个性空间'zH2zRV _,@\
The higher supervisory organizations should make a decision on the final examination within 60 days after receiving the request.食品伙伴个性空间o]J lzF~3]
During the period of re-examination and final examination, the implementation of the original decision will not be stayed.
}'q:M}1ks ~0Article 38. When handling appeals by units or individuals who do not agree with the administrative punishment made by their administrative units, the supervisory organizations may recommend changes or cancellation of the original decisions if the original decisions are found to be inappropriate after reinvestigation.食品伙伴个性空间*aNI7\4c,{:nEZ#H t
gC)MUTu&bw,L0The supervisory organization may also, within their powers, directly make a decision on changing or canceling the administrative decisions
1g4Flw#dm7s[0法律、行政法规规定由监察机关受理的其他申诉,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定办理。食品伙伴个性空间9@(xI6?ZV%^ u
Other appeal cases prescribed by the law and administrative rules shall be handled in accordance with related laws and administrative regulations
0A9n~PImVH:mY \q0第三十九条对监察决定不服的,可以自收到监察决定之日起三十日内向作出决定的监察机关申请复审,
?x M[+b"b8O)|0A?wP[0监察机关应当自收到复审申请之日起三十日内作出复审决定;
7pwbg IegyU2z0The supervisory organization should examine the case within 30 days after receiving such requests and make a new decision.食品伙伴个性空间4b*IM {[7_)i
;V.t v-yiX1HVR`0Those who do not concur with the decision of the re-examination may ask the higher supervisory organization to investigate and decide on the case within 30 days after receiving the decision of the re-examination.食品伙伴个性空间 @NQR[I(u TW
上一级监察机关应当自收到复核申请之日起六十日内作出复核决定。食品伙伴个性空间 b;RFt9vv}i
The higher supervisory organization should make its examination decision within 60 days after receiving the appeal for reinvestigation and decision.
'Ug7P;N ~EDz)M0复审、复核期间,不停止原决定的执行。
*l;ph~b*r/Z0During the period of re-examination and reinvestigation, the implementation of the original decision will be not stayed.
T] wbg&Z0第四十条上一级监察机关认为下一级监察机关的监察决定不适当的,可以责成下一级监察机关予以变更或者撤销,必要时也可以直接作出变更或者撤销的决定。食品伙伴个性空间N d?9EAOUa
Article 40. If the higher supervisory organization considers the decision of its lower supervisory organization inappropriate, it may order the lower supervisory organization to change or cancel the decision, and if necessary the higher supervisory organization may directly make a decision changing or canceling the decision.食品伙伴个性空间!R N&H+T%MX!^0[